Healthier Futures Barnsley
Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) is a curriculum subject in England. It aims to help pupils:
- achieve academic potential
- stay healthy
- prepare them for work
Most PSHE education was made statutory in September 2020. This was under the Children and Social Work Act. The majority of this is classed as RSHE. Although some content isn't statutory, schools should still cover this to enhance their pupils’ learning.
Here you can find our PSHE resources for schools and professionals in Barnsley.
Alcohol and drugs
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Alcohol and other drug use | PSHE Association | KS1 and KS2 lesson packs on alcohol and other drug use. |
Teacher training: drugs, alcohol and tobacco | DfE | Practical materials for primary schools to use to train staff to teach about substance. |
Drug advice for schools, staff and governing bodies. Including the role of schools, powers of confiscation, working with the police, discipline, early intervention, pupils who’s family members misuse drugs, smoke free schools, etc.
Alcohol toolkit | Barnsley Council | Information around alcohol and harms for young people, parents and carers. This resources is for both primary and secondary schools. |
Barnsley alcohol plan | Barnsley Council | This plan offers context around alcohol in Barnsley. A local priority within this plan is children and young people. |
Materials for schools to use to train staff to teach about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
National Organisation for FASD
Advice for educators on FASD | |
Me and my FASD
Information for people who want to learn about FASD
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Alcohol lesson pack to help pupils identify the reasons why some people drink alcohol and the impact this can cause.
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Tiny Happy People | BBC | Activities and play ideas to develop language skills |
Culture, faith and religion
Religious education (RE) allows children and young people to explore the world’s religions and views which are independent of religious belief. It also allows them to think about the challenges posed by these beliefs and values. It supports them to develop and reflect on their values and their capacity for moral judgement. By developing awareness of the value of each person in a diverse society, RE encourages responsible attitudes to other people. This will assist in preventing prejudice and intolerance.
For many children and young people, RE lessons will be the first place they learn about people different from themselves. Students are encouraged to learn about and develop their own beliefs and those of others. They should also learn to respect those who hold beliefs different to their own.
Learning through RE enables children and young people to:
- understand the responses which religious and non-religious views can offer to questions about the nature and meaning of life
- recognise and understand religious diversity and the importance of religion in society
- develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from their own
- develop their beliefs, attitudes, values and practices
- develop the skills of reflection, critical thinking and deciding how to act when making moral decisions
- make a positive difference to the world by putting their beliefs and values into action
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
RE agreed syllabus | Barnsley Council | The agreed syllabus for Barnsley detailing what schools should teach pupils in the subject of RE. |
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
RE advice and lesson activities | Religious Education Council | RE advice for teachers, lesson activities and ideas. |
Inter Faith Week | Inter Faith Network | Information and activities for schools during Inter Faith Week. |
Celebrating RE lesson ideas | Religious Education Council | Useful resources and lesson ideas to celebrate RE in schools. |
Faiths and beliefs | The Faith and Belief Forum | KS2 and KS3 resources for faiths and beliefs. |
RE in English schools | GOV.UK | Religious education in English schools: Non‑statutory guidance 2010. |
Equality and diversity
Equality and diversity is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. Equality is about making sure people are treated fairly and equally, no matter their:
- race
- gender
- age
- disability
- religion
- sexual orientation
Diversity is about recognising and respecting these differences to create an-inclusive atmosphere.
Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. The aim is to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together and understand people are unique and not 'different' in a negative way. When you promote diversity in the classroom, you can use a range of activities to help students recognise and respect people’s differences, creating an all-inclusive atmosphere.
Successfully teaching diversity works to highlight characteristics and traits that make people unique rather than different. In 2020 data shows that 10% of school children in Barnsley were from ethnic minority backgrounds. This is part of a rising trend in the borough based on the last two censuses which has seen an overall increase to four in 100 from one in 100 in the previous census.
Young people need to understand equality and human rights. This helps them to understand how they should be treated and how to treat others. When you promote equality and teach these topics, you create a safe environment for students to challenge, discuss, explore, and form lasting values, morals and opinions.
When students are taught to respect diversity, they understand that can help them to:
- improve relationships
- tackle prejudice
- make positive decisions throughout their lives
In today’s challenging and diverse society, you must instil young students with positive and open-minded attitudes.
