Alcohol plays a significant role in our social lives and in our economy. It provides enjoyment, employment, generates tax revenue and stimulates the night-time economy.
Although the majority of people who drink do so moderately, alcohol consumption has doubled over the past 40 years. As a result, alcohol is the leading risk factor for deaths among men and women aged 15 to 49 years in the UK, and there are more than one million alcohol-related hospital admissions every year.
The harm from alcohol goes far beyond individual health affecting families, friends and communities. It contributes to violent crime, domestic violence and absence from work.
Know your units
The current UK guidelines advise limiting alcohol intake to 14 units a week for women and men. This is equivalent to drinking no more than six pints of average-strength beer (4% ABV) or seven medium-sized glasses of wine (175ml, 12% ABV) a week.
You can find out more facts on alcohol units and a helpful unit calculator.
Alcohol identification and brief advice (IBA)
Purpose of IBA
The primary goal of IBA is to reduce alcohol consumption by showing the client:
- What the consequences of their drinking might be.
- What the client can do about it.
- What help and support can be accessed.
Why IBA?
Brief interventions are cost-effective and have been shown that they can help people to reduce the risks associated to their drinking.
What is IBA?
IBA can be given to someone after completing alcohol screening. It aims to offer brief advice to higher and increasing risk drinkers to help prevent alcohol-related harms.
Alcohol in the UK
- The cost of alcohol misuse is around £3.5 billion a year in the UK.
- In England in 2018, 82% of adults drank alcohol in the past 12 months, with 49% of adults drinking at least once a week.
- 24% of adults in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low-risk guidelines and 27% of drinkers in Great Britain binge drink on their heaviest drinking days (over eight units for men and over six units for women).
- The Institute of Alcohol Studies’ review of consumption from March to June 2020 found that between a fifth and a third of people were drinking more alcohol during lockdown.
What support is available?
BMBC Public Health have made an IBA toolkit which you can access. An easy-read version is also available.
Training for professionals
Alcohol Information and Brief Advice (IBA) training is delivered by Barnsley Recovery Steps in collaboration with us.
The training is aimed at professionals who work with residents across the borough and looks to:
- Provide professionals with the skills and confidence to encourage conversations about individual’s drinking behaviours.
- Gain skills and knowledge in identifying harmful drinking, offering brief advice and support to allow people to make informed choices about their drinking.
- Increase awareness of support options and how to make appropriate referrals to specialist services where needed.
Even if your client does not need long term interventions, offering brief advice and discussing someone’s drinking in an open, honest and non-judgmental way is a proven and cost-effective way to reduce the harms related to alcohol use.
The sessions will take place on the last Friday of every month from 10am until 12.30pm and have a cap of 30 attendees. Upcoming sessions will be delivered online and can be accessed remotely.
To book your place, please email
Alcohol and physical health
Alcohol consumption contributes to several different alcohol-specific physical health conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and liver disease. It can affect your vision, hearing and balance; causing difficulty walking and increasing the risk of slips, trips and falls. It can even impair your judgment and delay your reaction time. Higher levels of alcohol consumption can also exacerbate other physical conditions such as diabetes and stomach problems.
Alcohol can have an effect on:
- Cancer: If you're an older person currently undergoing cancer treatment you should take extra care when drinking as your immune system may be weakened from treatment. Toxins, including alcohol, can cause further deterioration to your immune system.
- Aging: Alcohol can contribute to the effects of aging. This is most notable in the face. Someone who drinks in excess regularly may experience wrinkling in the face quicker than a non-drinker.
- Dehydration and inflammation: Chronic alcohol consumption has been linked to dehydration and inflammation, which can, in turn, cause or increase your risk of various other health issues and diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.
- Skeletal and joint disorders: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the early onset of some joint and skeletal disorders, including arthritis and osteoporosis.
By making changes to our drinking behaviour we can become healthier and reduce our risk for many serious health conditions including cancer, heart problems, and liver disease.
