Ward profiles

Our ward profiles contain population data for each ward, compared to the borough and national averages. They include details such as:

  • household information
  • health
  • education
  • work

Central ward profile

The central ward is home to 11,115 people, or 4.8% of Barnsley’s total population.

Almost 69% of residents are of working age. This is higher than both the borough average of 64.1% and the national average of 62.5%. Only 14.7% are of pensionable age. As well as this, more than 2% lower than both the borough and national averages.

95.7% of the residents are white, lower than the borough average of 97.9%. This is much higher than the national average of 85.4%.  Just over 90% were born in the UK. The largest minority group consists of black, African, Caribbean, and black British residents, who make up 1.7% of the total. This is again higher than the average across Barnsley, which is only 0.5%, but less than half the national average of 3.5%.

Almost two thirds of residents have a religion, most of which are Christian. Muslims make up 1.1% of the people. More than double the Barnsley average but less than a quarter of the national average. Over 27% of residents have no religion. Over 3% higher than the borough and national averages.

5.3% of households contain nobody who has English as a main language. This is four times as many as the borough average and higher too than the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

38.2% of central ward adult residents are single This is more than 6% higher than the borough average. Just over 40% are married. Lower than the national and borough averages. 11.9% are divorced or formerly in a same sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved.  This is compared to a borough average of 10.5% and a national average of 9%.

Many more of central ward’s households consist of one person when compared to the national and borough averages. 58% are one family households, more than 8% fewer than the borough average and lower too than the national and regional averages. 12.5% of lone parent householders are men, almost 3% more than the national average.

57.1% of homes are privately owned, much fewer than the borough average. Only 14.1% of households live in social rented housing, almost 7% less than the borough average. On the other hand, 27.1% of householders rent from private landlords. This is more than double the borough average. This is much more than the national average. Over 98% of homes are centrally heated but 35.2% have no access to a car or van. This is almost 10% higher than the national average.


77.2% of residents describe their health as being ‘very good’ or ‘good’, compared to a national average of 81.4%. On the other hand, 7.4% think their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This is 2% more than the national average. 2.9% of residents provide 50 hours or more of unpaid care per week. This is less than the borough average but slightly higher than the national average.

Education and work

30.5% of the central ward have no educational qualifications, 8% higher than the national average. 36.9% are employed in routine or semi routine occupations, compared to a national average of 25%. Only 3.9% of workers are in higher professional occupations, less than half the national average. Wholesale and retail trades form the largest source of employment at 17.9%, which is slightly higher than the borough average.

Cudworth ward profile

Cudworth is home to 10,977 people, or 4.7% of Barnsley’s total population. 64.7% of residents are of working age. This is almost exactly the same as the regional average. Only 15% of the population are of pensionable age. This is over 2% below the borough and national averages.

Over 98% of the population is white, slightly higher than the borough average. This is also almost 10% higher than the regional average. Just over 97% of residents were born in the UK. Only 1.4% started life outside the EU.

70.5% of the population has a religion. This is more than the borough, regional and national averages. The vast majority are Christian. The remaining mainstream religions make up less than 1% of the total.

Only 0.9% of households contain nobody who has English as a main language. This is fewer than the borough average and less than one quarter of the national average.

Household information

One third of local adult residents are single. This is roughly the same as the regional average but higher than the borough average. 46.9% are married, which is broadly in line with regional and national averages. This is lower than the borough average.

Cudworth has fewer one person households compared to the borough, regional, and national averages. One family households account for almost 68% of the total. 12.4% of lone parent householders are men. This is almost 3% more than the national average.

Two thirds of homes of privately owned. This is over 2% more than the borough, regional, and national averages. 18% of households live in social rented accommodation, which is in line with regional averages. 13.6% rent from private landlords. This is higher than the borough average, but over 3% lower than the national average.

Over 99% of homes are centrally heated. 42.5% of householders have access to a car or van - slightly fewer than the borough average.


76.2% of residents think their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is 1% more than the borough average but over 5% below the national average. 7.9% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This is fewer than the borough average, but over 2% more than the national average.

3.4% of residents provide 50 hours or more of unpaid care per week. This is slightly more than the borough average and 1% higher than the national average.

Education and work 

One third of Cudworth residents have no educational qualifications, compared to a regional average of 25.8% and a national average of 22.5%. Only 13.1% are educated to degree level or above. This is less than half the national average.

Over 39% of workers are employed in semi-routine or routine occupations. This compares to only one quarter nationally. Only 3% of the population are employed in higher professional occupations. This is less than half the regional and national averages.

18% work in wholesale or retail trades. 14.4% are engaged in human health and social work activities. Both of these figures are higher than the borough, regional, and national averages.

Darfield ward profile

Darfield is home to 10,685 people. This is 4.6% of Barnsley’s total population. Just over 63% of residents are of working age, which is slightly lower than both the regional and national averages. However, Darfield has slightly more residents aged 60 and over than the national and regional averages. Almost one quarter of residents fall into this age group.

98% of the local population is white, and almost 97% were born in the UK. The largest single minority group consists of those born elsewhere in the EU, who makes up 1.7% of the population.

Almost 70% of residents have a religion, slightly more than the national average. Christians are the largest group by far. Less than 1% of local people belong to other mainstream religions. This is compared to a national average of over 8%. Only 1.5% of households in Darfield contain nobody who has English as a main language. This compares to 4.4% nationally.

Household information

Just over half of Darfield’s adult population is married, compared to a national average of 46.6%. 63.9% are living in couples. Darfield has fewer single person households than the national and regional averages. 69.5% are made up of one family, compared to a national average of 61.8%.

Two thirds of local homes are privately owned, more than the national average of 63.3%. 16.9% of households live in social rented accommodation and 14.2% rent from private landlords. Both of these figures are slightly below the national and regional averages.

