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heavy (abnormal) loads on a road Pedestrian crossings Report a damaged bridge Report a damaged pavement Report a pavement or road obstruction Report a pothole Report a problem with a drain or gully Report a problem with roadworks, closures and diversions Report damage to a retaining wall Report damaged street furniture Report dead animals Report flooding Report obstructive parking Report road spillages and debris Residents' parking permits Road safety cameras Road safety schemes Road signs and markings Roadworks School crossing patrols Speed limits Street lights and illuminated bollards Structures above a road Traffic lights Traffic Regulation Orders Vehicle weight and width limits Weighbridge operators' licences Yellow lines Roadworks Apply to close a road Barnsley Permit Scheme Investment in our roads and footways Licences for roadworks Report a pothole Report a problem with roadworks, closures and diversions Roadworks Room hire Barnsley venue and room hire Book a room in a library 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