
This project will improve the highways and enable two key areas of employment land along the M1 Junction 36/A6195 Dearne Valley Economic Growth Corridor to be created. 

Learn more about the project below.

Phase 1: Hoyland

Work package one: highway improvements

This road improvement scheme on the A61 Birdwell Roundabout at M1 Junction 36 was completed in summer 2017. The work was completed by Lumsden and Carroll Civil Engineering, part of Esh Construction, on behalf of us.

Birdwell junction

The project will open up and accelerate the development of:

  • 23.37 hectares of previously allocated employment land.
  • 110.6 hectares of recently allocated new employment land at Hoyland, through the adoption of the local plan in January 2019.
  • 72.9 hectares of new employment land at Goldthorpe, through the adoption of the local plan in January 2019.

Between them, these sites have the potential to generate up to 6500(net) new jobs in the area.

Legal agreements between Barnsley Council and landowners/commercial development partners are in place to enable commercial floorspace to be developed from 2018 onwards. This will bring in around £39 million of private sector investment.

Work package two and three: Harworth

A ground breaking ceremony on Friday 2 October marked the beginning of phases two and three of the development works at Gateway 36 on the Dearne Valley Parkway.  The area was classified as employment land as part of our Local Plan which was adopted in 2019.

Gateway 36 ground breaking ceremony

The works are being organised by the Harworth Group following the completion of their first phase of units which has occupiers including the Environment Agency and the Car Depot.

The site covers 28.6ha of land straddling both sides of the Dearne Valley Parkway, with permission granted for a development up to 102,193sqm of employment units for uses including light and general industrial use, as well as storage and distribution.

View a plan of the proposed development.

The development is partly funded through the Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund (SCRIF). More details on the development can be found on Planning Explorer.

Phase 2: Goldthorpe

New access/roundabout on the A635 Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe

Work to create a major new roundabout/access at the junction on the A635 Barnsley Road to the west of Goldthorpe has been completed.

It provides major ready-made access into the ES10 employment site, which will support the additional unlocking of new employment opportunities within the existing Dearne Valley economic growth corridor enabling the creation of new and additional jobs.

This scheme will support the work of the Goldthorpe Town Deal, a £23.1 million investment in Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe and Bolton upon Dearne from the UK Government’s Towns Fund.  It was part funded by the Goldthorpe Towns Fund Deal, via UK Government and ourselves.

Details and objectives of the Towns Fund scheme were outlined in the masterplan framework for Goldthorpe, which was adopted by our Full Council in September 2021 and will support the work of the Towns Fund projects.

See the map of the area covered by the Towns Fund.

Planning and construction

Planning approval for the roundabout was granted in February 2022.

Initial pre-construction works were completed March 2022.

The main construction work has been out by our Highways and Engineering services supported by specialist contractors. It began in January 2023 and was completed by March 2024.

Goldthorpe roundabout ariel view

Major new access roundabout to the ES10 Employment site during construction works

Goldthorpe Roundabout Low Level view

Major works to the new access roundabout to the ES10 Employment site completed.  Street lighting, planting and artwork to centre circle ongoing.

Benefits of the major new access roundabout to the ES10 Employment Site

The major new access/roundabout to the ES10 employment site is located on the A635 Barnsley Road to the west of Goldthorpe.

Benefits include:

  • Ensuring the road network has the capacity to accommodate any future traffic growth arising from the development of the employment site ES10, located off the A635 at Goldthorpe
  • Providing the major new access into the ES10 employment site
  • Facilitating the creation of more and better jobs, improved earnings through increased income levels, and more opportunities for residents, which will have a positive effect on the economic toughness and wellbeing of the local area
  • Strengthening our economic growth and attracting more businesses to the area
  • Helping to grow opportunities for current Barnsley businesses

Find out more about the Goldthorpe Towns Fund, the Goldthorpe masterplan, and more information about the local plan.

Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of the new access/roundabout to be located off the A635 Barnsley Road, South of the Dearne Valley Parkway?

The construction of the new access/roundabout to be located off the A635 Barnsley Road, will facilitate access into the 2019 adopted Local Plan allocated employment site reference ES10 which was outlined in the masterplan framework for Goldthorpe (ES10), and adopted by the council on 30 September 2021.  

