We offer a pre-application enquiry service, which we strongly recommend you use before submitting your planning application.
We'll give you advice and decide whether the work you're proposing would be permitted development. If not, it would need planning permission. Our Building Control officer will also give you advice about their requirements.
We'll send you confirmation of the advice we give, which will be very useful if you ever sell your property. Confirmation that you've had the necessary approval for any changes is often requested as part of the sale.
You can apply for the service using our online form below.
Do you want to run a business from home? If so, please see our pre-application advice for running a business from home instead.
Before you apply
There's a charge for the service; see the 'how to pay' tab for details. If you're applying for more than one development, we'll only charge you once.
To apply for this service you need to agree with the following statements:
- you're enquiring about a property or site in the Barnsley borough.
- you're requesting this service for yourself, or on behalf of someone who has given you their permission.
If the property is, or was once, owned by Berneslai Homes, you'll need to ask their permission. Write to: Berneslai Homes, PO Box 627, Barnsley S70 9FZ.
You must upload the documents listed in the 'what you need' tab along with your application.
Please also note:
- the advice we give doesn't count as a formal response and doesn't affect any future decisions on planning permission
- our response will be based on the information you submit. We can't be held responsible for any problems resulting from inaccurate information
- if we advise you that planning permission isn't required, you might still need to get Building Control approval
We'll only use personal information for the services we provide to you. You can find more in our privacy policy.
Terms and conditions
Pre-application advice given by us should not be classed as a formal decision about future planning applications. Views or opinions expressed are given in good faith. They're based on the policies and site characteristics at that time and to the best of our ability. They're given without prejudice to the formal consideration of the planning application.
Little or no weight will be given to our pre-application advice when it's over three years old.
The application needs to undergo consultation with the public and interested parties. This will also be taken into account when the application is determined by us. We cannot give guarantees about the final decision that will be made on your planning or related applications. We will consider the advice note when making a decision on future planning related applications.
What you need
You need to upload measurements and a sketch plan of your proposed works. You should use our customer guidance and example sketch plans. These will help you gather the information you need to use this service.
Each document can't be bigger than 15MB and your combined documents must not exceed 75MB in total. You can upload several documents at the same time. If any of your documents are bigger than 15MB or you need to send more than 75MB in total you can either:
- Email them to developmentmanagement@barnsley.gov.uk. You should clearly mark the site address in each email title. You can't email documents that are larger than 100MB file size. If your documents are bigger than this then split them over multiple emails.
- Save them to a CD or submit paper copies at one of our offices. You can also send them to Barnsley Council, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG. Clearly mark the CD or plans with the site address and the name of our service - Planning and Building Control. We can't accept .exe or zip files on CD's.
When you fill in the online form you should tell us if your documents have been submitted separately.
How to pay
We charge £70 (including VAT) for this service.
You need to pay for this via our online application form. We can then set up a meeting to provide advice.
If you can prove the application is for the sole use of a disabled person we'll refund the cost.
If you need a VAT receipt please provide your email address in your application.
What happens next
When we receive your online application, payment and supporting documents we'll aim to contact you within 28 days.
If we don't have enough details we may ask you to send through more before we can process your request.