This area of the site is for professionals and volunteers who work with the adults in Barnsley who need additional support.
It gives you easy access to vital safeguarding guidance, information on forums, training and lead contacts, and a link to other safeguarding resources.
Telling us about your concerns
Referral forms
- Adult safeguarding concern form
- SYP Partnership intelligence record (sexual exploitation information sharing tool)
- Human trafficking victims referral and assessment form
- Notification of potential victim of modern slavery form
- SYFR home safety check
- Health and wellbeing coach referrals at Barnsley Healthcare Federation
- Vulnerable adults multi agency panel
- VAP Panel Terms of Reference
Request a safeguarding adults review
Safeguarding boards have a duty under the Care Act to consider a review if a person dies or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or abuse is suspected. They're considered when organisations haven't worked together to keep them safe.
Safeguarding adults reviews are a learning process which aim to improve practice. They aim to help keep people safe. The referral form is in the protocol at appendix 3.
If you want to discuss a possible referral, contact the board manager by email at:
Guidance, policies and procedures
Types of abuse
- What abuse is, types of abuse, and how to recognise it
- Watch the Barnsley CCG video about adult abuse. You could be the only one who knows about it, so don't keep your concerns to yourself.
Safeguarding policies and guidance
Polices and procedures
- Care Act
- Mental Capacity Act (easy read version)
- Achieving best evidence - helping adults and children to get access to the criminal justice system
- South Yorkshire safeguarding adults procedures
- Protocol for concerns about PiPoT (person in a position of trust)
- Inter-partnership joint working protocol
- Fabricated illnesses, induced illnesses and safeguarding adults policy
- Was not brought policy
- Good practice in medication
- Escalation policy for professional disagreements
- South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Single Point of Access video
- Exit points from the safeguarding adults journey
- Guidance to assist workers to complete an effective safeguarding adults face-to-face conversation
- Guidance for completion of the adult social care concern form
- Guidance for safeguarding managers to sign off high quality S42 enquiries (individual and organisational)
- Guidance to support the completion of the adult social care/safeguarding/self neglect and hoarding concern form
- Professionals guide: supporting people affected by stalking
- Safeguarding - an aide memoire
- Sexual safety
- Wilful neglect guidance
- Exploitation risk assessment checklist
- A guide to supporting people experiencing co-occurring alcohol use and self-harm issues
- Professional curiosity
- Decision support guidance 2024 to 2026
How to guides
- Safeguarding face to face conversation template
- How to complete a safeguarding concern form
- Report for an individual S42 enquiry (external organisation)
- Guidance for external agencies when producing an organisation S42 enquiry report
Domestic abuse, stalking and harassment
- Domestic abuse information
- Barnsley Council domestic abuse strategy
- Guidance on honour-based violence
- Domestic abuse, stalking, harassment and honour-based abuse (DASH) risk assessment
- IDAS - support to victims of domestic abuse and training for workers and volunteers
- Older people and domestic abuse (SafeLives)
- Age UK: older people and domestic abuse
- Domestic abuse - South Yorkshire Police
Financial abuse and scams
Organisational abuse
Mental capacity
- Mental Capacity Act toolkit - What practitioners need to know
- Mental Capacity Act (easy read version)
- Decision making for mental capacity - NICE guidance
- Mental Capacity Act at a glance - SCIE
- NHS guide to the Mental Capacity Act
- Mental Capacity Act toolkit - BMA guidance
- Barnsley adult social care guidance
- Mental Capacity Act code of practice
- Learning from a Safeguarding Adults Review - Richard's story
- Relevant information for different categories of decisions
Modern slavery
- Modern slavery referral pathway
- Modern slavery definitions and indicators
- Modern slavery NRM process guide
- Modern slavery statutory duties and powers
- Notification of potential victim of modern slavery form
- Local policy modern slavery statement
- Modern slavery information and reporting tool
- How to identify and support modern slavery victims
- Establishing modern slavery risk assessment and due diligence in adult social care
Self neglect and hoarding
Find out more about a multi-agency approach to self neglect in the following video.
*The video has been produced by Barnsley CCG in partnership with Berneslai Homes, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and Barnsley Council's adult social care service.
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue offer a Home Safety Check to people who are thought to be at risk of fire. During a visit, firefighters or community safety staff will advise on how to reduce the risk of having a fire. It will also help plan a bedtime routine, what to do in the event of a fire and what to do if trapped by a fire. They'll also fit free smoke alarms if a home is without one and explain how to keep them working.
For someone who has a hoarding disorder, the main risk is that if a fire does occur, the possessions may block their escape routes and will add to the fire loading and spread. Where these extra risks are identified our Community Safety team will give tailored advice to the adult and speak to the key professionals helping them. This will help them make the changes to reduce the risk and/or to address any risk to others.