Over 99% of homes are centrally heated. Over 43% of households have at least one car - slightly more than the national and regional averages.


Just over three quarters of local residents rate their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This compares to a regional average of 80% and a national average of 81.4%. 8% think their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, compared to 6% across Yorkshire and Humber and only 5.4% nationally.

The percentage of people who provide unpaid care for between 1 and 49 hours a week is roughly the same as the national average. However, 3.6% of resident provide unpaid care for over 50 hours a week. This is higher than the national average of 2.4%.

Education and work

Almost 32% of Darfield’s population has no educational qualifications. This is significantly more than both the regional average of 25.8% and the national average of 22.5%. Fewer than 17% have a degree-level qualification or higher. This compares to 23.3% regionally and more than 27% nationally.

65.8% of local residents are economically active, more than 4% below the national average. 34.2% are classed as economically inactive. Of these, 6.8% are long term sick or disabled, compared to a national average of only 4%.

The largest single employment category in Darfield is wholesale and retail trade. This accounts for 17.6% of workers. Only 5.8% are in higher managerial, administrative, and professional occupations. This is almost half the national average. Over 34% work in semi-routine or routine occupations, compared to only 25% nationally.

Darton east ward profile

Darton east is home to 10,676 people. This is 4.6% of Barnsley’s total population. 64.3% of residents are of working age, which is close to the borough and regional average. This is slightly above the national average. 17.7% are of pensionable age, only slightly more than the borough average.

Almost 98% of the population is white. This is significantly more than the regional and national averages, but in line with the borough average. Just over 96.6% were born in the UK. The largest minority group consists of residents born in other parts of the EU, who make up 1.4% of the population.

69.6% of the population has a religion. The vast majority of these are Christian. The remaining mainstream religions make up less than 1% of the total. 1.1% of households contain nobody who has English as a first language. This is slightly lower than the borough average, but only one quarter the national average.

Household information

27.6% of Darton east adult residents are single. This is compared to a regional average of 33.9% and a national average of 34.6%. Over 53% of the adult population is married. This is 5% more than the borough average and higher too than the national and regional averages. Almost 70% of Darton east households consist of one family. This compares to a borough average of 66.1%. Almost 15% of lone parent households are men. This is a third more than the national average and over 3% more than borough average.

Over three quarter of homes are privately owned. This is significantly more than the borough average of 64.3% and national average of 63.3%. Only 12.6% of households occupy social rented accommodation. This is 5% fewer than the national average and almost 8% below the borough average.

Fewer than 10% of households rent from private landlords. This compares to a borough average of 12.8% and a national average of almost 17%. Over 70% of homes are detached or semi-detached houses and bungalows. The borough average is 67% and a national average is only 53%.


77.7% of Darton east residents describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is higher than the borough average, but slightly lower than the national average. 6.8% think their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This is almost 2% fewer than the borough average but more than the national average of 5.4%.

7.4% of the population provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours a week. The national average is 6.5%. Only 2.6% provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more per week. This is below the borough average and only slightly higher than the national average.

Education and work

Just over one quarter of the population have no educational qualifications. This is close to the regional average and significantly lower than the borough average of 32.3%. Almost 22% are educated to degree level or above. This is lower than the national average of 27.4% but more than 4% higher than the borough average. 29.8% of residents work in semi-routine or routine occupations. This is only slightly more than the regional average.

Darton west ward profile

Darton west is home to 10,669 people, or 4.6% of Barnsley’s total people. 62.4% of residents are of working age, fewer than the borough and regional averages but similar to the national average. More than 20% are of pension age. This compares to borough and regional average of just over 17%.

Over 98% of people are white, and 97.4% were born in the UK. 72.4% of residents have a religion, over 4% more than the national average. The largest group by far is made up of Christians. The remaining mainstream religions are only 0.8% of the total. Only 0.8% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. This is lower than the borough average and less than one quarter the national average.

Household information

More than 54% of adult Darton residents are married. This compares to a borough average of 47.7%. Just over one quarter are single. Widowed people and surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8.1% of adults. This is slightly higher than the borough, regional and national averages. Almost 15.9% of single parent householders are men. This is more than the national average of 9.7% and higher too than the borough average of 11.6%.

Over three quarters of homes are privately owned. This compares to a borough average of 64.3%. Only 13.5% of households live in social rented housing, compared to almost 21% across the borough. 8.6% of households rent from private landlords. This is almost half the national average.

Over 80% of homes in Darton west are detached or semi detached houses and bungalows. This is almost 30% more than the national average and over 15% more than the borough average. Over 99% of homes are centrally heated.

19% of people do not have access to a car or van. This compares to a borough average of 26.9%.


77.7% of Darton west residents describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is more than the borough average but fewer than the national average of 81.4%. Only 6.9% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This compares to a borough average of 8.4%.

7.7% of the population provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours each week. This is 1% more than the borough average. 3% provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week. This is slightly below the borough average.

Education and work

27.4% of people have no qualifications, compared to a borough average of 32.3%. 23% are educated to degree level or above. This is only slightly below the regional average and almost 6% higher than the borough average. Higher manager, admin, and higher jobs employ 8.4% of workers. This compares to only 6.2% across the borough as a whole. Wholesale and retail trades are the largest single employment group at 16.3%. These are followed closely by human health and social work jobs at 15.3%.

47% drive a car or van to travel to work. This is almost 10% more than the national average.

Dearne north ward profile

Dearne north is home to 10,498 people. This is 4.5% of Barnsley’s total residents. 63.4% of the residents are of working age. This is slightly fewer than the borough and regional averages, but 1.1% more than the national average. Just over 98% of the population is white, and 97.8% were born in the UK.

