Our council
The improvements we've identified in the SEND Strategy are underpinned by the wider SEND Improvement Programme.
Implementation of the programme will be governed by the system-wide SEND Oversight Board.
Delivery of the plan
Progress on the SEND Improvement Programme will be monitored and reported to the council’s Cabinet, Barnsley Council’s senior management team, Integrated Care System governing body and Barnsley Schools Alliance Board on a quarterly basis as part of the ongoing cycle of reporting.
Work is done through the priority workstreams and subgroups, all of which include representation from education, health and care, 0-25, and are responsible for parts of the overall SEND Improvement Programme. Priority workstreams and subgroups meet every half term and report up to the SEND Oversight Board. There is regular reporting at the trust level and quarterly reports to cabinet have been in place for some years and continue into the period of this strategy. These include narrative about progress, performance data and financial information related to SEND.
We recognise it's important to be clear about who has responsibility and accountability for delivery of the SEND Strategy at the strategic organisation level. Roles of key accountable officers and partners are included in our SEND Improvement Programme so that it's plain which individuals are accountable for ensuring the delivery of aspects of the strategy.
Where appropriate, we've shown that there is a shared responsibility and accountability. For example, having education, health and care roles against actions in the SEND Improvement Programme, shows how education, health and social care colleagues share equal responsibility for improvements and play an active part in delivering those.
The benefit of all our work will be felt in the way our children and young people have their needs identified and met across education, health and care, covering the 0-25 age range and in how they are enabled to achieve the best outcomes possible.
Governance groups
All our governance groups work in partnership across education, health and social care as part of Barnsley local area. Groups meet at least on a half termly basis.

Group | Details |
Cabinet | Barnsley Council leadership for the borough. |
Trust Executive Group | Local authority and Barnsley Integrated Care System executive partners with decision making responsibilities. |
SEND Oversight Board | Strategic accountability for SEND and vulnerable learners. |
Barnsley Schools Alliance Board | Strategic oversight of school’s partnership in collaboration with the local authority and the Barnsley Integrated Care System. |
Leadership Group | Subgroup of Barnsley Schools Alliance focusing on leadership across the system. |
SEND Sufficiency Group | Development, implementation and oversight of place planning and specialist provision. |
Barnsley Integrated Care System Governing Body | Strategic oversight of health provision in the local area. |
Executive Commissioning Group | Local authority and Barnsley Integrated Care System joint commissioning and high-level monitoring. |
SEND Improvement Group | Check and challenge for delivery of the SEND Improvement Programme. |
Barnsley Schools Alliance | Schools partnership for the local area. |
Quality of Education | Subgroup of Barnsley Schools Alliance focusing on improving education across the system. |
SEND Youth Forum | Children and young people’s voice, to influence decision making in the local area. |
Local Area SEND Impact Group | Partnership working to identify gaps, initiate project and monitor performance and impact. |
Autism Partnership Board | Partnership working to develop, deliver and oversee all age autism strategy. |
Parents/carer voice | All parent/carer groups and individual voices are able to influence decision making in the local area. |
Preparation for Adulthood Steering Group | Development and implementation of improvements for key transitions and long-term outcomes. |
Local Offer Steering Group | Partnership working across education, health and care to oversee and improve the local offer. |