For more facts on the physical health risks associated with drinking alcohol:
Alcohol and mental health
As well as contributing to various physical health conditions, alcohol can also affect your cognitive abilities and overall mental health. Excess drinking in particular can contribute to deteriorating mental health, including:
- Increased anger and stress
- Feelings of isolation
- Issues sleeping
- A lack of personal care (including neglecting diet and health)
- Social tensions with friends and family
- Irritability
- Confusion or depression
In the long-term, drinking problems can increase your risk of developing certain conditions of the brain, including alcohol-related dementia and peripheral neuropathy.
For more facts on the mental health risks associated with drinking alcohol:
Alcohol and medication
There are some risks with mixing alcohol with certain medications, and this is a particular issue as many health conditions faced by the older generation need management through various medications.
While it may be relatively safe to drink whilst taking some medications, others can cause dangerous, sometimes fatal, effects when mixed with alcohol.
It's vital to check the labels on medications, as some, such as cold medicines, contain alcohol themselves. This applies to both prescription, over-the-counter and online-purchased medications of any description.
It's always a good idea to speak to your doctor or pharmacist, as well as consult the leaflet with your medication before you consume alcohol.
Alcohol and coronavirus (COVID-19)
During the pandemic, a large number of people have increased the amount of alcohol they've drank, many of which are older people and those with depression. In particular, the amount of alcohol consumed by men has increased the most.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a big impact and stress factors such as self-isolation, change in employment status, financial issues and even boredom may lead to an increase in drinking.
There are some myths around the alleged benefits of alcohol and its impact on the virus, and it's crucial to know the facts:
- Consuming alcohol will not destroy the coronavirus (COVID-19) virus. Consumption may actually increase health risks should you become infected. Alcohol can be used as a disinfectant on the skin in the form of hand sanitizers to help protect you from coronavirus, but this effect is not the same for alcohol consumption.
- Consuming alcohol will not kill the virus in the air when inhaled, and it does not disinfect your throat, mouth or provide any protection against coronavirus.
- Alcohol will not stimulate immunity or virus resistance, it can actually have a negative effect on your immune system.
Alcohol stigma
‘Stigma’: a mark of disgrace or shame, a stain or blame, on a person’s reputation.
Problematic alcohol often has a stigma attached to it, which often stops those who need support with their drinking seeking help through fear of being judged. There are two main factors that are attached to alcohol stigma; the perception that someone with alcohol dependency has control over the problem and also the belief that acquiring the condition is somehow the person’s fault. In fact, problematic alcohol use is often acquired through no fault of the individual, and they often have little-to-no control over it.
We can all help reduce the stigma around alcohol through the language we use when talking about it. There are some words that draw in stigma, which can be replaced with person-first language. Its proven to reduce the stigma and improve the outcomes of those who experience problems with alcohol:
Words to avoid | Words to use |
Addict | Person with substance misuse disorder |
Alcoholic | Person with Alcohol problems |
Clean | Person with Alcohol problems |
Dirty | Person with Alcohol problems |
Former/reformed addict/alcoholic | Person in recovery, person in in long-term recovery |
Stigma happens when we project stereotypes and prejudice in a discriminatory way. Alcohol stigma can affect people in different ways and in different areas of their lives:
- Family and at home: people often fear telling their family about their alcohol problems as they're scared of the reaction they may receive. This includes being labelled a ‘bad parent’ or defined an ‘alcoholic’.
- Friends and social situations: there's a social stigma to not drinking which can lead to people feeling left out. It can be worrying that friends will view them as boring or no fun, or even worries that others will assume they have a drinking problem if they say no to drinking. We can all challenge this stigma as it's ok not to drink.
