Masterplan frameworks

Barnsley’s Local Plan includes some site allocations which need a masterplan framework. The individual site policies explain why a masterplan framework is needed.

What is a masterplan framework?

A masterplan framework is a strategic document that sits under the Local Plan and provides the key principles that future planning applications must align to. The masterplan framework should be read together with with the adopted Local Plan and the supplementary planning documents.

A masterplan framework isn’t a planning application. Each masterplan framework is subject to public consultation and approval by Full Council before any planning applications are approved on the affected sites. Planning applications will also be prepared and consulted on before any further development comes forward on the site/s subject to a masterplan framework.

What are the objectives of the masterplan frameworks?

The objectives of the masterplan frameworks are to:

  • understand the site constraints and opportunities
  • set out a clear vision and development objectives for each masterplan framework
  • encourage the creation of high-quality spaces and buildings in a way that prioritise the people’s experience of the development
  • improve the quality of the public areas with a focus on the interface between new routes and open spaces
  • make sure there’s suitable access to the development.
  • set out a clear delivery plan of each projects phasing, timescales, delivery approach, funding and key parties to be involved.
  • provide a design code to guide future development and make sure integrated places and communities are created.

What does a masterplan framework include?

Masterplan frameworks include the following:

  • planning policy summary
  • site location and description
  • land ownership
  • a summary of the existing evidence
  • site evaluation (opportunities and constraints)
  • land use framework
  • sustainable movement framework
  • protection of existing public rights of way routes and their incorporation within new development layouts
  • vehicular movement framework
  • green and blue infrastructure framework
  • placemaking framework (including design guides for character and neighbourhood areas where applicable)
  • sustainability and energy use
  • health and well-being
  • design evolution
  • conceptual masterplan
  • infrastructure and delivery phasing

Each masterplan framework is bespoke and has been considered on a case-by-case basis.


Masterplan framework sites map

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The masterplan frameworks

Barnsley West

The Barnsley West area covers the Local Plan mixed use site MU1 and has the capacity to deliver around 1700 housing units and 43 hectares of employment land.

The site lies two kilometres to the west of Barnsley town centre on land between the communities of Gawber, Higham, Pogmoor and Barugh Green, next to the M1. A lot of the site was previously an open-cast mine and was later refilled.

Along with housing units and employment land, the development can also include a new primary school, small shops and community facilities as well as an access link road among other brand-new infrastructure.

The Barnsley West masterplan framework was adopted by Full Council on Thursday 19 December 2019.

Read the Barnsley West masterplan framework.


The Local Plan allocated land for the development of two mixed-use sites and required the creation of a Masterplan Framework for them:

  • MU2 - land between Fish Dam Lane and Carlton Road
  • MU3 - land off Shaw Lane, Carlton

The masterplan will provide high-quality housing within a pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environment linking to the surrounding outdoor spaces such as Carlton Marsh Nature Reserve, the Trans Pennine Trail and the National Cycle Network.

The masterplan includes the following: 

  • 1500 new homes, a small local shop, and a community garden.
  • Proposals for a 210-pupil expansion to Carlton Primary Academy.
  • Wharncliffe Woodmoor being a key community green space central to the masterplan, with green corridors through the site connecting to Carlton Marsh. 
  • Work between the design team and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to identify opportunities to further enhance the biodiversity value of Wharncliffe Woodmoor.
  • 10% net gain to biodiversity.
  • Renewable energy opportunities.

The Carlton masterplan framework was adopted by Full Council on 25 November 2021.


The site has been allocated for development within the Local Plan (ES10) and can accommodate 72.9 hectares of employment land and supporting infrastructure.

The masterplan framework seeks to create a sustainable, high-quality employment site which will provide for the town and the wider Dearne Valley.

The Goldthorpe Masterplan was adopted by Full Council on Thursday 30 September 2021.

Hoyland North

Hoyland North masterplan framework comprises employment and residential allocations including:

  • approximately 765 homes including a range of sizes, types and tenures
  • employment sites within Use Classes B1(c), B2 and B8 – light industrial, general industry, storage and distribution
  • delivery of cricket facilities
  • strategic multi-functional green infrastructure
  • strategic sustainable urban drainage

The Hoyland North masterplan framework was adopted in December 2019.

Read the Hoyland North masterplan framework.

Hoyland South

The Hoyland South masterplan framework will support the development of a diverse new neighbourhood with a mix of housing types and tenures, creating high-quality homes.

The masterplan framework is a 42.6-hectare site on the southern edge of Hoyland and Hoyland Common which incorporates Local Plan housing allocations HS58, HS61, HS62, HS65 and HS68. It also includes a proposed new local hub and primary school.

The Hoyland South masterplan framework was adopted by Full Council on 26 November 2020.

Hoyland West

The proposed development consists of two allocated sites: ES13 which will deliver employment land and the HS57 site which will deliver around 101 dwellings.

Future development within the Hoyland West masterplan framework is set to:

  • comprise of 49.3ha of Employment Land (B1, B2 and B8) and 2.53ha of residential
  • provide a link road between the new Birdwell roundabout linking to Tankersley Lane and from there to Sheffield Road
  • relocate the area of Rockingham Sports Ground
  • retain the mature trees and hedgerows
  • provide a buffer strip at least 10 metres wide along the common boundary with the M1
  • make sure the development respects the landscape and wider countryside, and incorporates appropriate mitigation measures to address impacts on the adjacent Green Belt and countryside
  • provide a landscape buffer between the future housing and the employment site ES13

The Royston masterplan framework was adopted by Full Council on 15 September 2020.

Read the Hoyland West masterplan framework.


The Royston masterplan framework will support the development of a diverse new neighbourhood with a mix of housing types and tenures, creating high-quality homes.

The framework covers land at the MU5 site and land at Lee Lane, Royston. The site has been allocated for development within the Local Plan and can accommodate around 994 new homes, a primary school and supporting infrastructure with facilities and small-scale retail.

The Royston masterplan framework was adopted by Full Council on 29 July 2021.