Research and evidence is a vital part of local planning.
Authority monitoring report
Barnsley's Local Plan monitoring report looks at how much development is taking place in Barnsley and the impact of it. It also sets out how we're performing against targets, some of which are set by government.
- Barnsley Local Plan monitoring report 2022/23
- Barnsley Local Plan monitoring report 2021/22
- Barnsley Local Plan monitoring report 2020/21
- Barnsley Local Plan monitoring report 2019/20
- Annual monitoring report 2016
Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement
The Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement sets out Section 106 activity in the monitoring period, including Section 106 contributions paid to the Council, projects delivered in the Borough and Section 106 contributions secured for future years.
- Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023-24
- Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23
- Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22
- Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-21
- Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019-20
Council strategies and best practice documents
- Barnsley's Green Space Strategy
This was updated in 2016 and sets out our overall strategy for green space and the standards we want to achieve. - Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan
Our first Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for the borough in 2002. This was in partnership with Barnsley Biodiversity Trust. The BAP was reviewed and reissued by the Barnsley Biodiversity Trust (2009). - South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide
This has been adopted as a best practice guide for South Yorkshire councils on well designed and sustainable housing developments of more than 10 units. We use it to help appraise the quality of new housing proposals. It provides both urban and highway design guidance (including technical standards) for applicants, agents, developers and designers.
Employment report
Housing reports
- Strategic housing market assessment 2021
- Housing five year supply note 2017/2022
- Housing five year supply note 2020/2025
- Gypsy and traveller five year supply note 2024
- Gypsy and traveller five year supply note 2023
- Gypsy and traveller five year supply note 2022
- Gypsy and traveller five year supply note 2020
- Strategic housing and employment land availability assessment 2016 update:
Flood risk
Landscape character assessment
Town centre and retail
These reports provide an analysis of capacity in the town centre, the shopping areas, the boundaries of the town centre and the catchment area.
District and local centres
- Smaller centres study addendum report (May 2011)
- Smaller centres study volume 1: main report (November 2010)
South Yorkshire waste needs assessment
The South Yorkshire waste planning authorities of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, and Sheffield City Council have produced a joint waste needs assessment that covers the whole of South Yorkshire. The waste needs assessment contains updated information to be considered alongside the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham (BDR) waste plan.
It identifies current waste management facilities, waste arising estimates and forecasts future need for various waste types up to 2041. It should be read alongside the BDR waste plan when considering a waste planning application.
Read the South Yorkshire waste needs assessment.
Other documents
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