Following public consultation and examination by an Independent Planning Inspector, Barnsley's Local Plan was adopted by Full Council on 3 January 2019.
Consultation summary
The key stages of consultation that were carried out before the plan was adopted are set out below. All of these consultations are now closed.
Development Sites and Places Consultation (2012)
This considered the future use of all land within Barnsley. We also consulted on a Town Centre Area Action Plan. These comments were used to help prepare the 2014 Draft Local Plan documents.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Consultation (2014)
As part of the preparation of the first draft of the Local Plan we reviewed the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. This document set out the scope and level of detail of the information to be included in the Sustainability Appraisal which must be carried out during the preparation of a Local Plan. The report is about sustainable development and the extent to which the emerging Local Plan helps to achieve relevant environmental, economic and social objectives, as well as how we will deal with any issues that may arise from development. It was available for comment between 14 April and 19 May 2014.
First Draft Local Plan Consultation (November 2014 to January 2015)
This included consultation documents, background papers and an online policies map with the allocations shown.
Local Plan Additional Consultation (October to December 2015)
Following the first consultation we wanted to get your views on some proposed new sites and new policies and issues that we put forward.
Local Plan Publication Consultation (June to August 2016)
In summer 2016 we consulted with residents and others on the full Local Plan that we proposed to submit to the government. The consultation included the proposed submission documents and the evidence base.
Local Plan Examination Consultation (January to March 2018)
Comments were invited on the inspector’s matters, issues and questions. These related to further work done by the council to address the issues in the inspector’s interim findings letter dated 15 August 2017.
Local Plan Proposed Modifications Consultation (July to August 2018)
Comments were invited on the proposed modifications to the Local Plan. These modifications were changes recommended by the inspector to address issues of soundness identified during the examination of the Local Plan. The consultation also sought views on the omission sites identified for housing and safeguarded land during the examination.
Planning policy enquiry
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