Barnsley Early Start and Family Services
Early start and childcare resources
Information, documents, resources and news from across the early years sector.
You can register to receive our weekly email bulletin by filling in our online form.
Documents and guides
- Barnsley social care referral form
- Early years foundation stage statutory framework
- Early years inspection handbook
- Promoting self-care in the EYFS around continence in the early years
- Risk assessment template
- Risk assessment checklist template
- Risk assessment for visits template
- Risk assessment example - outdoor play area
- Risk assessment checklist example - outdoor play area
- Risk assessment example - accessible toilet
- Risk assessment checklist example - accessible toilet
- Safeguarding audit 2022
- Safeguarding poster
- Safeguarding quiz answers
- SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
Example continuous learning plans
- Active physical play, 24 to 36 months
- Active physical play, 36 to 60 months
- Book area, 24 to 36 months
- Book area, 36 to 60 months
- Music and singing, 24 to 36 months
- Music and singing, 36 to 60 months
- Sand, water and messy play, 24 to 36 months
- Sand and water, 36 to 60 months
- Toileting and hand washing, 24 to 36 months
- Toileting and hand washing, 36 to 60 months
- Barnsley CVS
- Bookstart
- Charity Commission
- Children and Young People Now
- Countryside Classroom
- Early years foundation stage
- Enterprising Barnsley
- Forest School Association
- Guidance for assessing the EYFSP for children aged 5 and under
- Institute for Outdoor Learning
- Learning through Landscapes
- National Day Nurseries Association
- NurseryWorld
- Ofsted
- Play England
- Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years
- Register as a childminder or childcare provider
- RHS Campaign for School Gardening
- The Woodland Trust
To register for our bulletin
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