You'll need to pay the appropriate fees with your application. You can see the current scale of fees here.
The Planning Portal has an online fee calculator that you can use to work out the cost of your application before you submit it. If you're unsure of the fee that you need to pay, please contact us using our online form.
If you don't pay the planning fee when you submit your planning application, or the fee is incorrect, your application won't be valid and may be delayed.
VAT is not applied to planning application fees.
How to pay
You can submit your plans and pay online through the Planning Portal website. Please make sure you submit the correct information as the fee you're charged will be based on what you've uploaded.
For applications not made through the Planning Portal website you can pay us directly.
- If we've sent you an invoice please pay your invoice online. Use the payment reference from the invoice and put this into the 'invoice reference' field. After you've made your payment, make a note of the transaction or payment reference that is displayed.
- If we've not sent you an invoice please still pay your planning fees online. Add your application number (if known) or the site address into the 'application number or site address' field. After you've made your payment, make a note of the transaction or payment reference that is displayed.
Alternatively, you can also pay by card by calling 01226 772595. Please have your email address to hand when you call so we can send you a receipt.
Fees to discharge planning conditions
There's a fee to discharge planning conditions as follows:
- £145 to discharge conditions from general planning applications
- £43 to discharge conditions from householder planning applications
You can apply to discharge more than one planning application at the same time and incur one fee only.
See the guidance notes for discharging planning conditions and use the application form to discharge planning conditions.