- Work and colleagues: in the workplace, alcohol stigma varies from discriminatory hiring practices, to excluding or marginalising people. Providing those with alcohol problems the same allowances as those with other health-related issues or challenging personal circumstances can help reduce this stigma at work. Alcohol can also be subject to informal conversation amongst colleagues, with throwaway comments like ‘alcoholic’ or ‘drunk’ which can be degrading to those with alcohol issues, causing them to stay silent. People with alcohol issues may also fear talking openly to their colleagues or employer about their problems through fear of damaging their reputation or losing their job. Employers encouraging openness on these subjects can help reduce stigma.
- Older people: older people are uniquely vulnerable to alcohol problems due to factors like loneliness, diminished mobility, chronic pain, poor physical health and poor economic or social support. Alcohol problems in older people are often hidden until they reach a crisis point due to the stigmas around alcohol and aging.
- Women: women, particularly mothers, are often held to a different standard to men when it comes to alcohol consumption. The stresses women have throughout their lives may lead to a reliance on alcohol. They may hide their problems through fear of, in the case of a mother, having their children taken away, in comparison to men who often get a free pass with their alcohol consumption. In addition to this, women who have partners with an alcohol use problem may be victims of domestic abuse which may prevent them accessing treatment.
- Young people: young people can be affected by alcohol stigma in different ways. They may have an alcohol dependant parent but fears they'll not be properly understood stops them accessing support. On the other hand, young people may be pressured into drinking by their peers and be shamed for turning down alcohol.
People with alcohol problems often become victims of discrimination and those who feel stigmatised are less likely to seek support. We can reduce this stigma in all areas of our lives by selecting the language we use carefully when discussing alcohol and being sensitive and supportive of someone when we're aware they have problems with alcohol.
Further support and advice can be found at Barnsley Recovery Steps.
BMBC have commissioned DrinkCoach, an online alcohol intervention tool designed to help people who want to cut down their alcohol intake.
For more details you can visit the Drink Coach website.
We've also made an alcohol and stigma toolkit to help raise awareness around the stigma attached to alcohol and to help when having conversations around alcohol.
Children, young people and alcohol
Alcohol is the leading risk factor for deaths of those aged 15 to 49 in the UK and research indicates that the average age a person first tires alcohol is 13. Drinking is seen as a ‘rite of passage’ and a bit of fun amongst teenagers. Alcohol can have severe impacts on developing bodies and brains. Even if their first experience with alcohol is unpleasant, young people may still persist.
Young people may drink for a number of reasons:
- Puberty- adolescents experience stronger emotions and impulsive behaviours during puberty, which can increase the chance that they'll take risks, even if they ‘know better’. The part of our brains which accesses risk, plans ahead and governs self-control is still developing in our teenage years.
- Acceptance- young people want to fit in and be accepted by their friends and those they look up to, such as older siblings. They tend to follow the crowd, which can lead to engaging in risky behaviours from peer-pressure.
In young people alcohol can lead to:
- Alcohol poisoning.
- Increased chance of accident or injury.
- Appearance and side effects such as weight loss, disturbed sleep and headache.
- Poorer mental health outcomes/ impact on brain development- such as negative impacts on memory, reactions, learning and attention span.
- Liver damage which can be fatal, with a large number dying in their twenties.
- Poorer sexual health outcomes - alcohol increases confidence and reduces our ability to make safe decisions. If a young person engages in sexual activity whilst drunk, they may choose not to use contraception, increasing their risk of contracting STIs or becoming pregnant.
- Use of other substances- use of alcohol increases the likelihood that a young person may begin smoking tobacco or cannabis, or even using ‘hard’ drugs.
Underage drinking
In the UK, the age for drinking is 18, and young people are advised not to drink before this. If they do, it should be no younger than 15 due to the associated health risks, such as development and function of vital organs. 15 to 17 year olds should not drink more than once a week and should be supervised by a parent/carer. They shouldn't exceed the 14 unit guidance for adult alcohol consumption.
