Proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for the 2026 to 2027 academic year

We're consulting on:

  • admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for which we're the admissions authority
  • the coordinated arrangements for schools in Barnsley
  • Penistone Grammar School post-16 admission arrangements

Any comments should be emailed to or posted to:

Children's Services
PO Box 634
S70 9GG

Proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools - 2026 to 2027

The only changes from the previous year are how late applications are processed for secondary schools, and the increase in admission numbers for the schools below:

  • Summer Lane Primary School - increased to 45.
  • Shawlands Primary School - increased to 45.

These new admission numbers will be adopted for the 2025 to 2026 academic year. Read the Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2026 to 2027.

Proposed coordinated scheme for admission to school 2026 to 2027

The only change will be the way in which late applications are processed for entry to secondary school.

All applications received after the national closing date of 31 October 2025 will be considered as late and will be processed after the determination of offers on national offer day, which is on 2 March 2026.

Read the coordinated Scheme for Admission to school 2026 to 2027.

Penistone Grammar School Post-16 Centre admission arrangements

The only change will be in the oversubscription criteria for external applicants.

Read the Penistone Grammar post-16 arrangements.

Relevant area for consultation on admission arrangements

The Education (Relevant Areas for Consultation on Admission Arrangements) Regulations 1999 requires all local authorities to biannually review the relevant area which identifies all schools that must be consulted on changes to admission arrangements.

We've determined the relevant area for admission to schools as the geographical area covered by us. This will be reviewed for admissions in September 2027.

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