Just under 70% of residents have a religion. The vast majority of these are Christian. The remaining mainstream religions make up only 0.6% of the total. Only 0.5% of households contain nobody who speaks English. This is lower than the borough average and a fraction of the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

35.9% of adult residents are single, over 4% more than the borough average. 42% are married, which is greatly below the borough, regional and national averages. Widowed people and surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 9.3% of the adult population. The borough average is 7.8% and the national average is 6.9%.

Only 52.7% of Dearne north homes are privately owned. The borough average is 64.3%. 27.9% of households live in social rented housing. This is over 12% more than the national average and 7% more than the borough average. 17.1% of households rent from private landlords. This is only slightly more than the national average, more than the borough average. Over 99% of homes are centrally heated.

38.2% of households don't have access to a car or van. This is compared to a borough average of 26.9% and a national average of just over one quarter.


Two third of the population feel their health is 'very good' or 'good'. This compares to three quarters across the borough as a whole and over 80% nationally.

13% of residents describe their health as 'bad' or 'very bad'. This is more than double the national average and many more than the borough average of 8.4%.

Over 4% of the population provides unpaid care for 50 or more hours each week. This  borough average is 3.3% and the national average is just 2.4%.

Education and work

42.9% of Dearne north residents have no qualifications. This is over 20% more than the national average and over 10% more than the borough average. Only 9.4% are educated to degree level or above. This compares to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%.

58% of the population is financially active. This is almost 12% fewer than the national average and over 8% fewer than the borough average. Of those financially inactive, just over 12% are long term sick or disabled. This is almost three times the national average. There are more than double the national average of those aged 16 to 24 who are unemployed. Over 55% of lone parents are not in employment, compared to a borough average of 42.8% and a national average of 40.5%.

43% of workers are employed in semi-routine and routine occupations. This is almost 20% more than the national average. Wholesale and retail trades are the largest single employment group at 19.5%. This is followed by construction at 14.1%.

Dearne south ward profile

Dearne south is home to 11,889 people. This is 5.1% of Barnsley’s total people. 65.8% of people are of working age. This is slightly more than the borough average. Only 13.7% are of pension age, almost 4% below the borough and national.

Over 98% of people white, and 97.7% were born in the UK. 68% have a religion. This is slightly fewer than the borough average but very close to the national.

Most are Christian, with the other mainstream religions making up only 0.5% of the total. 0.9% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. This is slightly fewer than the borough average and less than one quarter the national average.

Household information

One third of adults are single, slightly more than the borough average. Only 26.8% of households consist of a single person. This is compared to a borough average of 29.5% and a national of 30.2%. Just over 46% of adults are married. This is slightly below the borough, regional, and national averages. Single family households make up 68.5% of all households.

64.9% of homes in Dearne South are privately owned, compared to a borough average of 64.3% and a national average of 63.3%. 17.3% of households live in social rented housing, more than 3% fewer than the borough average and slightly below the national average. On the other hand 16.2% of households rent from private landlords, which is similar to regional and national averages. Over 99% of homes are centrally heated. 27.8% of households do not have access to a car or van, which is only slightly higher than the borough average.


72.7% of the people feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’. Almost 10% fewer than the national average. This is only 2.5% below the borough average. On the other hand 9.8% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’.  Compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of 5.4%. Over 14% of the people's day to day tasks are limited.  This is greatly higher than the national average of 8.3%. 3.6% of residents provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week. Slightly higher than the borough average and 1.2% higher than the national average.

Education and work

35.8% of people have no qualifications, over 13% more than the national and 3.5% more than the borough average. Only 11.6% are educated to degree level or above, less than half the national average.

38.3% of workers are employed in routine or semi routine jobs. Compared to a borough average of 35.3% and a national average of 25%. 2.7% work in higher professional jobs, about one third the national average. Wholesale and retail trades form the largest source of employment at 17.9%, followed by manufacturing at 12.8% and construction at 12.3%.

Dodworth ward profile

9,777 people live in Dodworth, or 4.2% of Barnsley’s total population. 61.7% of residents are of working age, compared to a national average of 62.5% and a borough average of 64.1%. Over 23% are of pensionable age, significantly higher than the borough, regional, and national averages.

Over 97% of the population is white, and 96.7% were born in the UK. The largest minority group consists of Asian and Asian British residents, who make up 1.4% of the population. Over three quarters of Dodworth residents have a religion, compared to only 68.1% nationally and 68.5% across the borough as a whole.

The vast majority are Christians, although 0.8% are Muslims. This is double the borough average but less than one fifth the national average. 1% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, compared to a borough average of 1.3% and a national average of 4.4%.

Household information

Just over one quarter of adult Dodworth residents are single, almost 10% fewer than the national average and over 6% fewer than the borough average. However, 29.7% of households consist of one person, slightly more than the borough average. 54.4% of adult residents are married, compared to a national average of 46.6% and a borough average of 47.7%. Just over two thirds of households consist of one family, which is similar to the borough average. Those widowed or surviving partners from civil partnerships account for almost 9% of the adult population, more than both the national and borough averages.

Over three quarter of homes are privately owned, over 10% more than the borough and national averages. 15.1% of households live in social rented accommodation, compared to a national average of 17.7% and a borough average of 20.9%. Only 8.4% of households rent from private landlords, significantly fewer than the borough average and half the national average. Over 99% of homes are centrally heated and only 21% do not have access to a car or van, almost 6% fewer than the borough average.


76.5% of residents describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, slightly more than the borough average but fewer than the national average of 81.4%. On the other hand 7.4% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, 1% fewer than the borough average but 2% more than the national average. Almost 8% of the population provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours each week, compared to a borough average of 6.7% and a national average of 6.5%. However, only 2.9% provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, more than the national average but slightly fewer than the borough average.

Education and work

Just under 30% of the population have no educational qualifications, significantly more than the national average but over 3% fewer than the borough average. Almost 24% are educated to degree level or above, more than both the borough and regional averages. Lower managerial, administrative, and professional occupations employ over 22% of residents, compared to a borough average of 17.1% and a national average of 20.9%.