If someone under the age of 18 is found drinking in public, they'll be fined or arrested, and it's illegal for anyone under 18 to buy/try to buy alcohol, or for someone else to do so on their behalf. It's also illegal for under 18s to drink alcohol in a licenced premise, such as a pub or restaurant. A 16-17 year old may drink (but not buy) beer, wine or cider alongside a meal, if they're accompanied by an adult.
Alcohol and pregnancy and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and
body of people who were exposed to alcohol in the womb. There's increasing recognition that FASD is a significant public health issue in the UK. Its estimated that 41% of pregnant women drink alcohol whilst pregnant. Research suggests that no amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for the baby.
The #DryPregnancy campaign highlights the possible risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and raise awareness of FASD. The aim of the campaign is to dispel the mixed messages and advice given to mums-to-be regarding drinking alcohol in pregnancy. It wants to encourage pregnant women, or women planning a pregnancy to go alcohol free.
The key message is that there's no known safe amount, no safe time and no safe type of alcohol during pregnancy. The safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all (UK Chief Medical Officers, 2016).
Find out about the FASD resources available to you.
Hidden harm
It's thought that 1317 Barnsley children live with an alcohol-dependent adult. Only 16% of these are engaging with treatment services. Children exposed to alcohol dependency are at increased risk of physical and psychological consequences as well as negative impacts on their social development and educational outcome. Evidence suggests that children of parents/carers who misuse alcohol and other substances are more likely to use substances themselves from a younger age. This can also lead to involvement in anti-social or criminal activity.
Supporting young people who drink
Studies show that parents and carers influence our attitudes and relationships with alcohol from childhood. It can help to be a responsible role model to a child or teenager, someone they trust and feel comfortable talking to. You can have open and honest conversations about alcohol with a young person when they ask about it, or even make conversation about alcohol more day-to-day rather than having ‘the talk’. It may also help you to keep informed about the law and health risks associated with alcohol.
There are factors which reduce the likelihood of alcohol use in children and young people:
- Where they consume their first drink - if this is at home around parents/carers, they can learn about the side effects of alcohol and experience alcohol without their peers influence. This should mean they'll be less likely to experiment outside the home.
- Delaying the age a young person first tries alcohol.
- Forming good relationships with adults who can support them.
- Religious affirmation.
- Providing informed and supportive guidance.
There's a stigma around alcohol which can stop young people opening up about it and leading to social isolation, delayed problem recognition and avoidance of treatment. Often, this will stop them seeking support from a parent/carer or treatment service, and instead confide in their peers which can expose them to unhelpful advice. Reducing this stigma increases the likelihood a young person will seek advice from their family or services.
Support available in Barnsley for children and young people
Space is a free, confidential service for young people under the age of 18 in Barnsley. Space can provide help, advice and support to children and young people who are who are using drugs or alcohol or who're affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use. You’ll have a safe, friendly space to talk and get one-on-one support to help you stay safe and make the changes that feel right for you.
Space is provided by Barnsley Recovery Steps.
For support, call 01226 779066, email or complete the Barnsley Recovery Steps referral form.
Young People's Substances Misuse Service
Help is available for young people who may be having problems with alcohol from our Young People’s Substances Misuse Service. Call 01226 705 980 or email
Advice and support for sexual health can be offered through our Early Help team for children and young people up to the age of 19. Call 0800 055 6442 for more information.
Support is also available through the 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service.
Help is available for adults who may be having problems with alcohol from Barnsley Recovery Steps.
We've also developed an children and young people alcohol toolkit which is a handy guide for practitioners or anyone working with children and young people and who are concerned about someone's drinking behaviours. The tool kit can also be used by young people themselves, and their parents or carers if they wish to understand their, or their child’s alcohol use and possible related harm.
Young people and alcohol: a guide for parents and carers
Many parents know drinking increases the risks of accidents, injuries, smoking and drug taking. Many are less aware of the damage alcohol can do to children’s developing brains, liver, bones and hormones, affecting their mood, their mental health and risking them falling behind at school.
