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Our top stories this week

Are ready to vote in the General Elections?

On Thursday 4 July general elections are taking place for the new constituencies in Barnsley.

Remember you'll need to bring photo ID when you go to vote at a polling station.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence, including a provisional; an older person’s bus pass or disabled person’s bus pass; and the new free Voter Authority Certificate. 

Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm. 

Make sure you are election ready

Remember Your Photo ID

Artists bring a splash of colour to Barnsley

Vibrant and colourful artworks made from recycled furniture will travel around Barnsley raising a smile this summer. 

Barnsley based artists, Lenny and Whale, will be bringing their latest exciting project 'Sanctuary of Colour' to six locations across the borough during the summer of 2024. 

The artwork will be touring locations across the borough’s Principal Towns, including markets, green spaces and high streets through July and August 2024.

The first stop on the tour will be at Goldthorpe Embankment on Thursday, 11 July between 9am and 11.30am and will also include a fun art workshop. The stunning artwork will move later that day to Goldthorpe Town Square and can be experienced between 12.30pm to 3.30pm.

Discover a splash of colour

SOC 3 Photo By Timm Cleasby

Barnsley Libraries announces this year’s ‘Library Lates’ public programme

Barnsley Libraries is excited to announce a series of events for this year’s ‘Library Lates’ programme. ‘Library Lates’ aims to bring evening cultural events, activities, talks and sessions to libraries across the borough.

Library @ the Lightbox and libraries in Goldthorpe, Worsbrough, Royston and Wombwell will become home for a total of 35 sessions between June and December. Sessions delivered by a range of local artists will include writing workshops, open mic nights, ceramics and figure drawing, and many more.

Learn more about Library Lates Programme

Printmaking Workshop At Library @ The Lightbox