Save the date for Barnsley’s SEND Local Offer Live Event - Wednesday 25 September

We’re delighted to announce the details of our latest Local Offer Live Event taking place on Wednesday 25 September at Barnsley Metrodome Arena, between 10am and 6pm. The popular event will showcase the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services and support available in Barnsley for children, young people and their families.

The upcoming event, organised by Barnsley Family Hubs Local Offer and Post-16 provision and partnerships, aims to provide clear, accessible and up-to-date information about the full range of SEND provision, support and information available for any young person with SEND, a parent, carer or professionals working with SEND children, aged 0 to 25.

At the event, you’ll find over 35 stalls and be welcomed by a host of organisations offering information, guidance and specialist knowledge about what they can offer. This will cover information that spans all stages of the SEND journey - from starting nursery, through to leaving school, seeking employment and living independently.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the organisations and information you’ll find:

  • Local Authority SEND Services including Portage, Social Communication and Interaction (SCI), Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Teams
  • SEND Support Groups
  • SEND Participation Team and SENDIASS
  • Early Years Consultants and Child Development Practitioners
  • Targeted Youth Support
  • Family Hubs
  • Training and employment opportunities
  • A range of Health Services
  • Sport and Physical Activity
  • Disabled Children’s Team Short Breaks

You’ll also have the opportunity to hear presentations from various organisations, including SENDIASS, Compass Be, and Sheffield University regarding Disability Transitions. Another highlight of the day will be the launch of the first draft of Barnsley's new All-Age Autism Strategy which sets out how we plan to support people with autism and ensure they’re able to have their needs met and access to the public services they need to lead healthy, safe and fulfilling lives.

Cabinet Spokesperson for Children’s Services, Cllr Trevor Cave, said: “Our Local Offer Live events are a wonderful opportunity for families and young people impacted by SEND to find out just what support is out there for them in Barnsley.

“Our Local Offer is more than just a directory of organisations, it’s a network of education, health and support services that together make sure families can access the service and support they need, wherever they are on their SEND journey.

“If you’re unable to attend the event, don’t worry, we will be hosting more events in the future and I’d urge you to take a look at our Local Offer webpage where you’ll find a wealth of information.”

The event has been planned to make it as accessible as possible for everyone. It’s a drop-in event so you can pop in between 10am and 6pm at a time to suit you, you’ll find a dedicated quiet and sensory area and easy access toilets at arena level.

If you come by car, please use the extended easy access car park at the bottom car park (past the man entrance) for single level access or alternatively, you can access via the lift in main reception. If you plan on eating whilst at the event, the Arena Food stall will be open to purchase food. If you have special dietary requirements, you can bring your own food.

Find out more about our Local Offer at

You can contact the team on 08000 345340 or email

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