Parish and town councillor register of interests

The Localism Act 2011 requires parish councillors to publicly declare if they have certain financial (pecuniary) and other (non-pecuniary) interests. We keep a record of these declarations in a register of interests.

Disclosable pecuniary interests


Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.


Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the relevant authority) made or provided in the previous 12 months, in respect of any expenses incurred in carrying out duties as a Member, or towards election expenses.

This includes any payment or financial benefits from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.


Any beneficial interest in securities of a body which has a place of business or land in the authority's area and in which you either have a beneficial interest in a class of securities of that body that exceeds the nominal value of £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body.


Any contract between you and the authority for goods, services or works to be provided or executed and which has not been fully discharged.


Any land in which you have a beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority.

This includes your home address.

Corporate tenancies

Any tenancy where the landlord is the authority and the tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial interest.


Any licence to occupy land in the authority's area (alone or jointly with others) for 28 days or longer.

You can see the declarations for each parish/town council below.

Cawthorne Parish Council

David Barron

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Cawthorne Recreational Trust Treasurer. 
Committee Member Cawthorne Comrades Club

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Cawthorne Recreational Trust Treasurer







Signed: 15 July 2024

Margaret Jeanette Broadhead

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Cawthorne Jubilee Museum

Signed: 11 August 2024

Stephen Anthony Eyre

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Barnsley Rotary Club
Trustee of Cawthorne Victoria Jubliee Museum


Member of conservative party

Member of No10 Tivydale Club

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 11 July 2024

Peter Kilner

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job title: Retired
Employer: none

Job title: Retired
Employer: none

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society Old No. 10 Club
Cawthorne Jubilee Museum (Chairman)
Cawthorne Bell Ringers
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 31 May 2023

John Geoffrey Walker

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).




School Governor (Cawthorne)

Church council member

Member of Barnsley Rotary Club







Signed: 21 August 2024

Jane Elizabeth Wilson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 16 St Julien’s Way
S75 4ES
16 St Julien’s Way
S75 4ES
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Gift Aid Officer Cawthorne All Saints Church

Cawthorne Club

Friends of Cannon Hall

Cawthorne Victoria Jubilee Museum

Cawthorne Cricket Club

Signed: 24 July 2024

Robin Herbert

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job title: Engineer
Employer: self employed

Job title: equestrian coach
Employer: self employed

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Killamarsh
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Trustee Cawthorne Museum

Trustee Cawthorne Village Hall

Signed: 13 August 2024

Sarah Louise Shaw

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain



Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/Property or licences

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Member of Cawthorne Village Fete Group

Signed: 28 July 2024

Stephen Rusby

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Cawthorne Recreation Ground Trust

Cawthorne Comrades Club

Cawthorne Club

Under the Stars Festival Music Festival

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 19 July 2024

James McNally

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).





(Member) Cawthorne Club,  10 Tivy Dale, Cawthorne, Barnsley, S75 4EY


Signed: 13 August 2024

Dunford Parish Council

Susie Marie Currie

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative CPRE Banks 

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Dunford Residents Association Treasurer 







Signed: 26 September 2024

Stephen Crow

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job: Manager

Employer: Self Employed

Job: Secretary

Employer: S. Crow

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes Dunford Resident Association
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 20 July 2023

Rachel Louise Mahon

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None 
Sponsorship None None
Securities Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Dunford Residents Association







Signed: 26 September 2024

Helen Mahon

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative PPPF

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Dunford Residents Association





Signed: 26 September 2024

Joanne Louise Smith 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative YLCA Infinis Banks

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Dunford Residents Association







Signed: 26 September 2024

Great Houghton Parish Council

John Bembridge

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 26 August 2024

Lindsay Clayton 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).






Signed: 26 August 2024

Dorothy Coates

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Elected Member BMBC

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Elected Member BMBC

Great Houghton Youth Group 

Great Houghton Village Hall Committee

Park Springs Community Benefit Fund 

Labour Party 

Signed: 15 November 2024

George Oliphant Frame 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 8 Edward Street, Great Houghton, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S72 0DQ.  None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).






Signed: 10 September 2024

Christine Halliday

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).








