
Council structure

Our council is structured into five directorates:

  • Children's Services
  • Core Services
  • Growth and Sustainability
  • Place Health and Adult Social Care
  • Public Health and Communities

The Place Health and Adult Social Care Directorate includes the following services:

  • Adult and Wellbeing
  • Commissioning

Find out more about our council structure.

Council Plan

Our Council Plan 2024-2027 sets out what we aim to achieve over three years, delivering the borough’s vision: Barnsley – the place of possibilities.

Our plan provides the framework for making decisions about priorities in the council and helps to drive performance by setting out what we're seeking to achieve and how it will be measured. 

The plan will help us make sure we strive to be even better and make a real difference for our residents.


Our priorities

We have five priorities which are supported by 12 outcomes:

We feel that these areas warrant greater attention, emphasis, and possibly resources, to influence other areas of activity and make the greatest impact overall. This is where we'll focus our performance management and reporting arrangements to keep a closer eye on how well we're doing.

Priorities and outcomes

Our priorities

Barnsley - the place of possibilities

Healthy Barnsley

  • People are safe and feel safe.
  • People live independently with good physical and mental health for as long as possible.
  • We have reduced inequalities in health and income across the borough.

Learning Barnsley

  • People have the opportunities for lifelong learning and developing new skills, including access to apprenticeships.
  • Children and young people achieve the best outcomes through improved educational achievement and attainment.
  • People have access to early help and support.

Growing Barnsley

  • Business start ups and existing local businesses are supported to grow and attract new investment, providing opportunities for all.
  • People have a welcoming, safe and enjoyable town centre and principal towns are destinations for work, shopping, leisure and culture.
  • People are supported to have safe, warm, sustainable homes.

Sustainable Barnsley

  • People live in great places, are recycling more and wasting less, feel connected and valued in their community.
  • Our heritage and green spaces are promoted for all people to enjoy.
  • Fossil fuels are being replaced by affordable and sustainable energy and people are able to enjoy more cycling and walking.

Enabling Barnsley

  • We are a modern, inclusive, efficient, productive and high performing council.


Our performance management

Our performance management framework includes regular progress and performance reports against the Council Plan. Visit the council performance section of our website for the latest details about this.

Our values

We live and work by our four values:

  • We're honest
  • We're a team
  • We're excellent
  • We're proud

As part of our team, we’ll do all we can to support our staff to be truly excellent. We prioritise learning and enabling staff to achieve their potential, and you’ll find your career here both inspiring and rewarding.

Our values


Our People Strategy

Our People Strategy is for all of our staff. It's been designed to help them be the best they can be, making sure they feel empowered to share their ideas and have support, along with the chances and inclusive culture they need to thrive.

It will help us to be in the best place possible to deliver on our Barnsley 2030 ambitions and Council Plan priorities.

The key themes are: 

  • Having effective leadership, values and culture.
  • Maximising our organisational capacity and capability.
  • Supporting staff to have a great employee experience.

More information