Investment in our roads and footways

A total of £17 million investment is being made in Barnsley’s roads and active travel initiatives across the borough.

This includes:

  • £12.2 million for the Highways Capital Maintenance Programme (excluding any principal towns work).
  • £2 million for highways works on local B and C roads that connect small towns and villages across the borough.
  • £2.2 million on active travel initiatives, funded through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement.

Types of surface treatment

Highway and footway improvements include different treatments used as appropriate. This will follow an assessment by our highways engineers.

Pothole repairs

We fill potholes as part of our road maintenance responsibilities to make sure roads are safe and accessible for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.


The below locations, listed by ward, are included in the £12.2 million Highways Capital Maintenance Programme (excluding any principal towns work), or the extra £2 million works on local B and C roads.

The Highways Capital Maintenance Programme includes also other works not included in the following list. This includes:

  • bridges and structures works
  • road safety schemes
  • accessibility improvements
  • active travel schemes
  • road sign improvements
  • safety barrier replacements

This schedule may be subject to change. A number of factors can impact scheduled works. These may include weather issues, emergency or urgent works taking priority, supply chain issues, works by other groups including utilities, and other major projects. Some treatments can only be completed at certain times of year. The programme does include some works carried over from last year.