Parents are encouraged to visit ‘whatstheharm’ campaign to find out about the facts and the myths about children and alcohol, and how best to have a conversation about alcohol with their child.
Older people and alcohol
Alcohol can be an enjoyable activity for adults of all ages. The maximum recommended weekly alcohol units for adults is 14, but it's advised that older people drink less as it takes our bodies longer to process alcohol as we age. Although there are some suggested benefits of alcohol, they're only reaped when drinking at a low level.
In the UK, people aged 55 and over are more likely to exceed the recommended weekly alcohol consumption than those in any other age group. In general, there is both low awareness of drinking recommendations, and an overall increase in consumption levels in the over 50's.
The key, especially for older people; is to find a balance between enjoyment, drinking safely and the harm excess alcohol consumption may cause. This will be unique to each individual. Although there's generic advice for older people to drink less than the maximum recommended 14 units.
You should always consider your own circumstances, such as your current physical and mental health and any medication you may be taking. Even if you were once able to tolerate high levels of alcohol, your tolerance will reduce as you age, and the effect alcohol has on your body is more intense and will last longer than it did when you were younger.
Support available in Barnsley
You may want to consider speaking to your GP if you feel you need support to help you work out a healthy level of drinking.
If you'd like to talk with someone in confidence about your drinking, help is available on the Barnsley Recovery Steps website. You can call them on 01226 779066, email or complete the Barnsley Recovery Steps referral form.
If you want to understand your drinking behaviours, take the DrinkCoach Alcohol Test to see if you qualify for free sessions with an alcohol specialist.
We've also made an older people and alcohol tool kit which is a handy guide for practitioners or anyone working with older people and who are concerned about someone's drinking behaviours. The tool kit can also be used by older people themselves if they wish to understand their alcohol use and possible related harm.
What are we doing?
Every local area across England is required to form a Combating Drugs Partnership (CDP).
These partnerships bring together a range of local partners to provide a single setting for understanding and addressing shared challenges related to drug and alcohol related harm, based on local context and need.
In Barnsley, our Combatting Drugs Partnership (CDP) started in September 2022 and actively oversees how the national strategy is put into action locally.
A wide range of organisations are represented at the CDP, including:
- Barnsley Recovery Steps (our local drug and alcohol support service),
- NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Barnsley Place
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- NHS England
- Mental health services
- South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
- South Yorkshire Police
- National Probation Service
- Prisons
- leads from Barnsley Council from across both adults, children’s and family services.
The CDP is also responsible for making sure that we deliver and achieve the national strategy's priorities, and that Barnsley performs well against a National Outcome Framework including the following measures:
- Reduce the prevalence of alcohol dependency
- Reduce the unmet need for alcohol treatment
- Increase residential rehab uptake
- Increase inpatient detox uptake
- Reduce alcohol-specific deaths
- Reduce hospital admissions attributable to alcohol
- Reduce hospital admissions for drug and alcohol for 15-24 year olds
- Reduce the number of young people involved in high-risk drinking
- Increase the number of young people ceasing or reducing their cannabis use
- Increase the number of young people ceasing the use of other drugs
Minimum unit pricing
We're joining civic leaders across England in the call for an urgent introduction of a minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol. Evidence has shown that this could save almost 8000 lives across the north of the country over the next 20 years.
MUP is designed to reduce the availability of cheap, strong alcohol by setting a price below which a unit of alcohol can't be sold - 50p. The scheme has now been introduced in Wales, almost two years since it started in Scotland and weeks after England saw hospital admissions caused by alcohol reach a record level.
Research from the University of Sheffield has shown that a 50p MUP in England would see alcohol consumption in some areas in the north falling by almost twice the national average. This lead to greater reductions in alcohol-related deaths, hospital admissions and crimes.
Find out more about MUP in Barnsley.
