You are here: Home A to Z of services A to Z of services Galleries Apply to hold your exhibition at Barnsley Museums Cooper Gallery Maurice Dobson Museum Sell your work through Barnsley Museums Gambling Gambling licences responsible authorities Gambling premises licences Gaming machines licences Lotteries licences The Gambling Act 2005 and our responsibilities Track betting licences Golf Golf courses Governance How the council works Standards for the way we work Graffiti Report graffiti or stickering Grants Barnsley's principal towns Disabled Facilities Grants Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations Wombwell business grant for market traders Grass cutting Grass cutting, weeds and leaf clearance Graves Buying a grave Cemetery maintenance and safety Exhuming a grave Find a cemetery Memorials at the cemetery Green spaces What's Your Move Greyhounds Greyhound track licences Track betting licences Gritting Gritting Groundwater Pollution of groundwater rivers, lakes and streams Gypsies Education for Traveller children Gypsy and Traveller sites ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