The Stronger and Healthier Communities Partnership is a multi-agency board that contributes towards our health and wellbeing vision for the people of Barnsley. Our vision is for people to:
- be healthy
- stay safe
- enjoy and achieve
- be active citizens
- earn a good living
Our role is to encourage our local partners, voluntary and community sectors to work together. We promote the shared ownership of outcomes to enable people to achieve their potential. This will help to increase the resilience and wellbeing of the community as a whole.
Our partners
The partnership is made up of a range of organisations and groups including:
- Barnsley Council
- Barnsley Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS)
- Barnsley Healthcare Federation (BHF)
- Barnsley Premier Leisure
- Berneslai Homes
- NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust (SWYPFT)
- South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR)
Our priorities and plan
Our ambition is for a community in which people and families are healthy, resilient, confident and have the skills to thrive and achieve their full potential.
Our main priorities for this year are to:
- Ensure there's the right help in the right place at the right time.
- Develop strong partnership working and strong leadership across the sector.
- Empower people and communities to build capacity and resilience, so they can do more for themselves.
The Stronger and Healthier Communities Partnership Board reviews its plans and makes sure that partners deliver against the shared priorities. We measure our achievements through key performance indicators and case studies to review the impact of a joined up approach with our partners.
The Early Help Adults Plan
The Early Help Adults Plan is a multi-agency plan to achieve the best outcomes for families and communities in the borough. It includes how we plan to meet our priorities.
Being resilient
More Money in Your Pocket
Through our More Money in Your Pocket website we'll provide the public with information and support to help with the cost of living. We'll do this by:
- Communicating to ensure people know what's available through More Money in Your Pocket.
- Providing relevant content on the More Money in Your Pocket webpage.
Better Lives programme
Our Better Lives programme will support people to achieve their best life. We'll work with people to identify their strengths and help them realise their potential to live independently in their own community for as long as possible. We'll do this by:
- Putting in place an adult social care front door.
- Developing a reablement community pathway.
- Supporting workforce development.
- Preparing people for adulthood.
Employability and skills programme
Our employability and skills programme will support people who are economically inactive to fully benefit from inclusive economic growth. To do this we'll:
- Have clear pathways into and within learning.
- Enable employment for all.
Community capacity building
Through community capacity building we'll support and develop our communities across the borough. This will ensure everyone has the ability to achieve their potential through:
- Supporting volunteering.
- Providing infrastructure support for the voluntary and community sector.
- Supporting the development of the voluntary and community sector.
Armed forces community
We'll support our armed forces community to ensure that no member faces disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen. We'll do this by:
- Supporting the national Armed Forces Day.
- Promoting our Armed Forces Walkway.
- Complying with new statutory duties.
- Communicating with our armed forces community.
Customer engagement
We'll improve engagement with those at risk of inequalities by:
- Engaging with people who have disabilities.
- Engaging with migrant communities.
- Engaging with other protected characteristic groups.
- Developing a system wide approach to engagement.
- Improving and promoting Live Well Barnsley.
Good Food Barnsley
Our partnership
Through our Good Food Barnsley partnership we'll build a better Barnsley where everyone has the right food they need to thrive. We'll do this by:
- Delivering against the recommendations in the National Food Strategy.
- Delivering against the recommendations Barnsley Council’s Food Plan.
- Addressing gaps in Barnsley’s food ladder.
Good food offer
We'll strengthen our good food offer to improve access to good food for all by:
- Delivering a programme of holiday activities and food.
- Expanding community shops in Barnsley.
- Communicating so people know where to access good food initiatives.
Healthy and active ageing
Third Sector Dementia Alliance
Barnsley's Third Sector Dementia Alliance will ensure that every person with a diagnosis of dementia is supported to live well in their own home and community from the onset of their illness. They'll do this by:
- Connecting people to support early.
- Raising awareness about dementia.
- Communicating to provide good sources of information.
- Building capacity to increase the range of support for people living with dementia.
Ageing well
We'll support people to age well to live in good health without ageism by:
- Reducing the increased risk of dementia.
- Supporting older people to access mental health services.
- Preventing falls for older frail people.
- Supporting people with learning disabilities with easy read information and access to health checks.
- Promoting good oral health.
Older People Physical Activity Alliance
Barnsley’s Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) aims to increase provision of physical activity programmes that will improve the strength and balance of older people (50+) across Barnsley. They'll do this by:
- Developing the collective physical activity offer for older people.
- Providing an outreach programme to engage older people in physical activity.
- Putting in place an effective referral pathway between the alliance members.
- Measuring and evaluating the impact of the alliance.
Age-friendly communities
Barnsley’s age-friendly communities will work together so everyone in Barnsley enjoys healthy and active ageing. Age-friendly communities make it possible for people to continue to stay living in their homes, take part in the activities they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible. They'll do this by:
- Supporting a series of regular events that raise awareness of Age-friendly Barnsley, portray positive images of ageing and the contribution of older people.
- Supporting a healthy life expectancy by promoting physical activity, learning opportunities and access to green spaces.
- Improving transport options for older people with mobility issues.
- Encouraging inclusion of older people.
Wellbeing support
We'll promote wellbeing support by helping people benefit from improved mental and physical wellbeing. We'll do this by:
- Developing our healthier weight programmes.
Reducing excess winter deaths
We aim to reduce excess winter deaths and support people to stay warm and well during cold weather. We'll do this by:
- Delivering an affordable warmth programme.
- Increasing the take up of key vaccinations.
- Communicating through marketing and campaigns.
Supporting carers
We'll support carers by ensuring they're identified, recognised and have access to information, advice, practical and emotional support, to help them achieve the outcomes which matter most to them. We'll do this by:
- Reviewing our governance arrangements.
- Awareness raising and communication.
- Supporting working carers.
Our safe and well offer
We'll support people through our safe and well offer by:
- Increasing South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue staff numbers who can carry out safe and well checks.
- Increasing referral partners.
- Attending key events to raise awareness.