Hoyland Milton ward profile

11,852 people live in Hoyland Milton, or 5.1% of Barnsley’s total population. 64.8% of residents are of working age, slightly more than the borough average and over 2% more than the national average. 16.3% are of pensionable age, lower than the borough and national averages but very similar to the regional average.

Over 98% of the population is white, and 97.7% were born in the UK. Only 0.5% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, compared to a borough average of 1.3% and a national average of 4.4%.

70% of Hoyland Milton residents have a religion, slightly more than the national average. The vast majority are Christian, with the remaining mainstream religions making up only 0.7% of the total.

Household information

32.2% of adult residents are single, slightly more than the borough average but over 2% fewer than the national average. However, only 28.9% of households consist of one person, which is slightly fewer than both the borough and national averages. 46.6% are married, which is the same as the national average but less than the borough average. On the other hand just over two thirds of households consist of one family, almost 5% more than the national average.

62.9% of homes in Hoyland Milton are privately owned, compared to a national average of 63.3% and a borough average of 64.3%. Over 22% of households live in social rented accommodation, slightly more than the borough average and over 4% more than the national average. 13.1% of households rent from private landlords, again slightly more than the borough average but almost 4% below the national average. 99% of homes are centrally heated but 26.5% do not have access to a car or van, slightly more than the national average.


76% of the population feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’, more than the borough average but significantly fewer than the national average of 81.4%. On the other hand 7.8% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, fewer than the borough average of 8.4% but more than the national average of 5.4%. 3.6% of residents provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, more than the borough, regional, and national averages.

Education and work

31.5% of Hoyland Milton residents have no educational qualifications, 9% more than the national average but slightly fewer than the borough average. Only 16.8% of the population are educated to degree level or above, compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%.

Over 69% are economically active, which is more than the borough average, but the number of long-term unemployed people is also slightly higher than the borough average. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 17.4%, followed by human health and social work activities at 13.3%. Only 4.1% of residents work in higher professional occupations, which is half the national average.

Kingstone ward profile

10,680 people live in Kingstone, or 4.6% of Barnsley’s total people. 67.6% of people are of working age, 5% more than the national average and 3.5% more than the borough average. Just over 13% are of pension age, 4% fewer than the borough and national total.

95.3% of people are white, which is 10% higher than the national average but lower than the borough average of 97.9%. The largest minor group consists of Asian and Asian British residents, who make up just under 2% of the people. 92.2% of people were born in the UK, but 3.9% started life in other parts of the EU.

65.5% of people have a religion, compared to a national average of 68.1% and a borough average of 69.5%. Most are Christian, although Muslims account for 1.2% of the total. 4.6% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. More than three times higher than the borough average and slightly more than the national.

Household information

41.1% of adult Kingstone residents are single, over 6% more than the national average. 37.4% of households consist of one person, compared to a national average of 30.2% and a borough average of 29.5%. 35.7% of adults are married, 12% below the borough average and 11% below the national average. One family households account for only 56.4% of the total number of households. Compared to a national total of 61.8% and a borough average of 66.1%.

53% of homes in Kingstone are private owned, more than 11% fewer than the borough average. 20.3% of households live in social rented housing.  This is over 2% more than the national average but only slightly less than the borough average. 23.9% of households rent from private landlords, more than the national average and double the borough average. Over 98% of homes are central heated but almost 40% do not have access to a car or van. Compared to a borough average of 26.9% and a national average of 25.8%.


76.7% of the people feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is higher than the borough average but lower than the national of 81.4%. On the other hand 8.1% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’.  Slightly fewer than the borough average but almost 3% more than the national. Just under 10% of people provide unpaid care each week, which is slightly lower than the borough and national.

Education and work

31.1% of Kingstone residents have no qualifications, compared to 32.3% across the borough but only 22.5% in total. 16.2% have degree level or above. Only slightly fewer than the borough average but over 11% fewer than the national average.

39% of workers are employed in semi routine and routine jobs, 14% more than the national. Wholesale and retail trades are the largest employer in the ward at 17.8%. Followed by human health and social work jobs at 14.8%.

Monk Bretton ward profile

10,785 people live in Monk Bretton. This is 4.7% of Barnsley’s total population. 62.5% of residents are of working age. This is lower than the borough average of 64.1%, but equal to the national average. Almost 20% of people are of pensionable age. This is over 2% more than both the borough and national averages.

Over 98% of the population is white, and 97.5% were born in the UK.

70.7% of residents have a religion. 70% are Christian, slightly more than the borough average but over 10% more than the regional and national averages. Only 0.6% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. This is less than half the borough average and well below the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

31% of adults Monk Bretton residents are single. This is slightly fewer than the borough average and almost 4% fewer than the national average. However, 30% of households consist of one person. This is slightly higher than the borough average.

46.8% of the adult population is married. This is very similar to the regional and national averages. Just under two thirds of households are made up of one family.

59.8% of homes are privately owned, compared to a national average of 63.3% and a borough average of 64.3%. Over 31% of households live in social rented housing. This is over 10% more than the borough average and over 13% more than the national average. Only 6.7% of households rent from private landlords - a lot less than the borough average. This is also less than half the regional and national averages.

Over 99% of homes are centrally heated and 62.7% are semi-detached houses or bungalows. This is more than double the national average and far more than the borough average of 44.9%.

30.8% of households do not have access to a car or van. This is compared to only 26.9% across the borough and 25.8% nationally.


71% of Monk Bretton residents feel their health is 'very good' or 'good'. This compares to a borough average of 75.2% and a national average of 81.4%. 10.7% describe their health as 'bad' or 'very bad'.  This is more than the borough average of 8.4% and almost double the national average of 5.4%.

4.3% of the population provides unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week. This is 1% more than the borough average and almost 2% more than the national average.

