30052024 - supporting our care staff and clarifying our Adult Social Care fee uplifts

Councillor Jo Newing, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place Health and Adult Social Care, said: "I am writing to express my strong support for all our dedicated care staff and to clarify the recent fee uplifts. These increases are a testament to the high value we place on our care workers. 

We understand that this is a challenging time for all providers, but it is crucial to recognise and reward the hard work and dedication of our care staff. 

In Barnsley, our commitment to providing high-quality care for our residents is unwavering. This commitment is reflected in the extensive discussions we have had with the care sector. As a result, we are proud to support our care staff with a wage that is £1 above the National Living Wage. This decision underlines our belief that those who care for our community deserve fair and competitive pay. 

Furthermore, we’re committed to supporting our providers to attract the best staff by increasing the hourly rate for our home care providers by £2. This increase will help our providers offer competitive wages, which in turn will help attract and retain top talent in the care sector. 

By offering wages about the national minimum and increasing the hourly rate for home care providers, we aim to attract and retain the best talent and ensure that our residents receive the best possible care. 

We appreciate the hard work and compassion that our care staff bring to their roles every day. Their efforts are invaluable to our community, and we’re committed to continuing to support them in every way we can."

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