Where to get help for alcohol problems
Your GP is a good place to start if you're concerned about the amount of alcohol you're drinking.
Help is also available from Barnsley Recovery Steps, which offers free and confidential support to people of all ages looking to change their relationship with alcohol or drugs.
You can call them on 01226 779066, email or complete the Barnsley Recovery Steps referral form.
You can also get more details at Alcohol Change UK.
Night time economy
Barnsley’s night time economy keeps people flocking to the town and is a huge source of social and cultural capital, providing a number of licensed venues, and a space where you can socialise, unwind and relax. However, it's not simply the venues, the music and the infrastructure that keeps our night time environment vibrant, varied and an exciting place to be; it's the people that go out and enjoy it. Your health, wellbeing and safety remains a top priority for us.
We aim to support your health, wellbeing and safety whilst out in the town centre at night and our work in this area was recognised in 2019 when we were awarded Purple Flag status. Purple Flag is an accreditation process similar to the Green Flag award for parks and the Blue Flag for beaches and is given to town and city centres that meet or surpass the standards of excellence in managing the evening and night time economy.
Best Bar None (BBN) scheme
One successful scheme we’ve adopted in Barnsley which helped us to achieve the Purple Flag status, is the National Best Bar None (BBN) scheme.
The BBN scheme is designed to promote good practice, leading to a better customer experience. BBN maintains and raises standards and rewards good management of those venues that attain the award. This scheme is delivered at a local level by active partnerships between the night time economy industry, Barnsley Council and South Yorkshire Police.
The BBN awards are based on core national standards with flexibility to make sure they address local needs and assessments of licensed premises are carried out by trained assessors to ensure consistency of approach.
The 2018 local scheme created a ‘buzz’ among town centre venues following the awards ceremony and the launch of the 2019 scheme saw 32 town centre venues express an interest in applying and engaging in the assessment process. In 2019, 23 venues went through the assessment process and gained accreditation. This was a 69% participation and accreditation increase on 2018. The 2020 scheme was launched in January with a target of increasing participation in the scheme further, with an aim of 70% of town centre licenced premises becoming accredited.
What is DrinkCoach?
DrinkCoach is an online alcohol intervention tool offered by Humankind, a charity that helps people to build healthier lives. DrinkCoach is designed to help people who want to cut down their alcohol intake by allowing them to identify how risky their drinking is, access personalised advice online and find local support in Barnsley. For more details you can visit
What does DrinkCoach offer?
DrinkCoach offers you multiple options, allowing you to access support in a way that you choose:
App: The DrinkCoach app is free and allows you to track your drinking and identify where you could make changes. Download the DrinkCoach app.
Alcohol Test: This quick and confidential online test offers you advice about your drinking and information on local support. The DrinkCoach Alcohol Test is now available in Barnsley.
Coaching Service: After completing the alcohol test see if you qualify for free online coaching. If eligible, you could be offered up to six free sessions of virtual face-to-face support from a coach via Skype. Sessions are confidential and will work around you. There are daytime, evening and weekend appointments available.
Who is DrinkCoach for?
DrinkCoach is for any adult over the age of 18 living in Barnsley, who is concerned that their alcohol consumption is increasing, and who are not currently engaging with other forms of alcohol.
treatment.* DrinkCoach provides early interventions for adults to help prevent alcohol-related harm and possible future dependency on alcohol.
*(DrinkCoach isn't available to those who are under 18 years old, those with a dependence on alcohol/ at risk of withdrawal, those identified as in need of alcohol detoxification or those with significant physical health issues, such as a history of alcohol-related liver disease or seizures).
Why choose DrinkCoach?
There's a lot of stigma around alcohol and drinking, which often stops those who want help from accessing face-to-face support. DrinkCoach eliminates this as the confidential services offered are virtual, meaning you can access the full service from the comfort, safety and privacy of your own home.
Follow DrinkCoach on social media
X: @drinkcoach
Facebook: DrinkCoach