Education and work

Over 40% of the population has no qualifications. This is almost 8% more than the borough average and over 17% more than the national average.

60.8% are economically active - almost 10% fewer than the national average. 8.4% of residents have never worked and are long term unemployed. This is higher than both the borough and national average.

41.8% of workers are employed in semi routine and routine jobs. The borough average is 35.3% and the national average is only 25%. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 17.7%. This is followed by manufacturing at 15% and human health and social work activities at 13.6%.

North east ward profile

13,189 people live in the North East ward, or 5.7% of Barnsley’s total population. 64.3% are of working age, which is in line with the borough average but slightly higher than the national average of 62.5%. 15.7% of residents are of pensionable age, about 1.5% fewer than the borough and national averages.

98.4% of the population is white, and over 97% were born in the UK. The largest minority group is made up of residents who started life in other parts of the EU, although they account for only 1.5% of the total population. 69.6% of residents have a religion, which is similar to the borough average but 1.5% more than the national average.

The vast majority are Christian, with the remaining mainstream religions making up less than 1% of the total. 1% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, though this is lower than the borough average of 1.3% and less than one quarter the national average.

Household information

32.7% of adult residents in the ward are single, slightly more than the borough average of 31.5% but fewer than the national average of 34.6%. 46.5% are married, which is in line with the national average but just over 1% lower than the borough average. 12.4% of single parent householders are men, compared to a borough average of 11.6% and a national average of only 9.7%.

63.8% of homes are private owned, which is similar to the borough and national averages. 20.9% of households live in social rented accommodation, which reflects the borough average but is higher than the national average of 17.7%. 13.6% of households rent from private landlords, compared to a national average of 16.8%. However, the borough average is only 12.8%. Over 52% of homes are semi-detached houses or bungalows, compared to a borough average of 44.9% and a national average of only 30.7%. Almost all homes are centrally heated but just over one quarter do not have access to a car or van, though this is in line with borough and national averages.


72.4% of the population describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, almost 10% fewer than the national average and fewer too than the borough average of 75.2%. On the other hand 10.7% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of only 5.4%. Almost 16% of the North East residents feel that their day to day activities were limited a lot, 3% more than the borough average and almost double the national average. 3.8% of residents provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, slightly more than the borough average and over 1.5% more than the national average.

Education and work

37.2% of residents in the North East ward have no educational qualifications, 5% more than the borough average and almost 15% more than the national average. 14% are educated to degree level or more, compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%. Just under 65% of adults are economically active but 2.1% are long term unemployed, which equals the borough average but is higher than the national average of 1.7%.

Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 18.8%, followed by human health and social work activities at 14.6%. Only 2.9% of adult residents work in higher professional qualifications, compared to a borough average of 4.3% and a national average of 8%.

Old town ward profile

10,811 people live in Old Town, or 4.7% of Barnsley’s total population. Just over two thirds of residents are of working age, over 2% more than the borough average and almost 4% more than the national average. 15.3% are of pensionable age, slightly fewer than the borough and national averages.

96.3% of the population is white, and just over 94% were born in the UK. The largest minority group compromises Asian and Asian British people, who make up 1.7% of the population.

Just over 68% of residents have a religion, which is in line with the national average but slightly below the borough average. The vast majority are Christian. Muslims are the largest minority group, but make up only 1.2% of the total. 2.5% of households contain nobody whose main language is English; almost double the borough average but significantly fewer than the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

One third of adult residents in Old Town are single, slightly more than the borough average but slightly less than the national average. Just below 47% are married, which is in line with the national average but slightly below the borough average.

69.3% of homes are privately owned, 5% more than the borough average and 6% more than the national average. 14.3% of households live in social rented accommodation, compared to a national average of 17.7% and a borough average of 20.9%. 14.5% of households rent from private landlords, slightly more than the borough average of 12.8% but slightly fewer than the national average of 16.8%. Over 98% of homes are centrally heated but one quarter does not have access to a car or van, though this is slightly fewer than the national and borough averages.


79.4% of the population describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, compared to a borough average of 75.2% and a national average of 81.4%. On the other hand 6% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, which is slightly more than the national average but significantly fewer than the borough average of 8.4%. 2.7% of residents provide care for 50 hours or more each week, compared to a national average of 2.4% and a borough average of 3.3%.

Education and work

25.4% of the population has no educational qualifications, which is higher than the national average of 22.5% but significantly lower than the borough average of 32.3%. 23.1% of residents are educated to degree level or above, compared to a national average of 27.4% but a much lower borough average of 17.4%. 71.1% of the population is economically active and 1.7% is long term unemployed, which is in line with the national average but slightly, lower than the borough average of 2.1%.

Human health and social work activities employ the most workers at 17.7%, followed by wholesale and retail trades at 16%. 7.6% are employed in higher managerial, administrative, and professional occupations, 1.5% more than the borough average but almost 3% fewer than the national average. 29.5% have semi routine or routine occupations, significantly fewer than the borough average of 35.3%. Only 3.7% of residents have never worked, compared to a national average of 3.9% and a borough average of 4.2%.

Penistone east ward profile

11,587 people live in the Penistone East ward, or 5% of Barnsley’s total population. 62.1% are of residents are of working age, 2% fewer than the borough average but only slightly fewer than the national average. Almost 21% are of pensionable age, over 3% more than the borough and national averages.

98.5% of the population is white, and over 97% were born in the UK. Almost 72% of residents have a religion, compared to a borough average of 69.5% and a national average of 68.1%.

The vast majority are Christians, with the remaining mainstream religions making up less than 1% of the total. 0.2% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, less than one fifth the borough average and a fraction of the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

61.5% of adult residents are married, almost 13% more than the borough average and almost 15% more than the national average. Only 20.6% are single, compared to a borough average of 31.5% and a national average of 34.6%.

