Lighting improvements to be made in Gateway Plaza Car Park

Work will take place to improve the lighting in Gateway Plaza Car Park from Monday 24 March, with a phased closure of levels in place until 2 May.

The car park will be open during the works, with access for all users available via Fitzwilliam Street (except 14 April and 18 April) and Shambles Street (except between 24 March and 28 March).

Work will take place on Monday to Friday and begin on the ground floor on 24 March before moving up the three floors of the car park each week.

The improvements are set to be completed by Friday 2 May. Signs and diversions will be in place during the work.

Cllr Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said:

“Improvements at Gateway Plaza will update an important parking facility in the town centre and see improved lighting installed to benefit all users of the car park.

“The floors that aren’t being worked on will remain open during the duration of the work so we hope that the impact on everyone who uses it will be minimal.”

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