Building Control
As part of the Building Control process we'll inspect the project at key stages in the build. Making sure that it complies with buildings regulations.
It's your duty to inform us at the relevant stages during the works. We've produced a schedule of inspection stages that sets out what we'll need to inspect and when. The number and type of inspections will vary depending on the complexity of the build.
If you don't keep us informed about the building progress and book inspections at the right stages. Then you may need to open up the works for us to check them. Causing you extra expense and delay.
How to book an inspection
To arrange an inspection please provide your application number, name, contact number, site address, plot number(s) (if necessary). Also the type of inspection you're arranging and the date you need it.
You can do this by either:
• using the free LABC Site Inspection App
• contacting us on 01226 772678 or 772679.
You can download a full list of our fees and charges for our services including inspections. Fees will be agreed at the time of submission to cover all the inspections you'll need.
Completion certificates
We'll only issue a completion certificate if the agreed inspection stages have been carried out to our satisfaction. It's likely you'll need it if you're selling or remortgaging in the future. Estate agents and solicitors can ask for a copy of this. It's evidence that there are no outstanding requirements under building regulations.
If you've lost your certificate and it's dated after 6 June 1992 you can contact us for a copy. We charge £12.50 for this service.
For copies of documents before 6 June 1992 we can provide you with a letter confirming the details of your approval. We charge £35 for this.
Certificate for older completed building work
Homeowners who undertake building work sometimes fail to have them formally approved by us. If you're selling a property that's relatively new, or has been altered or extended. Then you may be required to provide evidence to a purchaser that the work has been inspected. Also approved under the building regulations. This is normally in the form of a building regulation approval notice and completion certificate.
We respond to belated requests for formal completion of works and charge £75. This is for the inspection and certificate of completed building works. This provides the new homeowner assurance of compliance with the building regulations.
For more information
Contact us online or call us on 01226 772678 or 01226 772679