76.6% of homes in Penistone East are privately owned, over 12% more than the borough and national averages. Only 11.2% of households live in social rented accommodation, compared to a national average of 17.7% and a borough average of 20.9%. 10.2% of households rent from private landlords, over 6% fewer than the national average and almost 3% fewer than the national average. Almost 52% of homes are detached houses or bungalows, more than double the borough and national averages of about 22%. 99% of homes are centrally heated and 39.3% have access to 2 cars or vans, over 14% more than the borough and national averages.


82.2% of the population feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’, compared to a national average of 81.4% and a borough average of only 75.2%. 5.1% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, far fewer than the borough average of 8.4% and slightly fewer than the national average of 5.4%. 8.8% of residents provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours each week, over 2% more than the national average. 2.6% provide 50 or more hours of unpaid care every week, slightly more than the national average but fewer than the borough average of 3.3%.

Education and work

20.6% of the population has no educational qualifications, almost 12% fewer than the borough average and fewer too than the national average of 22.5%. 34.4% are education to degree level or above, almost double the borough average and 7% more than the national average. 68.4% of residents are economically active and only 0.8% are long term unemployed, less than half the borough average of 2.1% and national average of 1.7%.

15.2% of workers are employed in higher managerial, administrative, and professional occupations, compared to a national average of 10.4% and a borough average of only 6.2%. Only 17.7% have semi-routine or routine occupations, less than half the borough average of 35.3%. Wholesales and retail trades provide the most jobs at 14.6%, followed by human health and other social work activities at 12.3% and education at 11.3%.

Penistone west ward profile

11,322 people live in the Penistone West ward, or 4.9% of Barnsley’s total population. 65.2% of residents are of working age, more than the borough average of 64.1% and the national average of 62.5%. 16.8% are of pensionable age, which is in line with the regional average but slightly below the borough and national averages.

Over 98% of the population is white, and 97.4% were born in the UK. 67.7% of residents have a religion, almost 2% fewer than the borough average but only slightly fewer than the national average.

The vast majority are Christian, with the remaining mainstream religions making up less than 1% of the total. Only 0.3% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, less than one quarter the borough average and a fraction of the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

54.7% of adult residents are married, 7% more than the borough average and over 8% more than the national average. Only 26.8% of adults are single, compared to a borough average of 31.5% and a national average of 34.6%. 14.8% of single parent householders are men, significantly more than the borough average of 11.6% and over 5% more than the national average.

76% of homes in Penistone West are privately owned, over 11% more than the borough and regional averages. 13.3% of households live in social rented accommodation, compared to a national average of 17.7% and a borough average of 20.9%. Only 8.9% of households rent from private landlords, almost half the national average and just under 4% fewer than the borough average. Almost 99% of homes are centrally heated and 33.5% have access to 2 or more cars or vans, almost 10% more than the borough and national averages.


81.7% of the population feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’, which is in line with the national average but 6.5% more than the borough average. Only 4.9% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, compared to a national average of 5.4% and a borough average of 8.4%. 8.1% of residents provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours each week, about 1.5% more than the borough and national averages. 2.3% provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more every week, which is in line with the national average but 1% below the borough average.

Education and work

22.7% of the population has no educational qualifications, almost 10% fewer than the borough average and only very slightly more than the national average. 29.5% of residents are educated to degree level or above, compared to a national average of 27.4% and a borough average of only 17.4%. 73% of the population is economically active and only 1.2% are long term unemployed, 0.5% fewer than the national average and almost 1% fewer than the borough average.

8.5% of residents are employed in professional occupations, slightly more than the national average and almost double the borough average. On the other hand only 25.3% work in routine or semi-routine jobs, 10% fewer than the borough average. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most people at 14.7%, followed by manufacturing at 13.8% and education at 13.3%.

Rockingham ward profile

11,062 people live in Rockingham. This is 4.8% of Barnsley’s total population. 61.9% of the population is of working age. This is slightly fewer than the national average and fewer than the borough average of 64.1%. On the other hand, 20.8% of residents are of pensionable age. This is over 3% more than the borough and national averages.

98.5% of the population is white, and almost 98% were born in the UK. Just over 70% of residents have a religion. This is slightly more than the borough and national averages. The vast majority are Christian. The remaining mainstream religions making up only 0.6% of the total. Only 0.4% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. This is well below the borough average of 1.3% and the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

30% of Rockingham’s adult residents are single. This compares to a borough average of 31.5% and a national average of 34.6%. Just under half are married. This is slightly more than the borough and national averages. Widowed people and surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8.7% of the population. This is almost 1% more than the borough average and nearly 2% more than the national average. 12.5% of single parent householders are men. The borough average is 11.6% and a national average is 9.7%.

Just under two thirds of homes in Rockingham are privately owned, slightly more than the borough and national averages. 22% of households live in social rented accommodation. This is only 1% more than the borough average but over 4% more than the national average. On the other hand, only 9.8% of households live in private rented accommodation. This compares to a borough average of 12.8% and a national average of 16.8%.

Over 99% of homes are centrally heated. Just over one quarter do not have access to a car or van, although this is slightly less than the national and borough averages.


74.8% of the population describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is slightly fewer than the borough average but almost 7% fewer than the national average. On the other hand 8.7% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This compares to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of 5.4%.

7.6% of residents provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours each week. This is about 1% more than the borough and national averages. 3.4% provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more every week. This is in line with the borough average but 1% higher than the national average.

Education and work

Just under 32% of Rockingham residents have no educational qualifications. This is slightly fewer than the borough average but almost 10% more than the national average. 16% are educated to degree level or above. This compares to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%. 67% of the population are economically active. This is in line with national and borough average. Long term unemployment is slightly below the borough average, though slightly higher than the national average. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 17.5%, followed by human health and social work activities at 13.3%.

