Barnsley Council to participate in National Energy Action's Warm Homes Healthy Futures scheme

We have received almost £250,000 of funding from the leading fuel poverty charity National Energy Action (NEA) to participate in their Warm Homes Healthy Futures scheme.

The scheme, which will run until 2026, aims to engage with hundreds of residents who have health conditions made worse by the cold, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, depression and heart disease.

It is open to residents across Barnsley, with our Warm Homes team working with GP practices, hospitals and social care teams to deal with responses and provide case-worker support to the most vulnerable residents to live in warm homes.

Energy efficiency advice will be given along with help to apply for grants for heating and insulation, signposting to other services and local organisations and a free carbon dioxide monitor.

Referrals will also be made into NEA by our Warm Homes team to provide benefit checks and income maximisation.

The scheme is open to anyone who:

  • Has a health condition or disability that is made worse by living a cold and damp home
  • Is struggling with their energy bills
  • Has been referred into the service by a health or social care professional

Councillor Robin Franklin, Cabinet spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: "We want all of our residents in Barnsley to be able to enjoy a life in good physical and mental health in a quality, affordable and sustainable home which suits their needs and lifestyle.

"This funding from National Energy Action will supplement our existing Warm Homes offer, providing a flexible delivery model which will allow us to respond to local gaps and needs, targeting those who most need our help. It will also connect the health and social care sectors to energy advice and support to help people stay warm, safe and healthy at home.

 "We know that a variety of people are impacted by living in a cold home, and this scheme will help them with energy advice and support, maximisation of benefits and income, and signposting to a variety of further support, including crisis support like fuel vouchers, winter warmth packs and repair and replacement schemes for heating and appliances."

For more information about the scheme, our Warm Homes service and advice on staying warm and well in your property, go to or call 01226 77 33 66.

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