B-Bot is our chatbot who can help you find information, report and apply for things on our website.
B-Bot can help with a range of services including:
- waste and recycling
- Council Tax
- births, deaths and marriages
- roads, travel and parking
- libraries
- street care
How to use B-Bot
You can start chatting to B-Bot by selecting the 'B-Bot - Can I help?' icon on our webpages.
B-Bot will show a list of some of the topics it can help you with to get started. Select the option you need help with, and B-Bot will respond with an answer or some follow-up suggestions.
You can also chat to B-Bot using phrases such as:
- How do I order a new bin?
- How can I apply for a Council Tax discount?
- I want to report a pothole
- I need to register a birth
- What time does the library open?
You can restart your conversation at any time by asking B-Bot to "start over".
You can also minimise or close the chat using the icons in the top right of the chat window. Your conversation history stays in the chat window until you close the chat.
B-Bot is still learning, and at the end of your conversation you can give feedback about your experience using the chatbot. This will help to improve B-Bot in the future.
B-Bot privacy
By chatting to B-Bot you agree you've read and agree to our B-Bot privacy policy. This includes details of the information we may collect and store if you use B-Bot.