If insects from a nearby business are affecting your home or garden, you can report the problem to us on our online form.
The most likely sources of insects include:
- farms
- sewage treatment works
- manure or silage storage areas
- animal or poultry houses
- landfill sites, tips and waste transfer stations
If you want help to deal with insects that aren't coming from a business, such as ants or wasps, you should contact our pest control service.
We don't accept anonymous reports. You'll need to tell us your name, address and an email address in case we want to contact you.
You should also read the information below, before you fill the form in.
What you'll need to tell us
We can't accept anonymous reports, but we won't share your details with the person or business you're complaining about.
We'll also need to know:
- the address, site or area where the problem is
- when you noticed it and how long it's been happening
- how the problem affects you or your home
- any action you've taken to resolve it yourself
What happens next
By law, we can only investigate reports of insects if they are causing a 'statutory nuisance' as set out in the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
When we receive your form we'll arrange to visit the location of the problem and advise the owner about reducing the number of insects. We can issue a notice and take legal action if the problem continues.