Royston ward profile

10,728 people live in Royston. This is 4.6% of Barnsley’s total population. 63.9% of residents are of working age. This is slightly fewer than the borough average. It's more than the national average of 62.5%. 17.2% are of pensionable age. This is in line with regional and national averages.

Almost 99% of the population is white, and 98% were born in the UK. 72.6% of residents have a religion. This is higher than the borough average of 69.5%. The national average is 68.1%.

The vast majority are Christian. The rest of the remaining mainstream religions making up only 0.7% of the total. Only 0.5% of households contain nobody whose main language is English. This is less than half the borough average. It's also far fewer than the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

30.1% of adult Royston residents are single. This is slightly fewer than the borough average of 31.5% and the national average of 34.6%. 48.9% are married, about 1% more than the borough average. It's also over 2% more than the national average. Widowed people and surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8% of the adult population. This is compared to a borough average of 7.8% and a national average of 6.9%. 14.2% of lone parent householders are men. This is over 2.5% more than the borough average and more than the national average of 9.7%.

Just over two thirds of homes in Royston are privately owned. This is compared to a borough average of 64.3% and a national average of 63.3%. 20.7% of households lives in social rented accommodation. This is slightly less than the borough average. This is 3% more than the national average. Just 10.3% of households rent from private landlords, over 2.5% fewer than the borough average. It's also over 6.5% fewer than the national average. Almost three quarters of homes are detached or semi-detached houses and bungalows. This is compared to a national average of only 53%. Over 99% of homes are centrally heated. Just over one quarter do not have access to a car or van. This is slightly fewer than the borough and national averages.


74.9% of the population feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This is slightly more than the borough average. This is fewer than the national average of 81.4%. On the other hand 8.1% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. This is compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of 5.4%. 7.2% of residents provide unpaid care for between 1 and 19 hours a week. This is slightly more than the borough and national averages. 3.2% provide unpaid care for 50 or more hours each week. This is in line with the borough average but more than the national average of 2.4%.

Education and work

32% of Royston residents have no qualifications. This is over 10% more than the national average but slightly fewer than the borough average. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 17.6%, followed by manufacturing at 14.8%. Only 4% work in higher professional occupations, half the national average.

St Helen's ward profile

10,250 people live in St Helen’s ward, or 4.4% of Barnsley’s total population. 63.6% are of working age, slightly more than the national average but fewer than the borough amount of 64.1%. On the other hand only 14.8% are of pension age, 2.5% fewer than the borough and national amount.

Almost 98% of the population is white, and 96.9% were born in the UK. 67.2% of people have a religion but almost 27% do not, compared to a borough amount of 24%.

Most of those who do have a religion are Christian. The other mainstream faiths making up only 1% of the total. Almost one third do not have a passport. Almost double the national figure and far higher than the borough figure of 23.4%.

Household information

36.5% of adult people in the ward are single, 5% more than the borough figure. Just under 40% are married, compared to a borough figure of 47.7% and a national average of 46.6%. Over 12% are divorced or in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved. 3% more than the national figure and slightly more than the borough figure of 10.5%. Widowed people or surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8.8%, 1% more than the borough figure. 12.5% of single parent households are male, compared to a borough average of 11.6% and a national figure of 9.7%.

Only 46.4% of homes in St Helen’s are private owned, almost 20% fewer than the borough and national figures. Over 44% of households live in social rented housing, compared to a borough figure of only 20.9% and a national figure of 17.7%. On the other hand only 6.4% of households rent from private landlords, half the borough figure Over three quarters of homes are semi detached houses or bungalows. Compared to a borough figure of 44.9% and a national figure of 30.7%. Over 99% of homes are central heated but 37.3% do not have access to a car or van. Over 10% more than the borough figure and 11.5% more than the national figure.


71.6% of the people describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, almost 10% fewer than the national average. On the other hand 10.5% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. Compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of only 5.4%. 8.1% of those aged 16 to 64 day to day events are limited a lot more than double the national average of 3.6%. 4.3% of resident provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week. 1% more than the borough average and almost double the national average of 2.4%.

Education and work

44% of the people has no qualifications. Almost double the national average of 22.5% and more too than the borough average of 32.3%. Only 7.7% have degree level or above. Compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%. 61.5% of people are financially active but 3.6% are long term unemployed. 1.5% more than the borough average and more than double the national average of 1.7%.

45.9% of workers are employed in semi routine or routine jobs. Over 10% more than the borough average and over 20% more than the national average. Wholesale and retail trades employ the largest number of people at 20.5%, followed by manufacturing at 15%.

Stairfoot ward profile

11,510 people live in the Stairfoot ward, or 5% of Barnsley’s total population. 63.7% of residents are of working age, slightly fewer than the borough average but more than the national average of 62.5%. 18% are of pensionable age, slightly more than the borough, regional, and national averages.

Over 97% of the population is white, and 96.1% were born in the UK. The largest minority group consists of Black African, Caribbean, and Black British residents, who account for 1.1% of the total. Just over 68% of the population has a religion, which reflects the national average but is slightly below the borough average of 69.5%.

The vast majority are Christian, with the remaining mainstream religions accounting for only 0.8% of the total. 1.4% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, which is in line with the borough average but far fewer than the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

33.8% of the ward’s adult residents are single, more than the borough average of 31.5% but less than the national average of 34.6%. 44.2% are married, over 3.5% fewer than the borough average. Those widowed people or surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8.4% of the adult population, compared to a borough average of 7.8% and a national average of 6.9%. 12.3% of single parent householders are men, over 2.5% more than the national average and higher too than the borough average of 11.6%.