To request a safety visit from South Yorkshire Fire you can complete a short online form or contact the hot line on 0114 2532314. If you qualify for a visit, a member of our team will be in touch to arrange this. You will find some useful safety tips on the South Yorkshire Fire website.
Policy and flow charts
- Self neglect and hoarding policy
- Self neglect and hoarding policy summary
- Self neglect and hoarding flow chart
Tools to rate risk
- Self neglect risk matrix scoring tool
- Hoarding risk matrix scoring tool
- Self neglecting and hoarding risk tool
Closing self neglect/hoarding cases when risk remains
Managers must be asked to approve closure of self neglect and hording cases when risks remain. This should be recorded either in the adults record or using a specific form. Several organisations have produced forms. For details, please contact the board manager.
- D'Clutter Club. For those affected by hoarding, the D’Clutter Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month, 6pm to 8pm, at Maltas Court community centre, S70 4QG. Come along if you're struggling with too much stuff, if you're finding it hard to cope or if it's affecting your life. The group is free to attend and open to friends, family and supporters. There's no need to book. Call 07786 525988 for more details.
- Self-neglect at a glance
- Self-neglect research findings
- Self-neglect and hoarding postcard
- Hoarding referral/ice-breaker sheet
- Hoarding UK - support for hoarders and local support groups
- Cloud’s End CIC - resources to help hoarders
- Help for Hoarders - support and advice for hoarders and their families.
- NHS hoarding support
- OCD UK - information about obsessive compulsive disorder
- Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (UK) - support for members of the professional organising and de-cluttering industry
- Self-neglect at a glance (SCIE)
- Working with people who self-neglect (Research in Practice)
- Self-neglect workbook (LGA)
- D'Clutter poem
How to get help/make a referral
If you think you know someone who could be living with self-neglect or hoarding, or has a build-up of rubbish or household waste at their property you can contact us by:
- emailing:
- calling 01226 773555
You can report an issue anonymously, or give us the details so we can put the right support in place.
Berneslai Homes tenants
Berneslai Homes can give support to people living in council housing and offer a range of specialist, tailored ways to help residents successfully maintain their tenancies and enjoy where they live. Find out about hoarding support from Berneslai Homes or how to contact Berneslai Homes.
Adult social care
Adult social care may have a duty to provide help to the adult and their family. You can contact them by:
- emailing:
- calling 01226 773300
Alternatives to safeguarding
Read our guide on alternative sources of support for safeguarding.
More information
Local contacts
Organisation | Named contact | Contact details |
Barnsley Place Integrated Care Board | Safeguarding Team | Email: Angela Fawcett, Head of Safeguarding - Gill Pepper, Adult Safeguarding Lead Nurse - |
Lead GP | Lee Oughton Named GP Safeguarding Vulnerable Clients (one day per week) |
Call: 01226 433772 Email: Address: Hillder House, 49–51 Gawber Road, Barnsley, S75 2PY |
Barnsley Hospital | Dawn Gibbon Head of Safeguarding Becky Slaytor Safeguarding Adults Named Nurse |
Call: 01226 431249 extension 1249 Email: |
Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board Manager | Cath Erine Safeguarding Adults Manager |
Call: 07786 525864 Email: Address: BMBC, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG |
Berneslai Homes | Tony Griffiths and Leanne Cook Housing Manager |
Call: 01226 775106 Email: and |
We offer free safeguarding adults training to people working with adults across Barnsley. This includes online e-learning modules and courses delivered virtually or in person.
Visit out safeguarding adults training page for details of the courses and how to book a place.
Information for people we're safeguarding
Making safeguarding personal
- Making safeguarding personal - SCIE guidance
- Making safeguarding personal toolkit - LGA
- Making safeguarding personal outcomes framework - LGA
Leaflets and posters
If you need copies of these resources, please email You'll need to collect these from Westgate Plaza.
- D'Clutter Club
- Safeguarding adults bookmark
- Keeping adults safe from harm and neglect (leaflet)
- Make safeguarding personal (leaflet)
- Self-neglect and hoarding postcard
- Safeguarding adults and children is everybody’s business (leaflet)
Making a complaint
The Local Government Ombudsman has agreed a policy with the directors of Adult Social Care. It details how to make a complaint about Safeguarding Adults Boards.
Our Customer Resolution Team are in charge of managing customer complaints, compliments and comments for all of our council services. This includes the Safeguarding Adults Board.
If you'd like to make a complaint about the Safeguarding Adults Board, or about any other council service, find out how to make a complaint.