Cabinet to discuss the renewal and continuation of two Public Space Protection Orders

Next week, Cabinet will discuss the continuation of the Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) as well as the renewal of the Dog Control PSPO.

PSPOs are in place to help prevent anti-social behaviour in public places and to support public safety across the borough.

First introduced in 2016, the Town Centre PSPO helps us to address and tackle anti-social behaviour in Barnsley town centre. The proposed renewal of the Town Centre PSPO will cover a larger area and include a new restriction prohibiting open containers of alcohol in non-licensed public spaces.

The borough-wide Dog Control PSPO, implemented in 2021, has been effective in promoting responsible dog ownership. The proposed continuation of the order will maintain its current restrictions, including the requirement for dog owners to carry means to pick up dog waste and to keep dogs on leads in cemeteries.

The fixed penalty rate for breaches of either PSPO will remain at £100.

Cllr Wendy Cain, Cabinet Spokesperson for Public Health and Communities, said: “We want to make sure Barnsley remains a great place to live, work and visit, and PSPOs support our commitment to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all of our residents and visitors. Continuing these measures will mean our teams are still able to challenge and stop detrimental behaviour, and continue their work to address anti-social behaviour and promote responsible dog ownership in Barnsley.”

There’s more information about the Town Centre PSPO and Dog Control PSPO on our website.

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