Only 57.3% of homes are privately owned, compared to a national average of 63.3% and a borough average of 64.3%. Over 30% of households live in social rented accommodation, almost 10% more than the borough average and over 12% more than the national average. On the other hand only 9.8% of households rent from private landlords, 7% fewer than the national average. Almost 56% of homes are semi-detached houses or bungalows, 11% more than the borough average and over 25% more than the national average. Over 99% of homes are central heated but almost one third do not have access to a car or van, compared to a borough average of 26.9% and a national average of 25.8%.


71.7% of Stairfoot residents feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’, almost 10% fewer than the national average and fewer too than the borough average of 75.2%. On the other hand 9.6% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of only 5.4%. 3.6% of the population provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, slightly more than the borough, regional, and national averages.

Education and work

36.8% of the population has no educational qualifications, over 14% more than the national average and higher too than the borough average of 32.3%. Only 12.6% are educated to degree level or above, compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%.

62.3% of adults are economically active but 2.8% are long term unemployed, which is slightly more than the borough, regional, and national averages. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 19.2%, followed by human health and social work activities at 14.6%. Only 2.6% of residents work in higher professional occupations, which is almost two thirds below the national average.

Wombwell ward profile

11,477 people live in Wombwell, or 5% of Barnsley’s total population. 63.7% of residents are of working age, over 1% more than the national average but slightly fewer than the borough average of 64.1%. 17% are of pensionable age, which is similar to both the national and borough averages.

98.5% of the population is white, and over 97% were born in the UK. Just over 68% of residents have a religion, which equals the national average but is slightly below the borough average of 69.5%.

The vast majority are Christians, with the remaining mainstream religions making up less than 1% of the total. Over one quarter of Wombwell residents do not have a passport, over 2% more than the borough average and over 9% more than the national average. 1.3% of households contain nobody who speaks English, which is in line with the borough average but less than one third the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

Just under one third of Wombwell’s adult population is single, slightly more than the borough average but over 2% fewer than the national average. 45.5% are married, compared to a national average of 46.6% and a borough average of 47.7%. Those widowed people or surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8% of the population, slightly more than the borough average and over 1% more than the national average. 90.5% of single parent householders are female, which is in line with the national average but over 2% more than the borough average.

60% of homes in Wombwell are privately owned, compared to a national average of 63.3% and a borough average of 64.3%. 24.1% of households live in social rented accommodation, over 3% more than the borough average and over 6% more than the national average. 14.3% of households rent from private landlords, more than the borough average of 12.8% but fewer than the national average of 16.8%. Almost half of all homes are semi-detached houses or bungalows, 4% more than the borough average but over 18% more than the national average. Almost all homes are centrally heated but 29.9% do not have access to a car or van, compared to a borough average of 26.9% and a national average of 25.8%.


75.1% of the population describe their health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, which almost equals the borough average but is over 6% less than the national average. On the other hand 8.9% feel their health is ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, compared to a borough average of 8.4% and a national average of only 5.4%. 3.4% or residents provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, which is in line with the borough average but 1% higher than the national average.

Education and work

33.2% of Wombwell residents have no educational qualifications, 1% more than the borough average but over 10% more than the national average. 14.1% are educated to degree level or above, compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%.

67.1% of adults are economically active but 2.3% are long term unemployed, slightly more than the borough and national averages. Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 19.8%, followed by construction at 13.2%. Only 4.6% of working adults are employed in higher managerial, administrative, and professional occupations, over 1.5% less than the borough average and less than half the national average.

Worsbrough ward profile

9,682 people live in Worsbrough, or 4.2% of Barnsley’s total population. 62.3% of residents are of working age, which is in line with the national average but almost 2% lower than the borough average. 19.9% are of pensionable age, over 2.5% more than the borough and national averages.

Over 97% of the population is white, and 96.6% were born in the UK. 69.1% of residents have a religion, slightly fewer than the borough average but 1% more than the national average.

The vast majority are Christian, with the remaining mainstream religions making up only 1% of the total. More than one quarter of residents do not have a passport, almost 9% more than the national average and almost 2% more than the borough average. 1.2% of households contain nobody whose main language is English, which is very similar to the borough average but less than one third the national average of 4.4%.

Household information

32% of adult residents in Worsbrough are single, slightly more than the borough average but over 2.5% fewer than the national average. 45.5% are married, compared to a national average of 46.6% and a borough average of 47.7%. Those widowed people or surviving partners from civil partnerships account for 8.6% of the population, over 1% more than the borough average and almost 2% more than the national average. 91% of single parent householders are female, compared to a national average of 90.3% and a borough average of 88.4%.

58.7% of homes in Worsbrough are privately owned, over 4% fewer than the national average and over 5% fewer than the borough average. 30.7% of households live in social rented accommodation, over 10% more than the borough average and 13% more than the national average. On the other hand only 8% of households rent from private landlords, compared to a borough average of 12.8% and a national average of 16.8%. Almost all homes are central heated but 30.8% do not have access to a car or van, 5% more than the national average and almost 4% more than the borough average. 54.8% of homes are semi-detached houses or bungalows, compared to a borough average of 44.9% and a national average of only 30.7%.


71.3% of residents feel their health is ‘very good’ or ‘good’, over 10% fewer than the national average and almost 4% fewer than the borough average. On the other hand 10% describe their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, almost double the national average and significantly more than the borough average of 8.4%. 3.6% of the population provide unpaid care for 50 hours or more each week, compared to a borough average of 3.3% and a national average of only 2.4%.

Education and work

37.5% of the population has no educational qualifications, over 5% more than the borough average and 15% more than the national average. 15% are educated to degree level or above, compared to a borough average of 17.4% and a national average of 27.4%. 61.9% of adults are economically active but 2.5% are long term unemployed, more than the borough average of 2.1% and the national average of 1.7%.

Wholesale and retail trades employ the most workers at 17.6%, followed by human health and social work activities at 15.9%. 37.1% work in semi-routine or routine occupations, almost 2% more than the borough average and over 12% more than the national average.