The outcome of a Corporate Peer Challenge by the Local Government Association, (LGA) which took place in December 2024, as now been published. The feedback report outlines key findings and nine recommendations which we will consider and action.
Delivered by the LGA, the Corporate Peer Challenge is a sector-led improvement and assurance tool designed to provide councils with external feedback on their performance, offer key recommendations for further improvement, and help councils meet their best value duty.
During their four-day visit, the Peer Review team met over 150 of our elected members, staff and partners. They looked at how effective we are as a council and how well we serve Barnsley and our residents.,
The team had a tour of our town centre and the wider borough as well as attending key meetings such as the Barnsley 2030 Board and Inclusive Economy Board. We provided a breadth of supporting evidence in advance of the visit, including our Position Statement.
The feedback report highlighted the fact that Barnsley is a high performing council, well regarded by its partners in the borough and the sub-region. The passion for and commitment to Barnsley is evident everywhere you look. Leadership is highly visible, highly praised, and driving real change in Barnsley.
Sarah Norman, Chief Executive of Barnsley Council, said: “I’m extremely proud of the positive findings from the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge. This was a massive Team Barnsley effort and highlights our status as a high-performing council. It reflects the dedication and hard work of our incredible workforce and partners who are driving our ambitions as a place of possibilities.
“As the first council ever to win both the LGC and MJ Council of the Year, we have a track record of being bold, brave, and innovative to drive positive change for our residents. We’re proud of where we’ve got to, but we don’t want to stand still. Our drive to continuously be better and do better is at the heart of our council and place partnership.”
Councillor Sir Steve Houghton, CBE, Leader of Barnsley Council, said: “I’m pleased that our peers have recognised the positive progress we have made. My thanks go to the team and everyone involved in the process.
Our challenge, like many places, is how we continue to be a top-performing council amidst the challenges of increasing demand, reducing resource and uncertain finances facing all of local government.
“These recommendations will guide us in making sure what has made us so successful is secure and embedded and we push ourselves even further.”
You can read the Cabinet report on our website.