You are here: Home A to Z of services A to Z of services SACRE Barnsley RE trail RE agreed syllabus SACRE (religious education) Visits to support religious education Safeguarding Annual report 2022/23 Are you worried about a child? Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Child death review process Child sexual exploitation Children's social care assessments Contextual safeguarding Court orders if a child is at risk Domestic abuse and sexual violence Domestic homicide review (DHR) Female genital mutilation (FGM) For professionals and volunteers who safeguard adults Forced marriage Get help if you're being bullied Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) Information, help and support from adult social care Investigating allegations of child neglect or abuse Keeping adults safe from abuse Keeping children safe Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Members, roles and responsibilities Multi-agency training for safeguarding professionals Safeguarding adult reviews (SARs) Safeguarding adults annual report Safeguarding adults in Barnsley Safeguarding children annual report Safeguarding children in Barnsley Safeguarding children policies and procedures Safeguarding families in Barnsley Safeguarding for schools Safeguarding in Early Years settings Safeguarding news Worried about an adult? Safety Cycle lanes and routes Pedestrian crossings Road safety schemes Road signs and markings School crossing patrols Speed limits Sports ground safety Taxi licence checks Traffic lights School governors Barnsley governor services School governor development opportunities School holidays Healthy Holidays: holiday activities and food programme School terms and holidays School places How we organise school places Primary school places School admission arrangements School admission preference statistics School admissions appeals School places outside Barnsley Secondary school places Transferring schools Schools 16-19 Bursary Fund Barnsley and Sheffield joint special school Barnsley Education Inclusion Services Barnsley Education Welfare Service Barnsley RE trail Barnsley Schools' Alliance Barnsley Virtual Family Hub Barnsley Virtual School Becoming a school governor Breakfast clubs Children missing education Complaints about schools Early years pupil premium Educating your child at home Education for children with special educational needs Education for Traveller children Education, health and care plans Educational, child and community psychology service Excluding pupils from school Find a school Ofsted report Free school meals Further education options after secondary school Get help if you're being bullied Getting help if your child has special educational needs Healthier Futures Barnsley - PSHE and RSHE information hub Healthy Holidays: holiday activities and food programme Help with travel to school How we organise school places Primary school places RE agreed syllabus SACRE (religious education) Safe and active travel initiatives for schools School admission arrangements School admission preference statistics School admissions appeals School attendance and absence School crossing patrols School governor development opportunities School meals School nursery places School places outside Barnsley School terms and holidays School travel for children with special educational, disability or mobility needs (SEND) School visits and outdoor learning Schools catering Schools Forum Schools in Barnsley Schools privacy notices Schools' assessment and performance Schools' curriculum Schools' workforce development Secondary school places SEND local offer directory Services for schools from Barnsley Council Special educational needs assessment Sustainable school travel Transferring schools Visits to support religious education What a school governor is and what they do Zoom Zero Fare Pass for travel to school Schools Forum Schools Forum Scrap metal Scrap metal dealer licences Searches Geotechnology and mining searches Local authority searches Personal searches of the Land Charges Register SEND Barnsley and Sheffield joint special school Barnsley Education Inclusion Services Barnsley SENDIASS School transitions guidance for children and young people with SEND School travel for children with special educational, disability or mobility needs (SEND) SEND Strategy Supporting inclusion in Early Years Sensory disability Sight and hearing loss Sewers Report a problem with a drain or gully Sex establishments Sex establishment licences Shared houses Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) Sign video service BSL video relay service Signs Fly-posting Road signs and markings Yellow lines Skips Licences for skip operators Smells Report an odour problem Smoking Making smoking invisible Smoking and licensed premises Smoking ban enforcement Social media Barnsley Council social media acceptable use policy Social services Adult social care Adult social care coproduction approach Adult social care day services Adult social care market position statement Arranging and paying for your own adult social care support Assistive living technology (telecare) Better Lives programme Care homes Carer support groups and organisations Carer's assessment Children's social care complaints Complaints and compliments Dementia Disabilities and sensory impairments Disabled Facilities Grants Equipment and adaptations Falls prevention Get a social care assessment Help to find and arrange support from care service providers Help to make decisions about your care and support Help with your mental health Hospital care and coming home Independent travel training Information for carers Managing someone else’s affairs Mental health services Occupational therapy Paying for a care home Paying for adult social care Personal budgets for adult social care Reablement Shared lives scheme Sight and hearing loss Support for terminally ill people Supported activities for adults with learning disabilities Supported employment and volunteering The Care Act The Mental Capacity Act What is a carer? South Yorkshire Governance South Yorkshire Joint Authorities Governance Unit South Yorkshire Lieutenancy Lieutenancy of South Yorkshire Special educational needs Barnsley and Sheffield joint special school Barnsley Virtual Family Hub Education for children with special educational needs Education, health and care plans Families Information Service Getting help if your child has special educational needs School transitions guidance for children and young people with SEND School travel for children with special educational, disability or mobility needs (SEND) SEND local offer directory SEND parent participation SEND Strategy SEND strategy, guidance and supporting documents Special educational needs assessment Supported internship programme Speed limit Speed limits Sponsorship Advertising and sponsorship options in Barnsley Sport Being active for mental wellbeing Benefits of being active Cycling Sport and leisure Sports ground safety Staying active with a health condition Swimming What's Your Move Statistics Deprivation in Barnsley Our borough profile Ward profiles Stillbirth Register a stillborn baby Stone masons Memorials at the cemetery Strategies Adult social care market position statement Barnsley's litter and environmental crime plan 2024-2030 Carers' Strategy Fair cost of care Housing strategy Key strategies Modern slavery statement Private Sector Housing Plan 2030 SEND Strategy Supporting plans and policies Stray dogs Report a stray, lost or dangerous dog Street trading Apply for a pedlar's certificate Apply for street trading consent Change your details for street trading consent Renew street trading consent Report a street trading concern Streets Buskers and street performers Cellars, pavement lights and ventilation Discarded needles and syringes H markings Lane gating Leaflet and flyer distribution Licences for roadworks Pedestrian crossings Register street names and numbers Report a pavement or road obstruction Report damaged street furniture Road signs and markings Street displays and advertising boards Street lights and illuminated bollards Yellow lines Students Council Tax discounts Zoom 16-18 Travel Pass Zoom Under 16 Travel Pass Syringes Report discarded needles or syringes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