Cabinet members discuss Barnsley’s Litter and Environmental Crime Plan 2024-2030

Next week, Cabinet members will discuss Barnsley’s Litter and Environmental Crime Plan 2024-2030 which outlines our next steps towards making Barnsley more sustainable and addressing environmental blight within the borough.

The strategy outlines five key commitments and a comprehensive delivery plan to address the challenges associated with littering and fly-tipping. These commitments focus on changing behaviours and education, strengthening community ownership, improving infrastructure and resources, enhancing the council's service offer, and better enforcement.

The strategy's development involved extensive co-production work with community members and volunteers from across the borough including members of the Litter and Environmental Crime Forum to ensure a shared understanding of priorities and objectives. Our volunteers play a vital role in tackling litter and environmental crime across the borough. Their commitment to regular clean-ups, awareness campaigns, and community education initiatives ensures that our streets, parks, and public spaces remain tidy and inviting. Their firsthand experience and insights into the challenges and needs of our communities have been vital through the development of this plan.

As part of the strategy, cabinet members will also approve increased fixed penalty tariffs for environmental offences, in line with the Environmental Offences Fixed Regulation 2023. The revised tariffs aim to deter environmental offenders.

Matt O’Neill, Executive Director for Growth and Sustainability said: “Littering and environmental blight not only harms the environment but also affects people's sense of pride in their community.

“Our strategy shows our commitment to creating a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable Barnsley for everyone.

"The development of our Litter and Environmental Crime Strategy would not have been possible without the invaluable input and knowledge of our volunteers.

“To achieve the ambitions within our plan, we need everyone to play their part by recycling right and preventing items from becoming litter in the first place.”

Anny Hartley, Executive Director for Public Health and Communities said: “There is no excuse for littering and environmental crime, and it will not be tolerated in our borough.

“By applying new maximum fixed penalty tariffs, we aim to send a strong message to anyone considering dumping waste illegally.

“Our Litter and Fly-tipping Plan provides opportunities to work together and collaborate further with partners, community groups, and volunteers for the benefit of our borough.”

The approval of the Litter and Fly Tipping Plan underscores our commitment to promoting sustainability, enhancing community well-being, and preserving the local environment. The progress against the plan will be reviewed annually, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement against environmental crime.

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