Signed: 1 August 2024

Gunthwaite and Ingbirchworth Parish Council

David Berry 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Job Title: Director
Employer: Brunswick House Limited
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 28A Huddersfield Road, Ingbirchworth, Penistone, S36 7GF 28A Huddersfield Road, Ingbirchworth, Penistone, S36 7GF
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry)









Ingbirchworth Petangue Club
British Numismatic Society


Signed: 9 July 2024

David Alan Edmondson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Grove Cottages, New Row Lane, Ingbirchworth Grove Cottages, New Row Lane, Ingbirchworth
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Blackstone Edge Windfarm Community Fund, Management Committee

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Ingbirchworth Pentangue and Social Club (member only, no control or management function). 

Signed: 29 August 2024

David Hazeldine

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 34 Ings Way, Ingbirchworth, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 7GL. 34 Ings Way, Ingbirchworth, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 7GL. 
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None 

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Ingbirchworth Pentague Club

Signed: 12 July 2024

Pauline Ann Ogden

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Penistone Ward Alliance

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 31 July 2024

Hunshelf Parish Council

Kathryn Austin

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job title: none

Employer: none

Job title: none

Employer: none

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Rock House Farm
Green Moor
Nr Wortley
South Yorkshire
S35 7DQ
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 14 July 2024

Kathryn Battye

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses The Old Byre, Snowden Hill, Oxspring, Sheffield, S36 8YR. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).






Signed: 14 October 2024

Louise Amy Godley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job Title: Head of accounts

Employer: Highstone Building Services Ltd

Job Title: Owner

Employer: G A Godley Plant Hire and Groundworks

Sponsorship None None
Securities Home Address Land Home Address Land
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Hill Top Farm
Green Moor
S35 7DQ
Hill Top Farm
Green Moor
S35 7DQ
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Green Moor Cricket Club

Signed: 9 July 2024

Peter Garrity

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licences 3 Delph Mews
Green Moor
S35 7EQ
3 Delph Mews
Green Moor
S35 7EQ
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature Committee member of the Sheffield Bird Study Group
Body dedicated to charitable purposes Member of Wortley Men's Club
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 10 July 2024

Philip Watts

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 1 Welltop Cottages
Green Moor
S35 7DP
1 Welltop Cottages
Green Moor 
S35 7DP
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).







Stocksbridge Rugby Club
Wortley Working Men's Club

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 9 July 2024

Langsett Parish Council

Dean Andrew Furniss

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 26 August 2024

Lynn Mary Hammond

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 7 August 2024

Peter Horner

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 11 July 2024

Linda Taylor

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 7 August 2024

Kathryn Wood

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Pharmacist, Sheffield Teaching Hospital. Pharmacist, Goyt Valley Medical Practice. 
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 4 September 2024

Little Houghton Parish Council

Hilary Cook

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities Land on Rotherham Road with stables on S72 0HA. Land on Rotherham Road with stables on S72 0HA. 
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative


Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Life Members of The Old English Mastiff Club

Signed: 22 August 2024

Jeffrey Greasley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 4 Lesmond Crescent
Little Houghton
S72 0EZ
4 Lesmond Crescent
Little Houghton
S72 0EZ
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative


Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

A member of the Royal college of nursing

A member of the Labour Party

Signed: 23 July 2024

Cheryl Hanson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 7 Belmont Crescent, Barnsley, S72 0HT 7 Belmont Crescent, Barnsley, S72 0HT
Corporate tenancies 7 Belmont Crescent, Barnsley, S72 0HT 7 Belmont Crescent, Barnsley, S72 0HT

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 12 July 2024

Amanda McGrath

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Signed: 14 July 2024

Oxspring Parish Council

Lisa Jane Chambers

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None 
Sponsorship None  None 
Securities None  None 
Contracts None  None 
Land/Property or Licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies  None None 

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as it representative None 
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.  None 
Body directed to charitable purposes.  None
Body who principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).  None
Private club or society. None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).  None 

Signed: 8 July 2024

Emily-Rose Gratton-Rayson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None 
Sponsorship None  None 
Securities None  None 
Contracts None  None 
Land/Property or Licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies  None None 

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as it representative None 
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.  Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust - Trustee position. 
Body directed to charitable purposes.  None
Body who principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).  Barnsley Unison ratified as the unions women's officer. 
Private club or society. None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).  None 

