The Metropolitan Borough Of Barnsley (Public Footpath 427 Barnsley)


Public path diversion order 2024


Notice is hereby given that the above-named order was made on the 29 July 2024. The effect of the order will be to divert part of public footpath 427 Barnsley running from the southern end of Bleachcroft Way, Stairfoot (grid reference 3730 0506) and proceeding in a south easterly direction to the junction with Worsbrough footpath no. 61 (grid reference 3745 0498) at the parish boundary on the old Barnsley Canal towpath as shown between the points marked A and B on the Order Map to a line running from where the new estate road will join Bleachcroft Way (grid reference 3731 0514) heading south then east along the new footway (grid ref 3736 0503) then continuing east through the public open space to the former canal tow path and south to the junction with Worsbrough footpath 61 (grid reference 3745 0498) as shown between points C – D – B as shown on the Order Map.

A copy of the Order and the Order map May be seen free of charge at Library at the Lightbox, 1 The Glassworks, Barnsley and at the Worsbrough Branch Library, Queensway, Barnsley S70 5EN during normal business hours, Mondays to Fridays.
Any representations about or objections to the Order may be sent or delivered in writing and addressed to Public Rights of Way, Barnsley MBC, Smithies Depot, Smithies Lane, Barnsley S71 1NL or by email to not later than 2nd September 2024. The grounds on which they are made should be stated.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Council may confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If the Order is sent to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for confirmation any representations and objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the Order.