Planning appeal for land north of Shaw Lane, Carlton

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Appeal by: Network Space Development Limited

Appeal against the refusal of: Residential development of up to 215 dwellings. Associated car parking/garages, landscaping, public open space (including both equipped and non-equipped areas of play), SUDS and drainage. Details of new vehicular access onto Shaw Lane (Outline with all matters reserved apart from means of access.)

Site: Land north of Shaw Lane, Carlton, Barnsley, S71 3HH

Planning Inspectorate ref: APP/R4408/W/24/3341097

Barnsley Council ref: 2022/0115


Core documents

CD1: National planning policy and guidance

CD2: Legislation

Core documents relating to legislation will appear here soon.

CD3: Development plan

CD4: Council Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

CD5: Other planning documents

CD6: Planning application documents (upon which refused decision was made)

CD7: Additional Plans for the Appeal Decision to be based on (submitted as part of the Appeal) 

CD7: Original Plans for the Appeal Decision to be based on (submitted as part of the Application)

CD8: Illustrative Only Plans (submitted as part of the Appeal)

CD9: Interested party representations on the Appeal

CD10: Consultation responses to application

CD11: Other documents

CD12: Council committee documents

CD12: Proofs of evidence of the appellant

CD13: Proofs of evidence of the Local Planning Authority

CD14: Proofs of evidence of the Rule 6 Party

Proofs of evidence of the Rule 6 Party will appear here soon.