Report dead animals

You can report a dead animal to us by filling in our online form. If the dead animal is causing an obstruction on a road or pavement, please call our 24 hour reporting line instead on 01226 773555.

We remove dead animals from roads, footpaths and other council-owned land within 48 hours of receiving a report. If it's on private land it's the responsibility of the landowner to deal with it, so we'll try to contact them. 

If you need to report a dead wild bird (such as swans, geese, ducks, gulls or birds of prey), you should do this on the GOV.UK website. Dead wild birds may be collected and tested for bird flu or other causes of death. Report a dead wild bird on GOV.UK.

Reporting a dead animal

When filling in the online form you'll need to tell us:

  • exact location of the animal
  • type of animal
  • colour and any identifying marks
  • whether it has a collar or tag

You don't have to tell us your name and contact details, but these would be helpful in case we need more information from you.