You are here: Home A to Z of services A to Z of services Dangerous animals Report a stray, lost or dangerous dog Data Census data Deprivation in Barnsley Our borough profile Ward profiles Data Protection CCTV Data sharing for the prevention and detection of fraud Freedom of information act requests Personal data breaches Personal information requests Schools privacy notices Service-specific privacy notices Storing your information What we do with your personal information Your privacy Day care Adult social care day services Supported activities for adults with learning disabilities Death Arranging a burial Arranging a cremation Arranging a funeral Bereavement support groups Burials, cremations and memorials pricelist Buying a grave Cemetery maintenance and safety Contact registrars and where to find us Domestic homicide review (DHR) Find a cemetery Help if there's nobody to arrange a funeral Memorials at the cemetery Pet crematorium Register a death Register a stillborn baby Registration charges The coroner Using the Tell Us Once service What to do after someone dies Dementia Adult social care day services Dementia Demolition Get permission to demolish a building Development Brownfield land register Development in conservation areas Planning appeal for land north of Shaw Lane, Carlton Planning policy Section 278 agreement for developers Waste service information for housing developers Digital eBooks, eAudio and digital resources Your library digital hub Disability Access for disabled people Adult social care day services Arranging and paying for your own adult social care support Autistic spectrum conditions Blue Badges Council Tax discounts Disabilities and sensory impairments Disabled Facilities Grants Disabled person's railcard Disabled person's travel pass Equality, diversity and inclusion Equipment and adaptations Get a social care assessment Help to make decisions about your care and support Independent travel training Personal budgets for adult social care Preparing for adulthood Public toilets Reablement SEND local offer directory SEND strategy, guidance and supporting documents Shared lives scheme Sight and hearing loss Supported activities for adults with learning disabilities Supported employment and volunteering Supported internship programme What is a carer? Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) support Discretionary Housing Payment Extra help to pay your rent (Discretionary Housing Payment) Dog fouling Report a problem with dog waste bins Report dog fouling Domestic abuse Domestic abuse and sexual violence Domestic Abuse Strategy Drains Flooding advice and how to prepare Report a problem with a drain or gully Report flooding Surface water management plans Drinking water Private water supplies Tap water quality Dropped kerbs Dropped kerbs Dust Report a dust problem ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