Tech and digital entrepreneurs make way for second batch on Barnsley incubator

The first digital entrepreneurs to work through Barnsley’s hot new tech incubator have made way for a second cohort with bright ideas and burning ambitions.

The Furnace, launched in January this year, has led its first recruits through an intensive six-month business incubation programme at Barnsley’s Digital Media Centre (DMC).

The fully-funded residency has given them support to build, test and refine prototypes, develop business propositions, and finesse pitches for investment.

The package has included dedicated workspace, use of MakerLab and CreatorLab facilities, workshops and one-to-one specialist support in innovation, business development and access to finance.

Cohort one graduates worked on innovations for apps, software or online platforms to improve efficiency and effectiveness in areas such as business planning, import and export communications and data collection around water pollution.

They all turned their ideas into fully-tested MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) and achieved their first sales by the end of the programme.

Programme manager Harriet Muscroft said: “Every cohort one graduate came to us with an idea and left with customers. It was fantastic to support their journey from pre-start up stage, through to developing an MVP, testing it out and going on to secure first sales.

“They also made strong ties with each other and the rest of Barnsley’s digital business community, which has a well-established national profile in the tech sector.”

The second cohort of innovators have now started The Furnace programme with innovations across sectors including hospitality, construction, food production and games development.

Also, new this time, applications to join The Furnace are welcome on a rolling basis. This enables people step into the programme and access support on one-to-one basis much sooner.

Enterprising Barnsley group leader Ben Hawley said: “We’re very pleased to open up the applications process for The Furnace so that we can onboard people on a rolling basis.

“If people have a burning idea, we want to get them started developing it as quickly as possible. We welcome applicants to join The Furnace programme anytime.

“It’s been incredible to see this first group of tech and digital entrepreneurs work through their ideas at the DMC. They’ve used all the expertise, resources and opportunities we’ve made available to them to transform their innovations into good commercial propositions.”

Applicants to The Furnace are invited from across South Yorkshire, the wider region and anywhere in the UK, or the world.

Participants must commit to spending two days a week in the DMC for the duration of the incubator, attending events included in The Furnace programme, and sharing a progress report on what they have gained through the programme at its conclusion.

Find out more and apply to be part of the programme here

DMC 01 and DMC 02  are owned and managed by Barnsley Council and are home to the Enterprising Barnsley business support team and Launchpad start-up support service, which helps any business – tech-focused or not - to get up and running.

DMC 02’s MakerLab is equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, virtual reality tools and other tech. Its CreatorLab has all the hardware and software needed to create professional audio-visual materials.

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