Great British Spring Clean returns

The Great British Spring Clean returns with our Neighbourhoods team, Area teams and volunteers coming together to take part in events across Barnsley

Starting on 21 March and running to 6 April, the national initiative hosted by Keep Britain Tidy sees litter picks and tidy ups take place across the country to encourage people to love where they live.

A number of areas in the borough will be taking part and hosting events, including litter picks, for residents, community groups, schools, businesses and volunteers to take part.

Every bag of litter collected really makes a huge difference and helps us on our journey to creating a cleaner, greener more sustainable Barnsley.

Cllr James Higginbottom, Cabinet Spokesperson for Environment and Highways said:

“The Great British Spring Clean is a great opportunity for residents and staff to come together in our communities and all do our bit in keeping our borough clean and green.

“Last year saw a great effort from everyone involved and I would once again encourage anyone thinking of signing up to take part in any of the events to do so.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to the incredible volunteers and our staff who work hard to make Barnsley a clean, green and sustainable town that we can all be proud to call home.”

Cllr Wendy Cain, Cabinet Spokesperson for Public Health and Communities, said:

“Our Neighbourhood team, volunteers and Area teams all go to a great effort throughout the Great British Spring Clean to organise and take part in the events across the borough and I’d like to thank them all for their hard work.

“The initiative offers a great opportunity for us all to get involved in events that are both good for our environment and help us take some pride in our communities.”

Full details on the events taking place and how to become a litter picker can be found on our website.

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