Signed: 5 July 2024

Alan Glen Harley 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 7 October 2024

Graham Sedgwick

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None.  Retired.  None 
Sponsorship None  None 
Securities None  None 
Contracts None  None 
Land/Property or Licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies  None None 

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as it representative None 
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.  None 
Body directed to charitable purposes.  Oxspring Friends
Body who principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).  None 
Private club or society. None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).  None 

Signed: 6 July 2024

Ian Stanley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job Title: Support Worker

Employer: Soar 

Job Title: Dental Nurse

Employer: Rotherham Trust

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 8 July 2024

Ann Shirley Walker

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None 
Sponsorship None  None 
Securities None  None 
Contracts None  None 
Land/Property or Licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. 
Corporate tenancies  None None 

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as it representative None 
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.  None 
Body directed to charitable purposes.  Oxspring Friends
Body who principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).  None 
Private club or society. None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).  None 

Signed: 4 June 2024.

Ian Yems

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job Title: Project Manager
Employer: YPO, WF2 0XE
Sponsorship None  None 
Securities None  None 
Contracts None  None 
Land/Property or Licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. 
Corporate tenancies  None None 

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as it representative None 
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.  None 
Body directed to charitable purposes.  None 
Body who principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).  None 
Private club or society. Penistone Gateway Club.
Springvale Community Garden.
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).  None 

Signed: 8 July 2024

Penistone Town Council (Cubley and Springvale ward)

David Sean Greenhough

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Penistone Area Chair

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 23 September 2024

Nicholas Graham Perkin

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Communications Electrician Technician. South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Penistone Grammar School Governor

Unite the Union

Royal British Legion

Signed: 24 July 2024

Claire Redmond

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain



Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 26 September 2024

Yvette Cooper

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Labour Party

National Educational Union

Signed: 28 October 2024

Penistone Town Council (Hoylandswaine ward)

David John Walker

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Estate Agency Accompanied Viewer

Senior Alms Houses, Hoylandswaine Trustee

Hoylandswaine Village Hall Trustee

Police Officer (South Yorkshire)
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Hoylandswaine Sports and Social Club - Committee Member

Signed: 8 July 2024

Hannah Ruth Kitching

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Company Secretary,
Fernite of Sheffield

BMBC Elected Member

Managing Director Fernite of Sheffield Ltd

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Thurlstone House
S36 9RH
Thurlstone House
S36 9RH
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative

SYMCA Overview and Scrutiny

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Liberal Democrats

Penistone Royal British Legion

National Trust

Signed: 22 September 2024

Penistone Town Council (Penistone ward)

Jonathan Gerard Cutts

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship Liberal Democrat Election Expenses Liberal Democrat Election Expenses
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Penistone Grammar School Foundation Trust

Penistone Ward Alliance

Penistone National Schools Trust

Samuel Wordsworth Charity

Liberal Democrats

Penistone Royal British Legion

Signed: 9 July 2024

Mandy Lowe Flello

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship Liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 2 July 2024

Francis Helen Avery Nixon

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job Title: Speech and Language Therapist
Employer: Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust 

Job Title: Library Assistant, Medical Education
Employer: Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Penistone Grammar School Foundation Trust

Penistone National Schools Trust

Labour Party

Co-operative Party

Unite Union

Signed: 10 August 2024

Wayne Robert Chadburn

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Teacher of Mathematics

Health and Beauty Therapist

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Liberal Democrats


Signed: 29 July 2024

Jason Brian Barton

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Member of the Labour Party

Member of RBL Penistone

Signed: 29 July 2024

Matthew Rigden Nicholson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None

Voluntary position - Chairman of the managing Trustees of Bullhouse Chapel

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses

Field adjacent Thurgoland Bank, Thurgoland.

8 Kennedy Close, Millhouse Green.

Field adjacent Thurgoland Bank, Thurgoland.