The scheme is much more than a highways scheme; it will play a major part in Barnsley’s wider economic regeneration and growth, helping to contribute to the delivery of the borough’s Local Plan. The local plan supports the aim to:

  • create more and better jobs, providing better and more employment opportunities
  • create new housing
  • improve earnings
  • increase opportunities for residents while protecting what is special about the borough

The council will work with developers and land owners to deliver the Masterplan Framework, to establish  the infrastructure requirements and deliver sustainable and inclusive growth.

Why is the scheme necessary?

The construction of the new access/roundabout will support/facilitate the delivery of  the ES10 employment site, which will deliver around 73 hectares of employment land, positively impacting on the economic wellbeing of residents by providing new and additional jobs. There will also be temporary new construction jobs created as part of delivering the new access/roundabout. 

How does the project link to the recently completed improvements at Cathill, Broomhill and Wath Road roundabout?

The completion of the highway infrastructure improvements to the three existing roundabouts will provide support to the delivery of the ES10 employment site, by ensuring any additional traffic generated will be kept to a minimum and reduce traffic congestion.

Have any wildlife/nature/environmental surveys been carried out?

Wildlife and natural environment surveys have been completed by specialists on behalf of the council. 

These results were used during the design of the scheme to ensure the wildlife/nature/environment requirements in the local area are safeguarded during design and during delivery. 

View these surveys on the 2021/1511 planning application available through Planning Explorer.

Are any trees being removed and will they be replaced?

The removal of some trees has been necessary as part of the scheme, however, we have worked closely with an arboriculturist to keep tree removal to a minimum.

The arboricultural impact assessment can be viewed on the 2021/1511 planning application available through Planning Explorer. 

The impact of the removal of trees will be reduced through a landscape scheme which will lessen the proposed losses without causing harm to the local landscape. An arboricultural method statement report has been completed for the scheme to assist with tree protection throughout the works.

The planning application Ref: 2021/1511, was approved on 15 February 2022, by the planning regulatory board. When did the project receive planning permission approval?

Full details of the application can be found on the 2021/1511 planning application available through Planning Explorer. 

The project received cabinet approval in March 2019 as per the approved Strategic Growth Clusters update Cabinet report (Cab.20.3.2019/17)

What were the timescales for the project?

The main construction works were completed by the councils Highways and Engineering services supported by specialist contractors. 

Works began in January 2023 and completed in March 2024. Minor works will be completed over the coming months.

How was the scheme funded?

The scheme will be part funded by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council and part funded from the Goldthorpe Towns Fund Deal, provided by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

How will the scheme benefit Barnsley residents?

We’re committed to making Barnsley a better place to live, work, invest and visit; meeting our residents’ needs alongside growing Barnsley’s economy.

The scheme will contribute to the priorities of the recently completed Council Plan 2021 to 2024, which has been underpinned by the work of the Barnsley 2030 project:


The project will facilitate new employment opportunities and improve active travel and connectivity linking to the ES10 masterplan framework as a primary focus.


The project will attract new employment opportunities to the ES10 site and provide a strong foundation to bring additional opportunities to the wider towns fund employment sites. This investment will help to deliver the Council vision of "Barnsley is a place of possibilities."  

Enterprising Barnsley will also work with the council's Education and Skills department, Barnsley College and the end commercial occupier(s) to develop apprenticeship and training opportunities.


The project will help the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) to achieve new and additional jobs because it is providing a new access to the ES10 employment site.


The new access/roundabout is being delivered to provide access to the ES10 employment site and will encourage developers/contractors and end commercial users to develop and invest in the site. This in turn will provide opportunities for the council to meet their objective to achieve zero carbon by 2045.

Enabling Barnsley

This is the underlying priority to ensure that our council is modern, inclusive, efficient, productive and high performing.

The delivery of the project will enable and support the site to be de-risked, making it an extremely attractive commercial development opportunity.

Read the Council Plan 2021 to 2024

What organisations have been involved in the scheme?

  • South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA)
  • Department for Levelling Up Homes and Communities (DLUHC)
  • Ecological professional practices
  • RSPB
  • Traffic modelling specialists
  • Air and noise specialists
  • Drainage specialists
  • Geotechnical specialist
  • Flood risk specialists

What measures were put in place to ensure the completion of works in the safest way?

Temporary traffic management (such as temporary traffic lights, lane closures and road closures) were used to minimise risk to the workforce and general public. 

Two-way traffic lights were also used on the A635 Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe. This allowed for the safe installation of new road surfacing as part of the construction works to deliver the new roundabout.

