Car parking strategy 2024-2029

Our new car parking strategy aims to develop and implement plans to help Car Parking Services deliver statutory duties.  It also supports our vision for providing essential parking services across the borough.

Following the opening of the Glassworks and the increase in town centre footfall, the new strategy sets out a new way to manage and regulate our car parks for the next five years.

Our car parking strategy has five priorities:

  • Provide sufficient parking capacity 
  • Improve accessibility and signage 
  • Rationalise car parking tariffs
  • Enforcement on car parks
  • Carbon reduction and air quality 

Provide sufficient parking capacity 

Provide sufficient parking capacity that will support the town centre activities

  • To make sure there is sufficient public and private car parking provision across the town centre in line with future development plans. Monitor capacity and make sure we meet future demand.
  • To make sure we've the infrastructure to provide EV charging.
  • Keep our car parks well maintained and make sure they continue to be a safe and secure environment for both drivers and pedestrians.

Improve accessibility and signage

Improve accessibility and signage to car parking within the town centre and from key routes to reduce the need for unnecessary traffic movements in the town centre

  • Implement strategic car parking signing on key routes into the town centre routing and access strategy.
  • Utilise electronic media to provide more information for visitors.
  • Ensure existing short stay and long stay spaces are situated in the most suitable locations for the user.
  • Ensure that access and exit from the car parks to the town centre is well signposted, maintained, and accessible for all.

Rationalise car parking tariffs

Rationalise car parking tariffs, whilst supporting the vitality and economic attractiveness of the town centre to residents, visitors, investors, and developers

A benchmarking exercise carried out in the parking review highlighted that parking charges in Barnsley are comparable with other districts. We want to make sure our charging structure remains reasonable and supports the continuing growth of the town centre.

We've recently introduced payment machines offering contactless debit or credit card payments whilst retaining some pay by cash options.

Long stay parking

  • We want to make sure our parking charges are affordable for anyone wanting to park for a long stay.
  • We've simplified the parking tariffs for long stay parking which will now be charged at £5 for 24 hours.
  • Ensure fees suitably reflect the experience and are appropriate with accessing the town centre and its services and facilities available. We'll review tariffs on an annual basis and amend if required.

Short stay parking

  • We've simplified our short stay parking prices in the town centre. Parking charges will change to £1 per hour from Monday 14 October.
  • All on street parking bays revert to a standard charging tariff of 50p for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Permits and season tickets

  • From Monday 14 October, the cost of an external annual permits and season ticket will increase from £978.00 to £1000.00. The new proposal allows permit and season ticket holders to park in all car parks which offers more choice and closer proximity to the town centre workplace.
  • NHS staff have the option to purchase a monthly parking permit at £40. Permit holders will benefit by being able to use these in all town centre car parks. With the recent introduction of NHS facilities in the town centre this will allow NHS to use more convenient parking close to their workplace.

Enforcement on car parks 

Provide sufficient enforcement to support the efficient operation and management of the car parks

We acknowledge that car parking enforcement is an important customer facing service and it's crucial to provide the best and most effective way of delivering the service. “Enforcement authorities should provide enough staff for the volume of work” (Road Traffic Act 1984: Statutory Guidance 2022).  To make sure this remains the case the following actions will be undertaken.

  • Ensure the number of Civil Enforcement Officers is appropriate to support the efficient operation and management of our car parks.  Making sure they're sufficient to enforce the hours confirmed in Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO)
  • Ensure all car parking payment equipment is regularly checked and maintained so it remains in good working order.
  • Ensure up to date driver, pedestrian and visitor advice and guidance is provided in our car parks.
  • Ensure the Traffic Regulation Orders are up to date.
  • Enhance traffic management and safety of pedestrians within the car parks.
  • Explore the use of appropriate software to provide system support and enhance the efficient operation of the payment systems.

Carbon reduction and air quality 

Supporting carbon reduction and air quality management goals by providing the infrastructure for additional electric vehicle charging

We'll work to deliver both operational and environmental efficiencies by:

  • Introduction of EV charging points in all council car parks when commercially viable.
  • Install LED lighting in all car parks.
  • Move towards phasing out coin payments and introducing cashless permits.
  • Reduce the need to print paper copies by introducing virtual permits.
  • Explore the promotion of educational/behaviour change campaigns.  Use this to raise awareness of the impact of idling vehicles on air quality, which is a direct contributor to respiratory diseases and to support motorists in making decisions to use other modes of transport.

Measuring the success of our strategy 

This strategy will be reviewed each year to ensure the continuous improvement of Car Parking Services. We'll ensure the car parks remain fit for purpose; and support the continuing growth and economy of the town centre.

All projects will be delivered in line with clear project plans and timeframes.  They'll be delivered in line with our policies and procedures.