Apply for a private markets licence

If you want to hold a private market with five stalls or more, you’ll need to apply for a private markets licence.

This applies to:

  • car boot sales 
  • table-top sales 
  • jumble-sales 
  • second-hand markets 
  • Christmas markets 
  • farmers' markets 
  • antiques and craft markets 
  • general markets 
  • community and charity markets 
  • bring and buy sales 

It also includes both indoor and outdoor markets.

If you’re unsure if you need to apply for a licence, please email You can also read our markets licencing policy for more details.


Type of event Cost Additional information
Charity and/or community group market events, five to 50 vendors (indoor/outdoor) N/A We're temporarily waiving this fee while we review our Markets Licensing Policy. Groups must still apply to be granted a licence before the event.
Commercially operated market event
up to 50 vendors (indoor/outdoor)
£100 plus VAT per day, regardless of number actually attending. Maximum 12 per year.
Consent must be granted in consultation with Barnsley Markets and a local councillor.
Commercially operated market event
51 to 100 vendors (indoor/outdoor)
£200 plus VAT per day, regardless of number actually attending. Maximum four per year.
Consent must be granted in consultation with Barnsley Markets and local councillors.
Specialist commercial markets
£2,500 per year Maximum 12 per year (unless planning consent is granted).
Consent must be granted in consultation with Barnsley Markets and local councillors.

How to apply

We need to receive your application at least one month before the eventHowever, we encourage you to apply as early as possible. 

You can apply for a private markets licence by downloading and completing the market events application form.

Applications should be emailed to or posted to:

Market Manager
Barnsley Market
The Glassworks
May Day Green
S70 1GW

What happens next

After we've received your application, we aim to process this within 28 working days.