We have been offered more than £3 million in funding by the government to improve housing as part of their Warm Homes schemes across the next three years.
Warm Homes Social Housing Fund
£1.6 million has been provided for the Warm Homes Social Housing Fund (Wave 3), which will be used to upgrade many Berneslai Homes properties to help them reach Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C.
It will support the installation of energy performance measures to deliver warm and energy efficient homes, reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty to improve the comfort, health and well-being of social housing tenants.
Warm Homes Local Grant
A further £1.5 million will help us deliver energy performance and low carbon heating upgrades to homes in the private sector as part of the Warm Homes Local Grant. Eligible properties will have appropriate measures installed at no cost to the occupants, including insulation, solar panels and an air source heat pump if suitable. Full details of how to apply for the scheme will be made available upon its launch.
Both schemes are expected to begin in the summer.
Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: "We're pleased to have received confirmation of this funding for these schemes.
"We want all of our residents to be able to enjoy a life in good physical and mental health in a quality, affordable and sustainable home which suits their needs and lifestyle, and this funding will help us to work towards making that a reality.
"I also encourage our residents to get in touch with our Warm Homes team for more information about other help and support currently available to them."
For more information about our Warm Homes service and advice on staying warm and well in your property, go to barnsley.gov.uk/warmhomes or call 01226 77 33 66.