If you or your child has SEND, you're entitled to education support. The council will work with you, the NHS, and your school, college or early years provider to make sure you get the support you need. You can read more on the council website about education for children with SEND and getting help if your child has SEN.

The following sections include details such as how your education setting can support you, advice when applying for an EHCP or home to school transport, and how SENDIASS can help you. You might also find our guide to SEND support in schools useful.


Primary and secondary schools

How primary and secondary schools can support children and young people with SEND.

Education, health and care plans (EHCPs)

Advice about applying for an EHCP, reviews, if the plan isn't working, and how to appeal a decision.

School transport

Advice when applying for home to school transport for a child or young person with SEND.

Specialist schools

How to apply for a specialist school and what to do if your request is refused.

School refusal and attendance

Advice if your child refuses to attend school, how you can work with the school, and who to contact.

School exclusions

Advice if your child is receiving multiple sanctions or is excluded from school.

Local authority support

Support provided by the council, including early help assessments, short breaks and financial support.

NHS support

How the NHS can work with other services to support children and young people with SEND.

Further and higher education

SEND support available during sixth form, at college, and if you're starting university.

Early years

How nurseries and childminders should support children with SEND from 0 to 5 years of age.

Useful resources

Resources, website links and training to help children with SEND, their parents and carers.