8 Kennedy Close, Millhouse Green.

Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 23 September 2024

Penistone Town Council (Thurlstone and Millhouse ward)

Judith Anita Kimberley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 27 July 2024

James Robert Kitching

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Managing Director,
Fernite of Sheffield

Company Secretary, Fernite of Sheffield

BMBC Councillor

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Thurlstone House
S36 9RH
Thurlstone House
S36 9RH
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


National Trust

Liberal Democrats

Signed: 15 September 2024

Jonathan Palmer

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish Councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Blue Box IT Limited
Awaken IT Limited

Blue Box IT Limited
Awaken IT Limited

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 29 July 2024

Shafton Parish Council

Ruth Booker

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job Title: Practice Nurse

Employer: Dr M Scargill, Ashville Med Practice, Kendray

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) Member of Labour Party
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 8 July 2023

Stephen Ellis

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Job Title: Wendy Hepple Neighbourhood Officer

Berneslai Homes
S70 9FZ

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 19 June 2023

Janice Giles

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 13 Hazeldene Crescent, Shafton, S72 8RA None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Shafton Working Men's Club







Signed: 9 August 2024

Jordan Lee Gray 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. 
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).



Shafton Primary Academy Council 

Shafton WMV

The Labour Group 






Signed: 14 October 2024

David Herbert Hall

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 8 Meadow Croft, Shafton, Barnsley, S72 8PR 8 Meadow Croft, Shafton, Barnsley, S72 8PR
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None 

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).








Signed: 16 September 2024

Linda Knight

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).








Signed: 11 August 2024

James Michael Laws Laing Johnson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: driving instructor
Employer: self-employed
Job title: shop assistant
Employer: Co-op
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 20 June 2023

Barry Lee

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 16 Plumpton Park, Shafton, S72 8WF None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).








Signed: 12 August 2024

Peter Leslie Makinson

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 5 Hazeldene Crescent, Shafton, S72 8RA None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative North East Ward Alliance

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Shafton Village Working Men's Club







Signed: 7 August 2024

Silkstone Parish Council

Richard Anthony Leech

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Employed - South Hiendley Parish Council, Parish Hall, Main Street, South Hiendley, S72 9BP

Director - Wellgarth Management (Marsham) Limited, Wellgarth Court, Masham, HG4 4EN

Partner - Lingwell Croft Surgery, 16 Sheldrake Drive, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 3NB



Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Penistone Ward Alliance

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Penistone Ward Alliance 

Signed: 4 November 2024

Derek Boyd Liddell

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Berneslai Homes 
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common, Barnsley 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common, Barnsley
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Yorkshire Local Council's Associations






Signed: 6 November 2024

Meryl Liddell

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Berneslai Homes

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 6 November 2024

Peter Millar

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Head of IOT, Ideal Heating, National Avenue, Hull, HU5 4JB

Sponsorship Election expenses for Penistone East Local Elections May 2024 None
Securities 21 Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common, S75 4SF 21 Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common, S75 4SF
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 21 Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common, S75 4SF 21 Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common, S75 4SF
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).








Signed: 4 November 2024

Debra Claire Smith

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Vat consultant, The Parkinson Partnership LLP, International House, Southampton International Business Park

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 17 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common, S75 4SD 17 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common, S75 4SD

126 High Street, Worsbrough, S70 4SF
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 4 November 2024

Janice Susan Wake 

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 3 Adkin Royd, Silkstone, S75 4LA 3 Adkin Royd, Silkstone, S75 4LA
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 4 November 2024

Stephen James Logan

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


General Practitioner
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Owner of land and house. Roger Royd Farm, Silkstone, S75 4NL Owner of land and house.  Roger Royd Farm, Silkstone, S75 4NL
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 3 November 2024

Stainborough Parish Council

Sam Lockwood-Dukes

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 16 July 2024

Amanda Riley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None N/A
Securities None N/A
Contracts None N/A
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. N/A
Corporate tenancies None N/A

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 24 July 2024

Terence Shaw

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 16 July 2024

Dorothy Ann Winder

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union)

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 16 July 2024

Shaun Bradley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Member Member's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 12 July 2024

Tankersley Parish Council

Andrew Philip Cocking

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Retired Retired
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative. None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 26 August 2024

Richard Garforth

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Head of Infrastructure Evoke PLC Leeds

Self employed

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses

Colliery Yard - owns a share of Road

27 Carr Lane, Tankersley

Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Wortley Men's Club

Signed: 30 July 2024

Robert Thomas Lodge

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: Farmer
Employer: Sole trader

