Gambling premises licences

The Gambling Act 2005 came into force on 1 September 2007 to transfer responsibility for the licensing of gambling premises from the local magistrates courts to the licensing authority (the council).

The Gambling Commission deal with applications for personal licences and operating licences. More information and application forms can be accessed on the Gambling Commission website.

The council deals with premises licences and these are required where a company or individual proposes to offer premises-based gambling. Licences are issued for specific premises.

There are a number of gambling premises licences available as detailed in the Gambling Act 2005. The cost of each licence is set out in our fees list.

Casino premises licence

Enables games to be played or staked against a bank and/or where each players' chance of winning are not equal. This licence is not currently available within Barnsley.

Bingo premises licence

Grants the provision of bingo equipment and authorises a maximum of 4 Category B3 or B4 gaming machines and unlimited Category C and D machines to be available on the premises.

Betting premises licence

Allows for the provision of facilities for betting by making or accepting bets or by acting as a betting intermediary and will authorise a maximum of 4 Category B2 to D gaming machines to be available on the premises.

Family entertainment centre premises licence

Licensed family entertainment centres are able to offer an unlimited number of category C and D gaming machines. Children are allowed to enter licensed family entertainment centres but they're only permitted to gamble on category D machines. All category C machines must be located only in over-18 areas that are sectioned off from the category D machines. 

Adult gaming centre premises licence

Arcades for adults providing gaming machines with higher payouts than family entertainment centres and may offer up to four category B3 and B4 machines along with an unlimited amount of category C and D machines. They are for over 18s only and children are not allowed on any part of the premises.

A premises licence does not authorise the use of premises for more than one type of activity, except in the case of a track.

How to apply

To apply for a new premises licence you need to complete our application form and return it to us, enclosing a plan of the premises and the relevant licence fee. See our fees list for details.

You must give the prescribed form of notice of application to all the responsible authorities within seven days, beginning on the date on which the application is made.

You must then publish a prescribed notice of application in a local newspaper, on at least one occasion during the period of 10 working days, starting with the day on which the application is made. 

An interested party then has 28 days to make a representation, beginning on the day the correct notice has been published. An interested party is someone who either:

  • lives sufficiently close to the premises to be likely to be affected by the authorised activities
  • has business interests that might be affected by the authorised activities
  • represents persons from either of these points

You must then publish the same prescribed form of notice on the premises, in a place where it can be conveniently read by the public from the exterior of the premises, for 28 consecutive days - starting on the date on which the application is made. 

What happens next

Once it's been granted the new premises licence will not have to be renewed unless there's a change in circumstances, but it will be subject to an annual fee. 

You'll be expected to conform with the relevant mandatory and default licence conditions or relevant codes of practice issued by the Gambling Commission.

Barnsley Council statement of policy

This sets out how the licensing authority will deal with applications for premises licences for casinos, bingo and betting premises, and adult and family gaming centres.

The authority will also deal with applications for gaming machine permits, occasional and temporary use notices and small lotteries under the Gambling Act 2005.

You can read more about the Gambling Act 2005 and our responsibilities.

The Gambling Act 2005 requires the statement of licensing policy to be reviewed at intervals not exceeding three years.

Get a copy of your licence or notify us of a change

If you need a copy of your licence or need to tell us about a change to the licence holders name or address, you can do this online. 

There is a cost for this service. See our fees list for details.