You are here: Home A to Z of services A to Z of services Abuse Annual report 2022/23 Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Child death review process Child sexual exploitation Domestic abuse and sexual violence Female genital mutilation (FGM) Forced marriage Hate and harassment Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) Information, help and support from adult social care Investigating allegations of child neglect or abuse Keeping adults safe from abuse Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Members, roles and responsibilities Safeguarding adult reviews (SARs) Safeguarding adults annual report Safeguarding adults in Barnsley Safeguarding children in Barnsley Safeguarding for schools Safeguarding news Worried about an adult? Accessibility Access for disabled people Accessibility statement Accessible documents policy British Sign Language (BSL) BSL video relay service Easy read information Equality, diversity and inclusion Using our websites Activities Events in Barnsley Library activities and events National Portfolio Organisation All In programme Sport and leisure What's Your Move Acupuncture Acupuncture licences Adaptations Assistive living technology (telecare) Disabled Facilities Grants Equipment and adaptations Occupational therapy Reablement Admissions How we organise school places Primary school places School admission arrangements School admission preference statistics School admissions appeals School places outside Barnsley Secondary school places Transferring schools Adoption Adoption Adult learning Adult Skills and Community Learning Get back into adult learning Skills and employability support Skills for life courses with adult learning Skills for work courses with adult learning Adult social services Adult social care Adult social care coproduction approach Adult social care day services Adult social care market position statement Adult social care performance Adult social care personal assistants Arranging and paying for your own adult social care support Assistive living technology (telecare) Better Lives programme Care homes Carer support groups and organisations Carer's assessment Dementia Disabilities and sensory impairments Disabled Facilities Grants Equipment and adaptations Falls prevention Get a social care assessment Help to find and arrange support from care service providers Help to make decisions about your care and support Help with your mental health Hospital care and coming home Independent travel training Information for carers Managing someone else’s affairs Mental health services Occupational therapy Paying for a care home Paying for adult social care Personal budgets for adult social care Preparing for adulthood Reablement Shared lives scheme Sight and hearing loss Support for terminally ill people Supported activities for adults with learning disabilities Supported employment and volunteering The Care Act The Mental Capacity Act What is a carer? Advertising Advertising and sponsorship options in Barnsley Fly-posting Leaflet and flyer distribution Licences for scaffolding and hoardings Planning permission for adverts and signs Street displays and advertising boards Advocacy Help to make decisions about your care and support Affordable housing Affordable housing Council housing Agriculture Allotments Animal feed and fertiliser regulations Air quality Air quality Report a dust problem Report a smoke problem Report an odour problem Vehicle pollution Animals Animal feed and fertiliser regulations Dog walking businesses Greyhound track licences Importing and exporting animals Land to rent for grazing animals Licence to keep exotic animals Licence to keep zoo animals Licence to run a business involving animals Licences to move livestock Loose horses Pet crematorium Rabies control and prevention Report a stray, lost or dangerous dog Report an animal welfare concern Report dead animals Anti-social behaviour Anti-social behaviour Crime prevention Hate and harassment Neighbour nuisance Neighbourhood Watch Prevent and Channel Safer neighbourhood teams Solvent abuse Street drinking Working with communities to tackle crime Appeals Appeal a benefit claim decision Council Tax appeals Making a planning appeal School admissions appeals Apprenticeships Apprenticeships at Barnsley Council Further education options after secondary school Archaeology Archaeology and ancient monuments Local Plan archaeology reviews Archives Barnsley archives Public records of funerals Researching your family history Area councils Volunteer in your local area Your local area and ward Armed forces Armed forces Armed forces community, events and support Armed forces employment, education and skills Armed Forces Walkway Health and wellbeing services for the armed forces community Help with finance and debt for the armed forces community Helping veterans to make a home in civilian society Veterans and the law Arts Apply to hold your exhibition at Barnsley Museums Barnsley archives Barnsley Civic Cannon Hall Cooper Gallery Elsecar Heritage Centre Experience Barnsley Maurice Dobson Museum Sell your work through Barnsley Museums Worsbrough Mill Yorkshire Sculpture Park Asbestos Asbestos disposal Assistive living technology Assistive living technology (telecare) Autism Autistic spectrum conditions Education for children with special educational needs Supported activities for adults with learning disabilities Supported employment and volunteering ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