Barnsley commemorates the 80th Anniversary of D-Day – the road to freedom

On Thursday 6 June, we’ll be joining communities across the nation to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings and to remember the thousands of servicemen who sacrificed their lives to help secure the freedom of our country. 

To commemorate this historical day, the Mayor of Barnsley, Cllr John Clarke JP, will be leading a short Remembrance Service at the War Memorial outside Barnsley Town Hall on Thursday 6 June. The service, which will be attended by HM Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, members of the Royal British Legion and representatives from the council, will begin with a two-minute silence at 11am, followed by prayers, readings and wreath laying. The intimate service will provide an opportunity to reflect on the courage and sacrifices made for our freedom. 

The D-Day landings along the coast of Normandy was the largest seaborne invasion in history and ultimately led to the liberation of Europe. This historical milestone is also a reminder that we need to embrace the future of remembrance by engaging with our young people to ensure future generations continue to recognise the personal sacrifices made by men and women, past and present, to protect our freedom and the lives we enjoy today. 

The Mayor of Barnsley, Cllr John Clarke JP, said: “I’m honoured to lead Barnsley’s D-Day 80th Anniversary commemorations - the poignant day that saw the gates to our freedom opened. Our borough has a tremendous history of championing remembrance to ensure we remember those who have sacrificed so much to protect our democratic freedom and way of life. Commemorating and remembering significant milestones like D-Day is such an important part of this and provides an opportunity to come together and respect our Armed Forces – past and present.  

“I am also very passionate about making sure this legacy is passed on to our children, grandchildren and future generations to make sure milestones such as D-Day and those who sacrificed so much are honoured forever.” 

In addition to the Remembrance Service in the town centre, the mayor will also be attending Penistone’s ‘Penistone Remembers’ D-Day event taking place from 6.30pm on Penistone Show ground. The community event, organised by Penistone Agricultural Society and supported by voluntary groups in the community, will include live music from the 1940’s, refreshments, and activities. The event will culminate at 9.15pm with the lighting of a beacon to represent the peace and freedom given to us. 

Find out more about the D-Day 80th Anniversary and how it’s being commemorated at and

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