Cabinet to discuss Berneslai Homes’ Annual Performance Review for 2023-24

Next week, Cabinet members will discuss the Annual Performance Review of Berneslai Homes for 2023-2024.

The review highlighted significant achievements and outlined future initiatives, reinforcing our commitment to placing tenants at the heart of our services.

During 2023-24, Berneslai Homes demonstrated strong performance against the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and key performance indicators (KPIs).

They have achieved 100% compliance across all five building safety TSMs gas, fire, asbestos, water, and lift safety demonstrating their commitment to tenant safety.

The workforce has continued to grow through apprenticeship opportunities, surpassing workforce targets by 3.64%, providing valuable skills and career development opportunities for residents.

Berneslai Homes completed nearly 77,000 repairs and conducted 1,890 inspections for damp, mould, and condensation. They have executed energy efficiency upgrades for 1,000 homes, leading to reduced energy usage and cost savings for tenants. Additionally, £11.4 million was invested in upgrading 1,275 homes, while 1,345 tenants benefitted from home adaptations.

They have also continued to collect tenant feedback through Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) surveys. This has enabled more frequent and accurate feedback from our tenants, ensuring that their voices continue to shape our service delivery.

While celebrating these successes, Cabinet will also discuss areas for improvement including improvements around repairs, communication and complaint handling.

Despite challenges in meeting some KPIs, Berneslai Homes’ performance remains strong compared to other high-performing housing providers. Efforts are ongoing to address these areas, including implementing dynamic resource scheduling to enhance repair efficiency and rolling out a new Customer Relationship Management system to better serve tenants.

The Annual Business Action Plan for 2023-24 saw significant progress, with key actions supporting tenant engagement, regulatory compliance, and service improvements. Future initiatives include installing 1,000 additional solar panel arrays, further developing the Lettings Policy, and expanding support for tenants’ financial and employment needs.

Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “It’s important that all our tenants have access to a warm, safe, and affordable home.

“We’re committed to working with Berneslai Homes to deliver on the priorities and targets set for the next financial year and continue to improve the lives of residents in Barnsley."

Amanda Garrard, Chief Executive of Berneslai Homes, added: “I would like to thank our tenants and staff for helping us make significant strides in improving services, which are highlighted in the Annual Review.

"The report also sets out the challenges we’ve faced and our action plan for improvements over the next year.”

Find out more about the Annual Performance Review on our website.

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