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Equality Act 2010: advice for schools | GOV.UK | Guidance to help schools understand how the Equality Act affects them and how to fulfil their duties under the act. |
Values and critical thinking resources | British Red Cross | Resources to connect human crisis with human kindness. |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Equality and diversity quiz | High Speed Training | Test for equality and diversity in the workplace. |
Diversity lesson plan for 11-14 year olds | Mentally Healthy Schools | Lesson plan to help students understand the diversity of the UK population. |
Promoting equality and diversity in the classroom | CPD Online College | Ways to promote equality and diversity in your school. |
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM | GOV.UK | Guidelines on FGM for those with statutory duties to safeguard children. |
Fuel poverty
Resources for all ages
Free downloadable assemblies from National Energy Action.
Health and prevention
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Health and prevention resources | Together for All | Resources for COVID-19, sleep, dental health, etc. |
Health protection | e-Bug | Microbes and hygiene topics (hand, respiratory, oral, food and more). |
Teacher training: health and prevention | DfE | Resources to train staff to teach about health and prevention. Includes physical illness, sun safety, dental health, personal hygiene, allergies, immunisation and vaccination, self examination and screening. |
Oral health for children | NHS | Toothbrushing, looking after teeth and gums, diet and visiting the dentist. |
Asthma friendly schools | Transformation Partners in Health and Care | Arrangements between health, education and local authorities for managing children and young people with asthma at school. |
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
A germ's journey | Germ's Journey | Health hygiene learning resources (including posters, guides, songs and colouring sheets) for children up until the age of 11. |
National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) | Office for Health Improvement and Disparities | How to support the delivery of the NCMP. |
Vaccinations | NHS | Vaccines offered to children and when to have them. |
Sun safety | Sun Safe Schools | Resources to safeguard children against UV and prevent skin cancer. Uptake by a school gives them accreditation status. This links in with Barnsley Council’s overall cancer prevention and early detection agenda - educating our residents on healthy lifestyles. |
Fun in the sun checklist | Barnsley Council | Checklist to have fun in the sun: - Have you covered your arms with a t-shirt? - Have you put on your sun cream? - Have you put on your hat? - Have you got your sunglasses ready? - Is there a lot of shade to play in? |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Germs, bacteria and viruses | Tes | Lesson resources for germs, bacteria and viruses. |
Health protection resources for staff | YHPHN | Training sessions aimed at raising awareness and developing an understanding of health protection for staff working in education and childcare settings. |
Health for teenagers | Health for Teens | Information about feelings, growing up, health, lifestyle, relationships and sexual health. |
Stay sun safe checklist | Barnsley Council | Checklist to act as a reminder how to stay safe in the sun during warmer, sunnier months. This links in with Barnsley Council’s overall cancer prevention and early detection agenda - educating our residents on healthy lifestyles. - Seek the shade during the hottest part of the day, especially between 11am and 4pm. - Cover up with clothing, including a broad brimmed hat and UV blocking sunglasses. - Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day. - Reapply sun cream routinely throughout the day. |
Health protection
Introduction to health protection
One of the key roles in Public Health is to the protect the health of the population. It's important that residents across Barnsley are protected against a range of threats and hazards to health.
Within education and childcare settings, health protection covers:
- Preventing and controlling infections
- Immunisation programmes
- Managing outbreaks and incidents
- Managing specific infectious diseases
Resources for staff
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Health protection in children and young people settings | UKHSA | Guide on managing cases of infectious disease in children and young people settings, including education. The guide covers what infections are, prevention and control. It also includes supporting immunisation programmes, managing outbreaks and managing specific diseases. |
Managing infections in schools poster | PHE | Poster to signpost to the online guide about managing infections in education settings. |
Barnsley infectious diseases poster | Barnsley Council | Barnsley poster for the reporting process for notifiable diseases. |
Health protection training | YHPHN | Presentations of training sessions to develop an understanding of health protection for staff working in education and childcare settings. |
Vaccine knowledge project | University of Oxford | Independent, evidence-based information about vaccines and infectious disease. |
Should I keep my child off school? | UKHSA | Poster to provide guidance on when a child should be kept off school after an illness. |
Diarrhoea and vomiting outbreak action checklist | UKHSA | Checklist for managing diarrhoea and vomiting in education settings. |
Exclusion table | UKHSA | An exclusion table to help manage health protection in education settings. |
How to hand wash | WHO | Hand washing poster. |
Think measles guidance | Barnsley Council | Guidance about measles in schools |
Easy-read guide to the HPV vaccination (print version) | UKHSA | An easy-read print guide to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme, which became universal in September 2019. Accessible text versions are available from UKHSA: HPV universal vaccination leaflet |
HPV universal vaccination programme poster | UKHSA | The universal HPV vaccination programme poster. |
Internet safety, bullying and gambling
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
School resources for internet safety | Internet Matters | Lessons to tackle screen time, setting up devices safety, cyberbullying, fake news, password security etc. |
Childnet resource library | Childnet | Lesson plan guidance, activities and worksheets to explore various online safety topics. |
Help, advice and resources for teachers | Childnet | Guidance on a range of online safety topics for educators and schools. |
CEOP’s Think U Know website has a range of resources, advice and toolkits for professionals teaching young people about online safety.
Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership |
Showing how to stay safe on popular apps.
Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership
Practical information on how to deal with situations online and places to go for help.
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Help, advice and resources for 4–11 year olds | Childnet | Guidance for helping to keep young children happy and safe online. |
BBC Own It | BBC | BBC Own It offers training, resources and guidance on a range of topics regarding online safety for KS2 pupils (7 to 11 years). Topics include online relationships, bullying and self-image. Advice is free and available for professionals, parents and children themselves. |
Be Internet Awesome interactive site |
Google’s Be Internet Awesome is an interactive training platform to teach children about online safety. Through interactive games, children are taught topics such as fake news, internet privacy and online bullying. | |
Be Internet Awesome resources | Digital safety resource tools for the classroom. | |
Play Like Share | CEOP | Play Like Share is a three episode animated series helping 8 to 10 year olds learn about internet safety. |
Teaching online safety in schools | GOV.UK | Guidance on how schools can make sure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online. |
Education for a Connected World | GOV.UK | A framework to equip children and young people for digital life. |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Confident Me | Dove | School workshops on body image for pupils aged 11 to 14 years old. |
Help, advice and resources for 11–18 year olds | Childnet | Guidance and tips to help young people navigate and enjoy the online world. |
Gambling advice for young people | BigDeal | BigDeal is a place for young people to find information and support related to gambling. |
Gambling advice for parents and teachers | BigDeal | Gambling advice for parents and those working with young people. |
A resource that offers children, young people and parents advice and strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents.
Oak National Academy
Lesson plans, resources and activities for teaching about online harms in key stage 3.
Oak National Academy
Lesson plans, resources and activities for teaching about online harms in key stage 4.
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
LGBT inclusive RSHE: a guide for schools | Mentally Healthy Schools | Guide to help primary and secondary schools deliver LGBT inclusive RSHE lessons. |
RSE and health education |
Draft statutory guidance for schools.
Statutory guidance: RSE |
Introduction to requirements of the statutory guidance.
LGBT teaching | The Classroom | Resources, lessons, toolkits and guidance. |
Toolkit of LGBT inclusive teaching resources for all key stages | Just Like Us | Latest news from the LGBT+ young people's charity. |
Sexuality and sexual orientation | NSPCC | Advice on supporting a young person if they've come out or are questioning their sexuality. |
LGBTQI+ mental health | Anna Freud | Resource to support the mental health of LGBTQI+ young people. |
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
LGBT+ starter toolkit for primary schools | Stonewall | Toolkit to support primary schools in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. Includes helping to track incidents, engage parents and carers. |
Creating an LGBT+ inclusive primary curriculum | Stonewall | How to create an LGBT+ inclusive primary curriculum. |
LGBT+ physical activity lesson packs | Stonewall | Lesson packs to ensure LGBT+ inclusion sport activities. |
Film and resource pack- what it means to be yourself | Stonewall | A film about what it means to be yourself, with a resource pack. |
Activity: different families, same love | Stonewall | Help your pupils create different families with a range of stickers and cards. |
Advice for disruption of LGBT+ activities within education | DfE | GOV.UK advice for disruption of LGBT+ activities within education. |
Resources for LGBT young people, their families and friends | The BeYou Project | Advice for young people, teachers and others. |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Toolkit to support primary schools in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.
Tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language | Stonewall | A 10 step guide to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language within your school. |
Poster packs for non-binary days of visibility | Stonewall | Poster pack for schools and college on non-binary days of visibility. |
Working with parents resources | Stonewall | Useful resources for schools working with parents regarding LGBT+. |
Student LGBT groups | Stonewall | Guide to setting up a student LGBT group in secondary schools and colleges. |
How to create an LGBT+ inclusive secondary curriculum.
Lessons for use during LGBT history month.
Secondary school resources for assemblies and lessons.
Crown Prosecution Service |
LGBT+ hate crime schools project pack, including classroom activities, and guidance for teachers.
Trans inclusion schools toolkit | Brighton and Hove City Council |
Useful guidance to support trans children and young people in their community.
