South Family Hub opening a huge success

Family laughter, children gaming and baby sensory fun were aplenty as we celebrated the opening of our South Family Hub in Wombwell earlier today.

Following a ribbon cutting ceremony by the Mayor of Barnsley, Councillor John Clarke JP, families were invited inside each hub to meet a wide range of expert family support services, who can offer guidance, help and support whenever they need it.  

The first-of-a-kind opening with the Targeted Youth Support service included a grandiose outdoor gaming bus, families singing and dancing, baby sensory games and outdoor entertainment in the glorious Barnsley sunshine! 

The latest Family Hub and Start for Life Hub opening is the next step in delivering our family and Start for Life services, providing support for families with children aged from 0 up to 19 years old (and up to 25 for young people with special education needs and disabilities). 

Our range of expert family support professionals, health visitors, early help workers, midwives, mental health support services, employment advisors, adult learning and many other partners will all be on hand at Family Hub buildings so families can receive the right help at the right time. 

Mayor of Barnsley, Councillor John Clarke JP, said: “It was brilliant to see so many families visit our Family Hub opening day at South Family Hub, from families who are familiar faces to new people such as grandparents, who will be able to benefit from what’s on offer here.   

“We’ll be working with our partners in health and across many groups who work with families to make sure our children get the very best start in life on their journey into young adulthood here in Barnsley – the place of possibilities.” 

The Family Hubs and Start for Life project is a £3.4 million investment over three years to make sure families flourish in the Barnsley area. From birth right the way through to young adulthood, we're here for you through Family Hubs, which are easily accessible throughout the borough. 

Barnsley families will also be able to access a wide range of services and activities online on the Virtual Family Hub and in other community locations through our Family Hubs in the Community pop-up services. This includes venues such as libraries, youth centres, schools, early years settings, health settings, community centres and faith buildings. 

For further information, you can visit the Virtual Family Hub or the Family Hubs Facebook page. 

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