Job Title: Retired

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes Old Savilians Club, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society

Wentworth association for the prosecution of felons.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 21 September 2023

Helen Rachel Myra Reckless

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain

Job Title: Early Intervention and Prevention Worker, Youth Support

Employer: BMBC

Job Title: Senior Production Manager

Employer: Wentworth Steels

Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies Forge Community Partnership
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) Unison
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 22 May 2023

Paul Simpkin

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain



Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses 12 Thorncliffe Way
S75 3DN
12 Thorncliffe Way
S75 3DN
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative.

Forge Community Partnership

Rockingham Centre

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature.

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union).

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 25 September 2024

Thurgoland Parish Council

Sarah Mann

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: Director
Employer: Thurgoland Travel Ltd
Job title: Director
Employer: Thurgoland Travel Ltd
Sponsorship None  N/A
Securities None None
Contracts Thurgoland Transport has contracts with BMBC to provide home to school transport Thurgoland Transport has contracts with BMBC to provide home to school transport
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Thurgoland Rural Transport Group

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Trustee Thurgoland Village Welfare 

Treasurer Oxspring JFC






Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 9 July 2024

Sylvia Oxley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Retired None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. None
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Thurgoland charities

Signed: 12 July 2024

Charles Richard Warttig

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 4 July 2024

Joan Methley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Thurgoland charities

Signed: 11 July 2024

Jannine Elizabeth Hervo

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None N/A
Sponsorship None N/A
Securities None  N/A
Contracts None  N/A
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 N/A
Corporate tenancies None  N/A

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 23 July 2024

Ben Barton

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None 
Contracts None None 
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 28 August 2024

Catherine Evans

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative Thurgoland Village Welfare

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).

Thurgoland Village Welfare

Signed: 27 August 2024

Ian Faraday-White

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: Nurse
Employer: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Job title: Teacher
Employer: Monteney Primary School 
Sponsorship None None
Securities None  None
Contracts None  None 
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Labour Party


Royal College of Nurses

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor

Signed: 8 July 2024

Wortley Parish Council

Kenneth Loxley

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain None None
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 30 July 2023

Wynford Vaughan Morgan

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain


Job Title: Administrator
Employer: Nationwide Building Society
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/property or licenses Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. Information withheld in line with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).







Wortley Club


Signed: 28 August 2024

Timothy Simon Smith

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: Retired

Job title: Retired
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes Wortley RUFC - Chairman
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society Wortley Men's Club
Wortley RUFC
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 5 July 2022

Susan Patricia Sutton

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: retired Job title: retired
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None

Glenroyd, Hollinberry Lane, Howbrook, Wortley, Sheffield, S35 7EL

Glenroyd, Hollinberry Lane, Howbrook, Wortley, Sheffield, S35 7EL
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 21 August 2024

Susan Wing

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Parish councillor Parish councillor's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job Title: Manager Community Services
Employer: South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership Trust
Job Title: Electrical Engineer
Employer: Brookson
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Corporate tenancies None None
Licences None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the council's code of conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Parish councillor
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None
Public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature, including school governing bodies None
Body dedicated to charitable purposes None
Body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade union) None
Membership of any Parish councillor
Private club or society None
Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry) None

Signed: 30 July 2023

Peter John Mitchell

Disclosable pecuniary interests

Interest Member Member's spouse or partner
Any employment, office trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain Job title: retired Job title: retired
Sponsorship None None
Securities None None
Contracts None None
Land/Property or Licenses

Line Flatt
Park Avenue
S35 7DR

Line Flatt
Park Avenue
S35 7DR
Corporate tenancies None None

Other interests required to be disclosed under the Council’s
Code of Conduct

Member of, or position of, general control or management in any Member
Body to which the member has been appointed or nominated by the authority as its representative None

Public authority or body exercising functions of a public

Body directed to charitable purposes.

Body whose principal purposes include the influence of
Public opinion or policy (including a political party or trade

Private club or society.

Organisation which promotes secrecy amongst its members (including organisations involved in freemasonry).


Signed: 2 October 2024

For more information

For enquiries about parish and town councils, email us at: