Mayor opens new active travel scheme on the A635

The Mayor of Barnsley was on hand to officially open the new active travel route on the A635 earlier today. 

The scheme, located on the A635 between Stairfoot Roundabout and Hollygrove Roundabout in Goldthorpe, has been delivered using our Transforming Cities and City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement funding to provide a shared use off highway route for our local communities. 

It has helped to address some of the barriers our residents find when wanting to walk or cycle more by providing widened and new footways, and an improved bus stop with real-time bus details, shelters and seating. 

Other improvements include upgraded street lighting, new and improved way finders and signage, and new crossing points along the route. 

We hope the works will help to improve links between Fields End Business Park and Doncaster Road. 

Councillor James Higginbottom, Cabinet spokesperson for Environment and Transport, said: "This is an important project which has improved the key strategic route between the town centre and the east of the borough and demonstrates our commitment to making our borough more active by providing the right infrastructure to encourage people to walk and cycle more often.  

"This completed scheme will enable the people of Barnsley to travel by more sustainable methods and complements the investment we’re making to encourage people to be more active through our Active Travel strategy, working with schools and communities to deliver a stronger and healthier town. 

"Our continued commitment to helping the people of Barnsley to be more active through walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling, together with our future programme of network improvements will help us all achieve our target of being a better Barnsley in all aspects of our lives." 

For more information about the scheme, go to

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