
Join online

It's quick and easy to join the library by applying online.

We’ll let you know when your card's ready to collect from your nearest library.

Join in branch

You can also join in person at any branch

You’ll need to bring proof of your name and address with you:   

  • if you live, work or study in Barnsley, a utility bill, driving licence or bank statement
  • if you don’t live in Barnsley we’ll need to see two separate forms of ID showing your name and address
  • if you've just arrived in Great Britain, please bring your Home Office card

When we’ve seen your documents we can issue your membership card for you to use straight away. If you haven’t brought ID with you we’ll give you a temporary card that allows you to borrow up to two books.  

Children and young people

If you’re under the age of 16 you’ll need a guarantor to sign for you; this can be a parent or guardian. For young people aged 14 and 15 the guarantor can be another adult who's prepared to accept responsibility for any losses.

Visitor membership

You can become a temporary member of Barnsley Libraries if you’re already a member of another library elsewhere. Please bring your library card with you.

You can use your temporary card to borrow up to two books at a time. You'll need to return the card to us at the end of your visit to Barnsley.

Borrowing books

It's free to loan a book from any of our libraries, and most can be borrowed for up to three weeks.

Adults can borrow up to 20 books at a time and children can borrow up to 10.

Find out more about borrowing books.

More information

Using online library services

To use our online library services you'll need a Personal Identification Number (PIN).

Visit any of our libraries with your membership card and another item of ID to get it. You can also use the 'Forgot my PIN' feature via the log-in page of the library catalogue. This will then email your PIN to you if you've provided us with an email address for your library account.

When you've got your PIN you can sign in to your online library account via the catalogue to see your loans, renew books, reserve items and more. This online account is already set up as part or your library membership, so you do not need to sign up separately for this service. 

You'll also be able to use our eBook, eAudio and digital magazine services, as well as our online digital resources.

Lost cards

Please tell us as soon as you can if you’ve lost your library membership card.

You can contact us online or visit a branch.

Your first replacement card will be issued free of charge. Any further cards are charged at £1.50 for an immediate replacement, or you can wait one calendar month to get a free replacement.

You'll need to collect your new card from the library.

Change of name or address

Please tell us if you've changed your name or address.

If you've changed your address we'll update your details on our system.

If you've change your name we'll give you a new card.  If you bring some ID into a branch we can issue you with a new card straight away.

Terms, conditions and privacy

By joining the library you're agreeing to our terms and conditions of being a member. These are set out in our library byelaws document.

If you’re using our computers you'll also need to abide by our e-behaviour and ICT guidelines.

You can find out how we use the data you give us in our privacy notice.