Website privacy and cookies

Some of our websites need you to register so you can access the secure information in them. Read more about setting up an account with us.

We use our own and third party cookies to collect information about visits to our website. Cookies are small files that websites place on your device to help make them easier to use. Our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally. They’re just here to make the site work better for you. You can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish.

Live chat

You can use live chat on some of our webpages to talk to us about some of our services. These include:

You can use this service where you see 'Live chat support and advice is available' on the webpage.

Live chat privacy

We use a third party provider called WhosOn to supply and support our live chat service. We use this to handle customer enquiries in real time.

If you use the live chat service we'll collect your name, email address (optional) and the contents of your live chat session. This will be kept for 12 months and won't be shared with any other organisations. It may be shared with other council services to help resolve your enquiry.

You can request a transcript of your live chat at the end. At this point you'll be asked for your email address.

Website advertising

The Council Advertising Network (CAN) is responsible for adverts on the Barnsley Council website. Please read the Council Advertising Network privacy policy which includes cookie information and how to opt out.