We've collected a range of links to resources, help and support which you may find useful.
SEND training and courses
SEND legislation resources
SEND guidance
- Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Guidance to support parents with SEND children
- SEND - a guide for parents and carers - August 2014
Equality Act
School transport
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- SEND code of practice (0-25 Years) - January 2015
- Early years guide to the 0 to 25 SEND code of practice - September 2014
- Further education guide to the 0-25 SEND code of practice - September 2014
SEND reforms
- Easy read guide for parents on SEND reforms - December 2014
- Easy read guide for children and young people on SEND reforms – December 2014
Alternative provision
Children missing education
Early years foundation stage (birth to 5 years)
Elective home education
Fair access
National curriculum
- National curriculum
- Key stage 1 access arrangements
- Key stage 2 access arrangements
- Languages programmes of study
Performance targets
School admissions
Health and wellbeing
Children who can't attend school because of health needs
Mental health and behaviour in schools
- Behaviour in schools: advice for headteachers and school staff - 2022
- Mental health and behaviour in schools - November 2018
- Use of reasonable force in schools - July 2013
- Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention in schools - June 2019
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
- Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions - December 2015
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions: Links to other Resources - August 2017
For children and young people
- Support for children and young people
- Advice for parents on cyberbullying
- Careers guidance - further education and sixth form - October 2018
- My activity passport - activity checklist for children under 11
- Home to school transport consultation draft - July 2019
- Post-16 transport and travel support to education and training - January 2019
Research reports
Further legislation and law resources
- Children and Families Act 2014 (full act of law - GOV.UK legislation)
- Children and Families Act 2014 (IPSEA guidance)
- Young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014 (DfE – GOV.UK)
- Equality Act 2010 (GOV.UK legislation)
Other resources
Barnsley Council services
- Barnsley Education Inclusion Service
- Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- SEND local offer directory
Resources our service users recommend
Other resources and support
ADHD support
- NHS - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
- What is ADHD: explaining everything you don't understand about ADHD
Advocacy services
Asperger's support
Autism support
- Autism Education Trust - advice for parents and carers
- Barnsley Council - autism spectrum conditions
- Brain in hand personal technology for independent living
- National Autistic Society
- National Autistic Society - early bird support group
- NHS learning disability support
Bereavement support
- Barnsley Hospital bereavement support
- Bereavement support groups
- Bereavement Support Payment
- Care for the Family
- Live Well Barnsley
- NHS - coping with bereavement
- SupportLine
Bullying and harassment support
- Anti-Bullying Alliance
- Barnsley Council - get help if you're being bullied
- Bullying at school
- Contact - bullying advice
- GOV.UK - preventing bullying
Children and young people's activities and support groups
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Army Cadets Barnsley
- Barnsley targeted youth support
- Chilypep
- Sea Cadets Barnsley
- Study in the UK - information for students with disabilities
- YMCA Barnsley
Dyslexia support
- British dyslexia association
- Dyslexia Trust
- Dyslexia test
- Helen Arkell - child support
- The Dyslexia SpLD trust
- IPSEA - dyslexia getting extra help with exams
- NHS dyslexia conditions
- Dyslexia explained eBook
- Special Needs Jungle - spotting signs of dyslexia
Early help assessment (EHA)
EHCPs (education, health and care plans)
- EHC plan leaflet for young people
- Getting to know your EHCP
- IPSEA: What to do when you receive your draft EHC plan
- IPSEA: What an EHC plan contains
- IPSEA: What to do when you receive your final EHC plan
- IPSEA: Annual Review
- IPSEA: The annual review process
Education/EOTAS (education other than at school)
- Barnsley Council - school admissions and transfers
- Barnsley Council - Education Welfare Service
- Good schools guide
- GOV.UK - school performance tables
- School search website
Education welfare
Exam support
- Barnsley Council - excluding pupils from school
- Child law advice - school exclusion
- GOV.UK school exclusion
- IPSEA advice - exclusion from school
Family hubs
Global development delay
Health and wellbeing
- NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
- NEDA - National Eating Disorder
- NHS England: Ask, Listen, Do
- Healthwatch Barnsley
- KidsHealth
- LiveWell Barnsley
Interpretation services
- Barnsley Council - access for disabled people
- Barnsley Council - hearing support
- Barnsley Council offices
- British Deaf Association
- thebigword
- Language Empire
- Sign Solutions
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diversity)
- Action for Children - LGBT
- Childline - sexuality
- TransYouth Family Allies
- Mermaids
- Supportline - sexuality
- Time to Listen
Mental health support
- CAMHS - child and adolescent mental health service
- Chilypep - mental health
- Healthy place
- The Mix
- Hopeline UK
- Rethink mental illness
- Young minds
- We are mind space
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Mind
- Rotherham and Barnsley Mind
Organisations supporting SEND and mental health
- Action for Children
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Barnardos Barnsley
- Barnsley Education Inclusion Services
- Cerebra
- Contact
- Council for disabled children
- DIAL Barnsley
- Disabled Living
- Coram: family and childcare
- Family Information Service - Local Offer
- Family lives
- Hand in hand parenting
- Kids
- Mencap Barnsley
- National Children's Bureau
- Scope
- Sense
- Social, communication and interaction team
Pathological demand
Prader Willi syndrome
SEN support
Sensory impairment (visual/hearing)
Sleep issues
Specialist schools / colleges
Studying in the UK as a student with disabilities
- ERIC: the children's bowel and bladder charity
- TheSchoolRun: managing toileting problems in primary schools
Transport support
Translation services
- Barnsley Council - access for disabled people
- Barnsley Council - hearing support
- Barnsley Council - Education Inclusion Services
- Barnsley Council offices
- British Deaf Association
- thebigword
- Language Empire
- Sign Solutions