Support with bullying | The Kite Trust | Resources to support with homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying. |
Respectful and intimate relationships | ClickView | Secondary school resource for teaching about respectful and intimate relationships. |
Road safety
Barnsley’s ambition is to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured (KSIs) by at least 50% by 2023. We know that every single death or serious injury is a tragedy and that one is too many. We want to improve our road networks and increase active travel across the borough.
Staying safe on the roads is incredibly important and it’s never too early to start to lay the foundations for road safety with key road safety messages.
Why teach road safety?
Here are some of the benefits to teaching road safety:
- Lays the foundations for life skills that can be used throughout our lives.
- Helps keep children safe around school, on trips and out and about in Barnsley and the surrounding area.
- It can contribute to many areas of the curriculum, including subject areas such as PSHE, maths, geography, English, history, drama, art or science.
- Contributes to the outcomes for Every Child Matters and the Children Act (2004) - that of:
- being healthy
- staying safe
- enjoying and achieving
- promoting knowledge and independence
- making a positive contribution to mental health and economic wellbeing
Resources for primary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Let's go back to school safely | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Assembly presentation to remind pupils how to be safe when travelling to and from school. |
Be Bright Be Seen presentation | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Video about road safety in winter. |
Be Bright Be Seen | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Be Bright Be Seen colouring sheet and maze. |
Summer road safety | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Presentation on road safety during the summer months. |
Jessie's journey presentation | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Recorded session for year 6 pupils to aid them in transitioning to secondary school and maintaining good road safety when getting to and from school. |
Jessie's journey booklet | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Accompanying booklet for the Jessie’s journey year 6 presentation. |
Junior road safety officer (JRSO) scheme | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Free scheme to all primary schools in South Yorkshire. The role of the JRSO is to encourage safety within their school community and for everyone to take responsibility for their own safety on the road. They can do this by addressing road safety issues on a regular basis throughout the school year. |
Think! teaching resources | Think! | Road safety teaching resources for children aged 3 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 16. Includes lesson plans, supporting documents, films and games. |
Brake teaching resources | Brake | Assemblies, lesson plans, parent letters and factsheets. |
RoSPA teaching resources | RoSPA | Free resources such as practical pedestrian training for children in year 3 and year 4. |
Parent's guide to teaching road safety | RoSPA |
Free resources for parents. |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Learner driver information | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Resources and information for young drivers and learner drivers, including practical guidance. |
Driving on high speed roads | Driving Hub | Resources for learner drivers and parents on speeding and driving safely. |
Drive Start | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Interactive session for novice and pre-drivers (KS5). It demonstrates that 'driving isn’t easy' and highlights the importance of extended learning and gaining greater experience. |
Motorcycles and scooters | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Resources and links relating to young motorcycle and moped riders. |
Ridefree | South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership | Free award-winning enhanced addition to compulsory basic training (CBT). Its main aim is to help prepare for CBT and riding on the road. Aims to increase knowledge of riding skills and behaviour. |
Resources for secondary
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Teach consent | Teach Consent | Video and discussion guide teaching the skills of consent to teenagers. |
Give 'n' Get project | London Metropolitan University | Information about the Give 'n' Get project. |
Give and get consent | Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre | Resource for teaching sexual consent to key stages 3 and 4. |
Women's rights | Amnesty International | Lesson pack about women's rights and gender equality. |
Online pornography | Childnet | Lesson and talking heads film about the topic of online pornography. |
Female genital mutilation | Amnesty International | Resources for teaching students about female genital mutilation (FGM). |
Radicalisation and extremism | educate. against. hate. | Resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values. |
Hate crime | Stop Hate UK | Resources to use to teach students about hate crime, including online hate. |
Contextual safeguarding | Youth and Policing Education Hub | Resources around contextual safeguarding issues. |
County lines | Youth and Policing Education Hub | Lesson pack for teaching about county lines child criminal exploitation. |
Smoking and vaping
Resources for all ages
Resource | Organisation | Description |
Actions to take when young people vape and smoke | Action for Smoking and Health | Briefing with messages for schools regarding youth vaping, smoking and the advised action to take. |
Youth vaping | LiveWell Barnsley | Information and resources to help carers and educators to have evidence based conversations about smoking and vaping. |
Making smoking invisible | Barnsley Council | We're working to reduce smoking in Barnsley with the aim to create a smoke free generation. This includes places in Barnsley such as schools, high streets, colleges and parks. |
Materials for schools to use to train staff to teach about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.