To ensure that these works could be delivered safely, some evening and early morning work was required and because of the nature of the works, there was a requirement for temporary road closures. This was always kept to an absolute minimum. Advance notification of any further closures will be provided, by provision of on-site signage.

Notifications of road closures were provided and the information provided on the council’s website and through the council’s social media channels.

Where possible every effort was made to minimise any disruption. We would like to take this opportunity to thank residents and road users for their patience during the delivery of this major project.

Goldthorpe Roundabout Side View

Who can be contacted at the Council regarding any queries about the scheme?

Ms Suzanne Brough,
Senior Major Projects Officer
Telephone: 01226 773290

E mails can also be sent to:

Plan of the site and letter to residents

Site plan

Goldthorpe Roundabout ES10 plan

Letter to residents

A letter outlining the plans including the above diagram has been sent to residents. You can view a copy of the letter to residents here.

Improvements to Cathill, Broomhill and Wath Road roundabouts

Barnsley Council carried out major improvement works to the Cathill, Broomhill and Wath Road roundabouts along the M1 Junction 36: A6195/A635 Dearne Valley, Economic Growth Corridor scheme.

The works increased the sizes of the three existing roundabouts and widened the lane approaches and exits to reduce existing traffic congestion at peak times. A grant of £7.32million was confirmed in early 2019 by Sheffield City Region from the Local Growth Fund (LGF) to help carry out the works.

The scheme was required in order to:

  • Make sure the road network has the capacity to accommodate any future traffic growth from the development of the local plan allocated employment site ES10, located off the A635 at Goldthorpe.
  • Reduce the amount of standing traffic.
  • Improve pedestrian and cycling safety through new shared-use routes, and providing designated crossing facilities.
  • Help improve the environment and quality of our residents' lives by improving traffic flow and reducing existing traffic congestion in the A6195 and A635 areas. This was achieved by improving the three existing roundabouts: Cathill, Broomhill and Wath Road.
  • Assist in supporting the development of 72.9ha of employment land identified as site reference ES10 in Barnsley’s Local Plan, helping to bring new jobs to the area. This follows on from Full Council adoption of the Local Plan on Thursday 3 January 2019.

Improvement work has now been carried out on all three roundabouts.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Funding

The Goldthorpe access roundabout scheme is being delivered by Barnsley Council and the land assembly and preparation works are being part funded by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.

The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) is led by Mayor of South Yorkshire Dan Jarvis, and brings together the local authorities of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield and the private sector through its Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). SYMCA has powers and resources, devolved from Westminster to South Yorkshire, to take decisions locally about the region’s economy, transport, skills, housing, and infrastructure.

SYMCA’s vision is to grow an economy that works for everyone. To unlock the potential of South Yorkshire people, businesses and places and ensure they prosper. To develop inclusive and sustainable approaches that build on South Yorkshire’s strengths in innovation and embrace the UK’s 4th Industrial Revolution. To contribute more to the country’s prosperity and enhance quality of life for all.

SYMCA’s Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) provides the blueprint for how to transform the region. To keep people and businesses moving and to help them grow, delivering a public transport network and attracting investment to create a stronger, greener, fairer South Yorkshire by 2040.

For more information visit South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.  You can also contact them by email or on (0114) 220 3400.


You can provide feedback about the scheme by visiting our complaints and compliments page.

All feedback received is fully appreciated and will contribute to shaping any similar schemes that may be delivered in the future.

Goldthorpe Towns Commercial Investment Fund

This new investment fund, offered as a grant, was conceived to help overcome viability constraints  which were a barrier to businesses and or developers in being able to deliver new projects. 

The objective of the fund was to facilitate new job opportunities by creating new commercial floor space and added social value for local residents. 

The fund was eligible for applications from businesses and or developers, who intended to deliver projects in Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe or Bolton upon Dearne..

Both the new roundabout to the ES10 employment site and the Goldthorpe Towns Commercial Investment Fund projects will be major catalysts for accelerating future economic growth.

Mallinson Properties secures expansion grant 

A Barnsley haulage and logistics company was supported to move ahead with ambitious expansion plans thanks to a grant from the Goldthorpe Town Deal.

Mallinson Properties for KMS Transport secured the £1.2 million investment from the Goldthorpe Towns Commercial Investment Fund (GTCIF).

Mallinson Properties' grant has helped to fund two extensions to its existing premises in Goldthorpe.

The company said the project would increase the company's pallet storage capacity and create new job opportunities. It will also create social value by supporting local supply chains and environmental sustainability.